Friday: Reset.
I wrote a long whiny bit to fit this day and after letting it sit for 36 hours, I have erased it all and we shall begin again.
I was sick. Nothing earth shattering there and nothing remarkable. When I sort of 'came to' so to speak the state of my kitchen distressed me horribly. I whined and wept a little and pushed through and got it cleaned up but my gosh...
Reminder to the future me: ASK for help! John will do anything he can for me...IF I ASK. If I don't ask, then he assumes it doesn't bother me and therefore it doesn't bother him so it can wait.
We opened the windows of the house and filled it with sunshine and fresh (pollen-filled) air. It was a case of which is worse, staying indoors with all the sickie germs or sneezing and snuffling just as much with a fresher home. Option two won.
Getting the house aired and the kitchen cleaned were major things for the day.
Saturday: The price I pay for spending three days in more or less a sleep state is that my body is now fighting me all the way.
Early morning emergency necessitated keeping the kiddos. They were apparently still asleep when I arrived, but they soon drifted out of their rooms. Josh made himself and Millie breakfast and told me when Isaac got ready to eat, he'd make him something too. Isaac decided he wanted eggs and ham. Millie and Josh ate cereal.
Well Josh was good as his word and did a most excellent job of making scrambled eggs. Isaac found the ham his dad had just bought which I reluctantly opened. I showed Josh how to heat the two slices through. Isaac was very happy over his breakfast. And Josh didn't need a single bit of help from me. Not at all. I was very proud of him and his skills.
John called to say he was on his way home. Sam had texted Bess asking her to pick him up and take him home. John asked if he should bring lunch. I suggested hamburgers. He was reluctant to pick up take out. I gently suggested he go into the grocery store and pick up burgers and buns. Reminder to self, be more specific...
He stopped locally at the hometown grocer. He has a great love of frozen burgers, i.e. Bubba Burgers. No such thing in the store that he could find but he came in with a box of frozen burgers, the sorts that are such a low-end product that you can smell the grain fillers before they've thawed and what wasn't grain becoming something like 2 inches of grease in the pan as they cooked.
I bit my tongue. I was determined to make the best of what had been a very trying morning for all of us, and most especially for my husband who had not yet had a single cup of coffee and it nearly 2pm. Those burgers were surprisingly good. Not sure if not having had breakfast made them good or if they weren't as bad as I feared they would be. They tasted well enough and were tender.
We came home once Sam had returned and that was pretty much all of our Saturday.
Sunday: Nothing much to report. A much cooler day today. I puttered about the house and made it almost tidy. The biggest thing today was stripping the bedding. This is where I discovered that because I had been washing and immediately putting the same sheets back on the bed, I was unaware that I didn't have another fitted sheet. I had an extra flat sheet. I had a full set of sheets and cases, but no single fitted sheets that I could find.
I opened the new package of sheets. I did a quick inventory of the dishtowels I'd stockpiled. I'm down to one set of dishcloths and two packages of towels. I realized that I've focused hard on food inventory, but I've completely ignored the rest of my supplies, those things that are also meant for the long term.
So that job will go on my list of things to do this month.
I worked steadily today. I rested a lot in between tasks, sometimes several times during each task. The house is decent. Not yet clean. But the messes are controlled. Good enough.
Talked briefly with Sam and he was hanging in there and feeling a good bit better than yesterday when he returned from the hospital. Monday: Stupid cold. I can do this, or I can do that, but I cannot do all the things. Today I chose to shower, something you might think would be easy enough and generally is, but I was so drained afterwards that I got nothing else done all morning. It made me feel very peevish. I am at the stage where I have ambitions. I have ongoing lists in my head of things to tackle this month. I do not have the energy to even get out of the starter box.
I got the checkbook totted up for the first time in a few weeks' time. I hadn't meant to let it go but thankfully I had only one small item I'd failed to write down.
I don't know how your balancing goes with your checkbook, but I was trained in bookkeeping in both high school and business courses later. I worked for years in bookkeeping. I know how to balance a checkbook, and I'm very familiar with our system of setting amounts aside and keeping track of them, etc. Yet I seem to run into this cycle where whatever I find my balance to be one month, I will be down by a decent sum from what I think I ought to have. Then next month, I'll be over my idea of what we have by about the same amount...HOW?! I balance the account the same month after month. How does this happen? And yet, it has been so for YEARS now. I don't get it.
