Done, To Do, Meals, Links, etc.


I thought I'd keep this first post of each week which goes out on Sunday afternoon, so you all can see what my intentions are for the week ahead, what meals I've planned, where I could share links I found interesting during blog reading, etc.  It just seems a nice way to start the week.  I'll also briefly catch you up on my weekend.  But officially, this is not a Journal entry.  It's sort of a getting my head together for the week sort of post.

Last week, I did indeed feel so much better.  So, in addition to my routine housework and meals I also managed to work outdoors for 2.5 hours or so.  That meant the patio was nearly cleaned up (not quite there yet), the plant pots on the patio were trimmed up and weeds pulled.  I collected enough moss sheets to top my fairy planter that Millie and I will set up in two weeks when she is on vacation.  I shifted a few potted plants from one space to another, and got the front porch cleared of extra things, as well as raking up the circumference of the Faith tree with all the hundreds of twigs, limbs and branches that fell in winter winds.  It was a lot of work  

Indoors I got the two trunks swapped out.  That was one of those jobs that I kept putting off because it seemed so big and then it took me six minutes.

And finally, I freshened my mantle in the living room which looks lovely and Spring-like.  

In the week ahead:

1.  Probably ask Katie to bring Caleb over one morning while he's on Spring break.

2.  Visit Mama.

3.  Finish cleaning up the patio.  

4.  Rake up limbs about the pecan tree.

5.  Work on the plant pots around the back porch and get them sorted.

6.  Get the new curtains hung in the guest room.  This will require minor sewing because I want them to be rod pocket and they only came as grommet curtains so I ordered them with extra length so I could turn the grommet edge over to the back and create a rod pocket by running a couple of seams across each panel top.

7.  Spring/Summer Switch in my closet.  I know we just had a frost warning last week.  The pattern of weather is still a few fairly warm to warm days and then a much cooler run of days.  Despite this, I know that it is time to start shifting heavy sweaters into storage and remove the obviously autumnal looking things.  It's time to hang my dresses and light t-shirts and lightweight blouses back up.  I can layer to stay warm. I can always access a heavy sweater or coat, if need be.  

8.  Have a kitchen prep day to get foods ready for the week.  Not complaining about fasting.  That has actually worked far better for me than I imagined but I will say that come 4:45 to 5pm, the time suddenly speeds up. I want food ready to eat by 5:30 or earlier each evening because any later means that I can't stop my fast as early as I'd like I'd much rather spend 16 hours from 5pm to 9 am.  It works best for me.  Eating any later just throws my day off the next day.   If I can prep food for that evening meal ahead of time and simple heat and eat, so much the better for me.  So that is my goal.

I also usually prep a few quick snacks (celery sticks, carrots, boiled eggs) and breakfast items (like muffins or bagels) to streamline morning meals. 



Oatmeal xs 3.  John tells me every time we have oatmeal how much he likes it.  So do I.  I don't know why we took such a long spell of not eating it.    I thought this week we'd try to have it three times.  I find it's a good breakfast to keep me feeling full.

Breakfast Sandwiches.  The English Muffins I made are far too small to consider making into breakfast sandwiches.  The next I make I will cut with a larger cutter.  In the meantime, I'll use a toasted croissant which seems to work well for us.  Toasted bread usually works well, too.

Waffles, Bacon.  I'll top my waffle with yogurt and berries and nuts.  John will just use maple syrup.  These waffles are frozen and in the freezer.  They are sourdough waffles.


Tuna Melts.  I haven't made tuna Melts in forever.  I have tomatoes that desperately need to be used, so a good time to make them, right?

Macaroni and Cheese, Roasted Vegetables.  The oven will be on to reheat the frozen mac n cheese anyway, so I might as well roast some vegetables.  Onions, Red and yellow bell peppers, zucchini.  That sounds good to me.

Grinder Salad.  I never got this made last week and it still sounds delicious to me.  I've got cucumber, onion, tomato, lettuce, pepperoncini, black and green olives.  Temperatures will hit 80 at least three days this week and this would be nice on any one of them.

Hot Dogs, Slaw.

Leftover Pizza, Salad.


Chicken and Dumplings.   It's meant to thunderstorm on Monday.  And it will be the last cooler day we really have this week, so I think this meal will hit the spot.

I have the broth made.  I have two leg quarters in the fridge.  This needs to be made right away.  I always add onions, carrots, celery, green peas and sometimes green beans to my stew pot.  I'll do the big fluffy dumplings that John likes so well.  I'm probably going to end putting some of this broth in the freezer, not that I tend to use it all that much once it's frozen but darn it's good broth and no one needs to be tossing that out!

Mock Chow Mein, Sliced Cucumbers and Radishes, Pickled Onions and Carrots, Orange Segments.  This is an old recipe that Jennifer at A Country Life vlog shared a couple of years ago.  I made it when Katie was living here, and she liked it very well.  

Something from the freezer, with a salad on the side.  I have a basket full of already prepared foods that were from recipes I halved or leftovers that were enough for an extra meal.  I don't know what all we have in there and I guess it's about time I found out.  

Mississippi Chicken, Mashed potatoes, Butter Beans.  I have half a jar of pepperoncini juice on hand.  And whenever I have leftover pepperoncini liquid, I immediately think of either Mississippi Pot Roast or Mississippi Chicken.  

I may switch this all up and make sliders (but with Mississippi Chicken and Pepper Jack cheese).  Then do crudité on the side.

Butter Chicken, Brown Rice, Cauliflower, homemade Naan.  If I fail to use the zucchini earlier this week, I'll be sure to add it to this dish.  Actually, I may toss the cauliflower in the butter chicken as well.  We won't mind a bit.  

Link:  From the blog 'Plan to Eat', I found these ideas to add vegetables to meals.

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Tammy said...

Can you tell me how you make tuna melt sandwiches? I do make a version, but have never used tomato. Tomatoes on the sandwich sounds delicious!
Reading that you plan to create a fairy garden with Millie made me smile. Miss Layla asked for her own garden bed this year, but I bet she'd like to make a corner of it into a little fairy haven.

terricheney said...

Tammy, I make a regular tuna salad (mayo, pickles) and then pile it on toasted bread, put a thin slice or two of tomato on top and layer cheese over the tomato and run it into the oven to melt. I really like the tomato/cheese combination and it's one of the few ways John will eat a 'hot' tomato.

Tammy said...

Well, Greg won't eat the tomato version, but I will try it! We usually mix tuna with mayo and shredded cheddar, then toast the sandwich dry in the oven. The tuna mixture is hot and melty and the bread crispy.

March 26: It Was Time