To Do List: Ambition Begins to Lift Its Head


Hello all.  I am finally beginning to feel like life is worth planning once more, lol.  I will say that whatever flu I had, that one knocked me for a loop.  Do any of y'all say that? That something has knocked you for a loop?  It means you were completely put off your game.

I felt well enough on Friday that when I noticed the front door was a bit of a dirty horror (from the doorknob down where all the shorter people handle the door) that I went right on and cleaned it from top to bottom.  

And now I am feeling rumbles of ambitions to get outdoors and putter about the yard and porches, to check the back door to see if it's as much a horror as the front door was, sort out this spot and that, etc.  Which will work just as well with my need to be more active...

1. Decorate the living room for Spring.  I was looking at the mantle on Saturday afternoon and it's pretty, but definitely darker and moodier than I want now that Spring is finally arriving.  I'm not looking at the date on the calendar by the way.  I'm basing my opinion on the amount of pollen floating in the air today while the kids and I were driving to the park.

2.  Check the cleanliness of the back door.

3.  Try to spend one day doing meal prep for the week.  Which means spending some time planning meals for the week.  

4.  Fried Chicken Sunday for Taylor, Caleb and Bella.  I think I'm going to look for a rotisserie chicken for myself, but the kiddos will definitely get their fried chicken.  Katie tells me they are excited that we've started these back up.

5.  Work on the patio plant pots.  I need to cut back some dead growth from last year and see what survived our cold winter.

6.  Move spring pieces to the closet.  Move heavier winter things out.  

7.  Continue with my Bible reading.  I've really enjoyed it.  Getting out of the 'shoulds' I was holding in my head has allowed me to read peacefully each day and gather something from each chapter.  

8.  Go back to my Genealogy time each week.  I let it drop a few weeks ago when I was sick, and I haven't touched it since.  I'm reading to continue with my project.

And that is quite enough for this week.  

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1 comment:

Karla said...

Terri, I'm so glad you're feeling better! I'm even more glad that you listened to your body and rested. I have my menu plan ready for this week and desserts have been made. That's a priority in our house. Ha! One of our daughter's is coming by the house this evening to drop off some goodies from a friend of hers - two plants and a lovely Japanese style tea kettle. Her friend is moving back to Argentina this year and is making the tough decisions of starting the culling process. She's a lovely young lady and I will miss her and I know my daughter will really miss her a lot.

We had a huge wind storm on Friday here. So bad that the sky was yellow/tan/rust from all the dirt. 70 mph winds and a lot of homes lost to wildfires. The doors of our little shed blew clean off despite them being locked. I put them back on Saturday afternoon and managed to put a new lock on it.

I'm so glad the warm weather is here. I don't like storm season but I'll take it over snow and ice and cold cold cold any day. Hopefully we are done with the cold weather.

Meal Plan for the Third Week of March