The Proverbial Woman vs. 29

Proverbs 31:29  Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.

Resh (raysh) is the twentieth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.  It has a pictograph of a head and the meaning of the word is 'head'.  It represents enlightenment.  Every letter prior is a letter of goodness, but Resh, which comes near the end of the alphabet, represents that factor in all of us which is sinful.  However, it is not to say that the wickedness is permanent.  There is always the ability to choose to repent, hence, enlightenment.

Our word in this verse is Rabat which means 'many'.

Here we have the words of the husband, "Many women have done excellently..." I don't suppose any wife, once she has been married many years,  would deny that she'd like to hear the praise for a job well done.  Here at the last of her life, this woman is hearing the praise of her husband.

Spiritually, she is hearing the praise of her God.  Might I just point out here what is being said?  "Many women have done excellently..."  This means that it is not impossible to do the right things, to grow and learn.  It is not impossible to be a woman who does things well!  The Proverbial Woman surpasses others in her spiritual development, but the opportunity is there for anyone who chooses to take it...It begins however, with that first step of surrender, the ultimate submission to a higher authority, God. 

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