The First Grocery Shopping of March: Aldi and Amazon

Although I shopped on March 5th, it really wasn't a 'shopping trip' but just a fill in for milk, eggs, and bread.  We didn't pick up impulse items nor snacks that day.  We stuck hard to the original list.  I spent $42 total that day

Today we went to Aldi.   My focus was produce.  We didn't need much dairy and didn't really want meat except Corned Beef.  It felt good to walk past the aisles and say, "We don't need that, we've plenty at home...

Here's what we bought today.  

Crackers: whole wheat for me; Ritz, saltines, grahams, oyster.

Bread: a loaf of whole grain sour dough, and a bag of bagels.

Nuts: sunflower seeds (already shelled) to add to salads.

Produce: potatoes, yellow; tomatoes, both grape and Roma; celery; carrots; bananas; tri-color bell peppers; green onions; radishes; asparagus; broccoli; cauliflower; baby Bella mushrooms; zucchini; yellow onions; English cucumber; asparagus; and strawberries.

Dairy: Fat Free plain Greek yogurt; 1 pound butter; eggs; 2 8-ounce packages cream cheese.

Canned/condiments: Pickled Beets; no sugar applesauce; sauerkraut; mustard; hot sauce; California French dressing.

Cereals: Grits, regular.

Meat: Corned Beef brisket.

Frozen: green peas.

Seasoning/Spice:  Salt

Sweet: Dark Chocolate with almonds; dark chocolate; milk chocolate with almonds.

Beverage: 18 pack of sugar free Gatorade.

All of this came up to $122.45

Looking over my receipt, I find that she charged me three times for the one package of whole wheat crackers, rang up the grahams and then removed them.  One day I'll remember to look over my receipt before I walk out of the store.

Most of the produce is longer lasting items so we should be good for two or possibly even three weeks.  Obviously, a few things will start to fade more quickly than others.  I'll try to use those things first or freeze them (i.e. peppers and strawberries) if I find I'm not using them quickly enough.  I also made sure to choose a leafy celery so I could dry more celery leaves.

I don't expect to shop next week unless one of the stores has a fantastic sale on something.  So far, I haven't seen any of those!


1 pkg individually bagged Airheads candy (for the kids' candy jar) 

4 bottles sugar free Hunts ketchup

3.5 pounds of prunes. (These are a good source of calcium.)

My total for this is $26.89.  It should arrive next week.

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