I know this is late and all of my first of the month posts likely shall be. That's just the way it goes at times. I'm not going to let it bother me. Don't let it bother you either, okay? My chief goal since last week has been to get well and fully recovered.
I was not horribly sick, beyond the two- or three-day blur of sleeping countless hours but I do find that illness takes a heavy toll on me, my sleep patterns, etc. these days. Katie texted us on Friday that Caleb woke with fever. She ended up taking him the pediatrician since he was already whooping with his annual allergies, and this stuff has been a chesty sort of illness.
In the meantime, February ended. March began. It came in with sunshine and heat and a sudden blooming of Bradford pear, daffodils, forsythia, and iris. Just like that! The day was absolutely beautiful and full of promise. Before the first afternoon had finished the wind picked up and blew in a cold spell. Still sunny and beautiful the second day of March but a reminder that we're not quite ready to let go of the season we're in.
There's been illness in Sam's home, too. I had given up on sleeping and gotten up early, too early Saturday morning. Just as well I did. Before I could get coffee started Sam called asking for his dad. He'd been sick that morning and had a major nosebleed going on, one bad enough to qualify him for an ER stay most of the day. John drove him to the hospital. I stayed with the kids. I discovered once there that Isaac and Millie both were ailing as well. The children obviously felt much better, and the sunshine helped. Poor Sam did not but once he was home, he went to bed and sent the kids to their rooms for quiet time so that worked out.
I've been a bit more ambitious today. It's been a long and tedious haul, with lots of sitting down to literally catch my breath but the house has been set on the path of being retrieved from a week of honest neglect.
My list for this week will be short and simple.
1. Get bed stripped from mattress pad to covers and get it all washed. John's going to want to hang things on the line to dry because it's pollen season and that's the only time he deems it necessary to use the clothesline. If I can, at any point, possibly do the laundry myself, I'll see to it that it goes in the dryer even if that means I have him take me to town to use a commercial dryer to get our quilt and mattress pad dried.
2. Do two home blessing cleanings. One down...
3. Keep everything simple. No elaborate meals or multiple pots and pans preparations.
4. Use the dang paper plates.
5. Rest, rest, rest.
6. Try try try to get energy enough of to go buy butter while the sale is still on (thru Tuesday).
7. Keep kids so Sam can do a follow-up appointment with his doctor.
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1 comment:
Glad you’re feeling better! Do take it easy.
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