The Proverbial Woman vs. 26

Proverbs 31:26  She opens her mouth with wisdom and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

Pey is our seventeenth letter.  The pictograph looks like a mouth.  This letter is a caution to watch our words.  Following as it does upon the heels of 'ayin it is a reminder to let the inner eye assess and determine the situation in full before speaking.  Some Jewish sages believe that what we speak becomes reality, so it is truly a caution to watch what is said.  As a Christian, I long ago began to believe that my words had power and felt my spirit cautioned to be careful of those things I might say, in peace, anger or even in jest. 

Indeed the Bible has many powerful references to this.  When I was looking for one particular verse (Proverbs 18:21), these other references came up as well.  Just look at this link to that one page!

Proverbs 18:21  The tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat it's fruit.

Our word here in this verse is Peh meaning "mouth", but the first word in this verse is pathach and it refers to the opening of the mouth.  As I dug into the verse through the lexicon, I found that this verse is truly what she teaches, both in fact and by example.  She is not afraid to open her mouth and reveal what she has learned spiritually, nor is she ashamed to share the Torah commandments with others.  It is further evidence that she does whole heartedly follow the admonition of Deut. 6:7 which I shared earlier: Talk about them(the commandments) when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  

It is not merely what the Proverbial Woman says but how and when she speaks.  There is a time and a place for reprimands and reminders of scripture and it takes true wisdom to understand the rightness of the moment as well as the words.  I used to tell John of a friend whom I'd come to loathe in my pre-saved days because she  often chose to condemn me with scripture but never seemed to have ready scripture for comfort or affirmation of better instincts.  True, I was unsaved, but I was hearing from God during those years and I struggled hard to determine the right action and the proper choices.  When I failed, I felt it.  But when this friend, who knew scripture, would  condemn my misses it added  to my overall sense of failure.  I do not hold her responsible for my delay in turning to God, but I will share readily that she increased my sense of 'not belonging' and made me doubt that I would ever be 'good enough.' 

The Proverbial Woman knows that it's not just encouragement that is needed.  A well timed and gentle reminder or reprimand can do wonders for spiritual growth as well.  John is very good at this.  When I am all over the place about a situation and failing as a Christian, he will come to me and quietly help me to find my way to scripture and help me find my proper aim.  There is a world of difference in condemnation and gentle correction!  The Proverbial Woman knows this well because she has sound spiritual wisdom.



Anonymous said...

That tongue of mine--such a beast to tame. Thanks for such a good reminder. I needed that this morning.

Lana said...

Me too Becky! That is why I sometimes delete comments here.

March 26: It Was Time