1. Hopefully having guests the first of the week. Bryan and Ginny are supposed to be in town this week and it's my hope we will get to see them before they head back to Texas. I did not hold their feet to the fires in a promise but did let them know they are welcome and that we're really looking forward to seeing them.
2. Celebrate birthdays! We have three family birthdays this week. It already sounds like a great week doesn't it with guests right away and then birthdays to follow that up? No big celebrations here but we've got small ones in mind, and they are affordable.
3. Doctor appointments. This is our third try at making an appointment. God willing we'll get in this time around.
4. DMV. I tried to renew my license online as they insisted it would save me loads of time. Phooey. They denied me and I'll have to go in and attempt to renew in person. It's really just a matter of standing there and reading off the eye chart thingy. But I'll try to find the form they insist I need which apparently must be filled out by a qualified ophthalmologist.... They never mentioned that anywhere just said, "Send us a copy of your most recent eye exam results." And that's what I did only to be denied.
You know it really didn't used to be this hard to get your license renewed...Last time I did it I had to take in marriage and divorce certificates, social security card and birth certificate and proof of current address, etc.
5. Continue with the pantry/freezer challenge. How can I do that and have guests and birthdays? Well easily as it happens. I told you I've plenty of stuff in the freezer!
6. Get through the usual housework and such. I'd like to try and get at least one of the two rooms deep cleaned this week, but I think this is going to be one of those weeks that we just play out as things come up. If I can keep up with the usual things that will be just fine.
7. Get a haircut. It's been two months since I had it cut last. I'm going to keep my Pixie but a longer version of it than I wore most of last year.
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This week will be busy. Greg is finally ready to tackle some small projects in the house, so I'll help as needed.
I'll cut locker tag pieces for the basketball team that Jess signed up to do next week. We'll assemble them together next Sunday. I also want to start working on graduation decorations for my niece in Sioux City. I offered to make cupcake picks and a banner.
The guest room needs to be straightened and readied for the next weekend when my sister and BIL will be here overnight. I have to do that this week since next week I'm having dental surgery and have no idea how I'll feel for the few days after.
Usual housekeeping which has been just barely maintained this past week, so really needs doing before next week.
Two basketball games this week, I think. One for sure on Tuesday, but they're early, so just an hour and a half out of our day. I'm enjoying the games more and more as the season progresses. On Friday night, our varsity won the conference championship. It was a nail-biter of a game, and even though B didn't suit up, we all had fun. He played pep band and enjoyed celebrating with the team.
Greg is obviously a do-er. Truth, John never has been. Not to say he never does anything. If ever he does decide there's a project he'll get on it but mostly he talks about hiring someone to do things. A little frustrating to me but there you are. He is who he is.
My plans have changed this week. Guests expected today cannot come due to illness. Family issues with Bess and Sam once more so I may have kids more often, we'll see.
Greg used to be an ultimate DIY guy, saving us literally thousands of dollars over the years. He's slowed down a bit over the years, but is feeling like he can tackle some of it again now.
I'm sorry about Bess and Sam - they're on a rocky road, aren't they? It's good that the kids have you and John so close to help soften those bumps.
Disappointing that your company couldn't come. There's a lot of the usual winter illnesses going around here. I saw a classmate of Silas's at the store today to pick up his prescriptions for strep, and they mentioned that another classmate had influenza. Silas said there were 6 kids absent today for illness. My sister texted that the day after I left her house, she developed a sore throat, cough, and fever. Yippee. Now I wait...
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