We had a great week last week. Nothing spectacular mind you, pretty much just ordinary (well aside from SNOW), but it was all lovely and steady and pleasant. I'm finding more and more that the ordinary, everyday things, the gentle rhythms of daily living, are what bring me the most pleasure.
I'm happy puttering in my home. Happy walking across my yard. Happy taking time to watch a movie mid-afternoon with John. Happy to go about the day to day living.
This week I have a short list once again, but my reason is not because it's the last week of January nor because I'm still holidaying in thought if not in fact. No, it's short because the depth of work required to accomplish what I would like to will be heavy duty.
1. Finish deep cleaning our bedroom. Mind you, I worked hard on Friday, but I realized as I worked that I was literally scratching the surface. I truly had no idea how much dust and grime had built up. Dusting once a month, vacuuming deeply weekly is not enough! I've been fooling myself. I have sincerely.
2. Deep Clean the living room. Because of how much work the bedroom has required (and will require this week), as soon as I'm done in this room, I'm heading back to the living room to attack it more deeply.
3. Straighten up the porches.
4. I can plant peas, carrots, spinach, beets. Those things will get eaten in our household. The weather will be a bit warmer and I'm fast running out of time to get that early planting done.
5. Buy birthday cards for February.
6. Seriously get busy doing something for the kiddos for Valentine's Day. That holiday will be here before I know it.
7. Continue the pantry/freezer challenge.
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It's always a nasty surprise to discover all sorts of "dead men" when moving furniture to clean. You are doing what I need to do. Clean house!
We moved furniture to vacuum and clean base boards in our bedroom before Christmas. Recently the closet and dresser drawers were cleaned out, along with a much needed tidy and dusting of the furniture. It feels good to have it done, but boy did it make me realize this must be done more often!
Finding joy in the ordinary is one of my favorite things! I find that it really helps with my mental health and contentment.
I've never heard them called 'dead men' before, lol.
Wendi, I've obviously skipped deeper cleaning tasks! I will be more diligent about getting these things done monthly.
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