To Do list for this week


I always dread going back to look at last week's goals and plans when I get ready to write the post for the new week.  Something in me is just certain that I planned a whole lot that didn't get done.  I must have been using my right-thinking brain last week because I could happily check off every single item on the week except having guests and that was because poor Bryan got terribly sick, and they decided to pass on bringing it to us.

The forecast is a little cooler than last week, but this weekend is warm-ish. High humidity and 80F...It's not feeling like winter anymore!

We were driven to bringing out the fans and circulating the indoor air last week and one or three afternoons the AC clicked on because it was so warm indoors.  I can't open windows just now because everyone around us has been burning.  Each time I go outdoors my throat burns and I get stuffy and hoarse.  We have very little 'open window' weather around here thanks to a long pollen season in late winter through spring and then again from September through November.    

Enough chatter.  I need to start planning the week ahead of me.  

1.  Total checkbook and get prepared for payday this week.

2.  Run errands related to payday.

3.  Plan grocery shopping.  I spent all of last month's funds but they mostly were used to restock the meats in the freezer as I saw decent sales here and there.  This month we need to restock staples like maple syrup and butter, condiments like hot sauce and pickle relish.  I need to buy another big bag of flour, get fresh produce, stock up on dairy in the freezer.  All that sort of thing.  This is the week where I buy before I get to DO things like making yogurt and bagels and spaghetti sauce and chili and soup and a casserole or two to restock the freezer.

4. Grocery shopping.

5.  Get the last February birthday card in the mail end of this week.  And look ahead to restocking birthday cards for the months ahead.

6.  Put together something for Valentine's Day for the six grandchildren that live nearby.  Send out cards to those that live far off.

7.  Plan ahead for next weekend, which is always our busy church related activity weekend.  I need a ready prepared meal or two, something we can heat and eat.  

8.  Clean off the porches.  If it's not too rainy.  First predictions said rain all week and now we're looking at a few days but not all.  Who knows what it will look like when we're actually in next week.

And of course, all the usual housework, meals, visits, etc.  

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1 comment:

Karla said...

I accomplished a big task yesterday. I decluttered a bunch of craft supplies I never use. There’s a lovely little craft thrift store here where I can donate to and get credit to spend back. I cleaned it out because I wanted to fit something in the closet where it was all stored. Got it all done and then the thing I wanted to store wouldn’t fit. Ha! I guess that closet won and the few items I kept went back in and it’s now much less cluttered. Though I still feel like I have a long way to go.

Meal Plan for Second Week of March