I am at a loss where meal plans are concerned. I couldn't think of a single thing I even thought I might like to make this week. I cleared the fridge and wrote down everything in there that we need to use. Then I went to the freezer and took out one item from the basket of chicken, one from the basket of pork and one from the beef basket. I am hopeful as the week goes on, I get an idea of what to make. We'll see.
Not a bit of that meat will thaw in time for tonight's meal and since I'll be up at Sam's until he gets back from the doctor, I won't have time nor energy to prep foods anyway. I think tonight we'll have soup and grilled cheese for supper. Easy.
Sam had made split pea soup this morning and set aside a container for us. I made a grilled cheese and hot dog sandwich to go with the soup. I have only ever had split pea soup from a can and I don't particularly like it. Sam's soup was absolutely delicious, but I still find the texture (the hard bits of split peas) a little unpleasant. I think I'd prefer the whole pan to be blended smooth.
Tomorrow, I am going to try to get out of the house and go to Kroger. Officially I have no grocery money. Also officially, it's the last day of a sale on butter and I really want to stock up now while it's at this price. I am also out of eggs. And asparagus is on special, the first of the season and I very much want some. While it's in season we will eat asparagus upwards of twice a week and I'll toss a few stalks into roasted vegetables and such as well. It is my plan to keep expenses to about $30 overall, buying the maximum allowed on butter and at least two pounds of asparagus, plus eggs.
Tuesday: I slept hard last night. I was convinced all that good sleep was going to set me on the road to feeling more energetic today. It did not. I showered and was as weak as I was yesterday. All my plans went out the window. Instead, I realized this morning that I was done. I am not going to get out of the house today and go buy butter. I don't have that sort of energy. I'm not going to tackle big house projects. I'm not going to work in the yard. I am going to do all I can to have enough energy to get to the doctor visit tomorrow that is a follow-up from our visit in early February.
John and I keep having minor run-ins and this morning I ended up crying. It's not him. I'm the one being hateful and whiny and he has had enough, as well he ought. I'm pretty darn tired of myself, too.
I am sick of most everything from my meals to life in general. It's time to make some changes, I know it is. All of my former ways of coping and managing and handling things is not working for me at all. The truth is, I am older now than I was when I used to do things the way I keep trying to do them these days. I cannot keep up with things the way I did five years ago.
Wednesday: It was quite warm yesterday afternoon. Then we had a heavy thunderstorm roll through in the wee hours of the morning, which immediately lowered the temperature all over again. By the time we left to go to the doctor, it was sunny and clear and windy.
As I suspected the bloodwork showed a higher A1C number than I wanted. Not so terribly high that the doctor was shocked. More like, "Hey let's see what we can do with this..." kind of concern. His suggestion was a prescription medication, one that I admit I was reluctant to consider but agreed. It doesn't matter if I did agree. The pharmacy immediately contacted me to tell me how much it was per month, and it can't be done on our budget at all no matter how much we trim and cut and do without. Alternate suggestions proved to be equally out of any hopeful range.
Upshot after discussions with the manager was that I'll be seeing the nurse practitioner who has trained specifically under my former doctor, and we'll work at some holistic solutions which should be far more doable for me overall. I was given some supplements to use and between those and diet we'll follow up with new labs and a return visit in 3 months.
I'm not going to lie though. It was a double whammy today where money was concerned. The follow-up visit fees were hard hitting, high enough I had to put them on the credit card, and the sinking feeling when the pharmacy certainly kept me in line at the grocery store. There was no sale on butter now, but milk was on sale, and we got eggs, bread, rye bread. Forget $30...It was $42. John and I were very careful not to pick up any extras, not even good things like vegetables or fruits.
One thing that is relatively free was the ride home. We took the long cut and drove through miles and miles of back roads we haven't been down since sometime last summer. I found it very calming and centering.
I figure it like this: God knows right where I am health and budget wise at present. He knows I cannot pay nearly $1000 out of pocket each month. He knows that if we drained savings there would be nothing extra to go back in place of what we'd have spent. I have to trust that he knows what is good for me and will provide it in the right combination of holistic health options and diet to bring about the needed changes.
