In My Home This Week: Autumn Lull

In my home this week:

I had a full week last week.  Guests, traveling, groceries, errands.  John is currently nursing something that appears to be more allergy than a cold but it's wanting to settle in his chest.  He's taking lots of Vitamin C and drinking plenty of fluids.  He's not running fever, so there is that...

The entertainment value alone of the bird bath outside the living room windows is awesome.  Right this minute there are two Blue jays and a Red headed Woodpecker squabbling over water rights.  I've seen Blue birds, Cardinals, Mockingbirds and Brown Threshers out there but the Jays are the most predominant.  I think I shall see if I can't set up water in other areas about the yard, and see about getting some bird feeders and seed set out as well.  I've noticed Misu stops by for a drink when she comes back from the fields by the way.  She never bothers the birds, but she will climb the steps and stretch out to drink from the bird bath before heading back to her home base on the front porch.

Something went on with my computer this past week and I lost every single item on my favorites lists.  All the bloggers I normally visit on Friday evening and Saturdays, all my saved posts to share with you readers for weekend reading, recipes,  research sites.  Wiped completely out.  No clue why either.  Oh well.  I normally would clear that out in December anyway and start fresh.  And I figured since I had a head start why not sort out Pinterest (deleted a good bit there) and then went on to my Home Notebook and pulled out all the budget sheets, calendars, goals listings and such that I'd accumulated over the past year.  It too is now ready for a fresh start to the New Year ahead.

I've been thinking about Christmas plans.  There's a family dinner the second weekend in December and we should have our gifts ready by then.  I haven't planned a menu of any sort for that nor for Christmas and New Year's.  I have not planned our treats for Chanukah. I have Christmas cards...and that seems to be my sole preparation for the holidays ahead thus far. 

Well obviously this coming week will be about planning and executing my plans.  As far as I know I'll have two days this week alone, and those are my primary working days.  I will spend a few hours with Mama, but am by no means spending all day long with her, so there will be things accomplished that day. 

Well, I seem to be ready to plan my work week, so I might as well get started!

...I plan my work week:

Holiday plans will be made: menus, décor, gifts, treats, baking. 

Address Christmas cards and have them ready for John to sign.  It might seem early but I prefer to send them after Thanksgiving and since I am traveling and have guests and am cooking a proper Thanksgiving Meal for John and I that week I'd like to have them done before the busy section of that week begins.

Baking for Thanksgiving started.  I can make pastry shells and cookies ahead.  I can make up cornbread and biscuits for dressing.  and sweetpotatoes are baked.

Make a small batch of Apple Jelly.

Plan autumn wardrobe.  It's finally here and I feel I am ill prepared for it.  My wardrobe is limited, more than I'd thought it might be despite the new additions so I really need to plan out what I can wear and how many outfits I can manage.

Make a pillow for the chair in my room.

Paint something.  Backdoor interior,  kitchen cabinets, armoire in kitchen...I have plenty to paint!  I have plenty of paint.  I just need to get busy. all but the two above the fridge

Hang the two new plaques I bought from Katie.

Retrieve a few items I am seriously missing that I think we stored in the shed.  Not a lot of stuff but little things I'd like to have indoors once more.

Pantry and freezer inventory.

Try to knock out more Proverbs 31 posts and hopefully finish up that series this month.

Finish the review book I'm reading and post a review.

Go through books and determine which will make good gifts for others.

An afternoon of list making: clothing needs, pantry needs, projects for next year, items wanted for home and garden...

...I plan meals:

Stuffed Peppers, Brussels Sprouts, Mashed Potatoes, Gingerbread Pear Trifle

on my own x 2

Chili Pineapple Chicken, Rice,  Snow Peas, Egg Rolls

Beef Pot Pie, Slaw, Baked Apples

Tamale Pie, Corn, Green Salad,  Pico de gallo

Kielbasa, Cabbage, Pierogi (homemade)

...I plan my leisure:

It's not really leisure but I do enjoy my Beauty Spa morning.  I haven't had one in a few weeks and look forward to doing this for myself this week.

Gather my study, Bible and devotional books for 2017.

Gather my Christmas books to read in December.

Put together a week or so worth of outfits.

Hook up the DVD player and see if I can't watch just one of my movies.

I am just longing for a good thrift store plunder.  I will try to get out to one or two of my favorite shops this week.


Lana said...

I have put out large plastic pot saucers for water for the birds in the past and they really like them. We seem to attract more birds for water then for seed but ours are picky and will only eat the expensive black oil sunflower seeds.

Sew Blessed Maw [Judy] said...

Proud your getting to enjoy the beautiful birds in your waterers.
I am making Christmas list too. I like to have my plans/cards fixed before Thanksgiving.. then I am ready to start on the decorating and preparations as soon as Thanksgiving is over.

We have been painting our storage container [metal building] this past week.. No fun!!! Proud its done and can get some house stuff done none.
Hope you have a good week.

doe853 said...

Hi Terri, I just checked out your new Pinterest boards, just so happened that I was emptying a ketchup bottle today! I'm making the bird feeder right away. It is so cute, cheap and it is recycling. Thanks. Dale

Deanna said...

I do hope Life With Dee makes the cut for your 2017 blog list. :) Like you, about the only Christmas prep I've done is buy my cards. For many years I made it a point to have my cards/letters done by Thanksgiving so I could hand them out at our family meal instead of mailing them to family living here in our same town. Since I'm extra busy helping my mom following her stroke last week I seriously doubt I'll get mine done in time for that this year.

March 26: It Was Time