There's just a lot of necessary changes ahead and I find that overwhelming at present combined with this illness and the other things we've got going on as a family.
I feel it's time to stop for a bit and see if I can sort things out in my life. Too much of my life is not working for me at the moment. My routines aren't working, my diet isn't working, my systems for keeping track of inventory and such are not working. I'm beyond tired with this illness aftermath despite sleeping quite well at night. I feel it's time to come to a full stop in every way and simply figure out what is working and then add to it as I figure out why the rest of it isn't working.
Thursday: Reality thinking today is that the doctor, while he did push the high-priced drug at me, was not upset or worried over any of my numbers. He felt everything was pretty much easily handled with dietary and movement changes. I sat down this morning and reviewed the labs. I only had two high markers and when I reviewed the ranges both of those sections simply were a little high. I was more alarmed reviewing John's paperwork. He had a lot of High markers. Yet the doctor seemed to feel there was no need to fret over any of John's things.
I know myself well. I'll get all gung-ho let's change go go go and then get overwhelmed. So, I sat down this morning and looked at things very realistically. One thing we can change that will make a difference in our diets is to eat oatmeal three times a week for breakfast. Just 1 cup of oatmeal three times a week will make a huge amount of difference. It's that simple and easy.
I will not allow myself to get overwhelmed and come undone with my thinking in this area. Easy, simple changes are all that is needed. Slow and steady steps.
I spent a lot of time in the kitchen this morning. It is my hopes to streamline meal processes because frankly I feel I am spending far too much time there every week. It becomes boring to me to be involved in cooking, cleaning and repeating three times a day. I am going to try to embrace a meal prep day once more with an overall plan for the week that requires simply using what is already made and not fresh brand-new preparation every single meal.
I realized that my choice to not have a microwave any longer does hinder me somewhat. For instance, in making up several breakfast sandwiches, we've always thawed and heated in the microwave but now I shall have to plan for different means of heating. I've figure it all out. I just am tired of living my life in the kitchen and that's the truth.
Another thing I've been thinking of in regard to my kitchen is of doing away with a slow cooker. My original thought was a nice cast iron Dutch oven would do me very well. My current slow cooker is that metal West Bend which I really like, but it only comes with a non-stick finish and that finish is now lifting. That means I need to replace it. I've had nothing but issues with traditional ceramic liners because I seem to always end up with mine cracking and leaking. I think rather than order anything new I'll go to the thrift stores and see what they might have. I have looked online in hopes that I'd find a new pan that would fit mine and be stainless steel but no luck there.
Friday: Having given a good old college try, I'm quitting the sour dough journey. I've just made two loaves of bread, both flat as can be and pale and pallid to boot and about 15 small English muffins which feel akin to hockey pucks. I let my starter get really good and hungry and then fed it yesterday using some potato flakes to boost it since it had been a week without feeding. That rose up lovely and bubbly which is why I got busy making the bread last night. It smells good as well. This morning's starter (fed last night) was nice and bubbly, too and I used the discard to make the English muffins but then I set the starter aside.
I've come to two conclusions: my flour is all wrong for this journey. And since I have 75pounds of it on hand, I do not see myself going out to buy more flour. The other thing is that my house, specifically my kitchen, is too cold as well.
But ultimately, I realized that sour dough is not convenient for me. Since I make all of our breads from scratch anyway, I don't find it easy to wait for a 12 hour rise of dough before I can shape it with another 4 hour or so rise to follow that. I can make a standard loaf of bread in my bread machine from start to finish in under 3 hours. And my results are consistently good.
I'm feeling a good bit of stress and pressure just lately and adding in sour dough is not benefitting me in the way I had hoped. Perhaps I'll go back to my old potato flake sour dough recipe in the future, but just now, I think I'm going to stick with the easy thing, the tried and true.
The weekend is ahead. I've still got a tight congested chest. John has done nothing the past few days but sleep in his chair. I don't know if it's depression or if its illness. He won't own to either one but I am suspecting he's got a touch of whatever vile thing I had.
I've just cleaned up the kitchen for the nineteenth time today...I think I'm going to relax and perhaps allow myself to take a nap. God willing we'll both feel better before the weekend is done.
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