Follow the Cloud by John Stickl

I've had this book for a few months now on my reading table.  I pick it up  and put it down.  That's not because the book is boring.  It's thought provoking.  I can only take in so much of what Mr. Stickl has written and then I must digest it for a bit.

No, it's not a difficult book.  It's written clearly and feels as though I'm in a personal conversation but the content of what he's saying makes me stop and examine myself and my relationship and my ideals and adjust them as I feel led after the soul searching.

I recommend this book to anyone who is wandering why you are stuck, or who wonders if you really do have a mission in life or how you will ever hear from God.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I'm reading a book that has the same effect on me!
I usually can breeze through books until I read ones like this. In fact I just journaled this morning about this particular book saying how I'm reluctant to finish because I feel like I'm in the presence of a wise friend and counselor and am not eager to leave his company! So MUCH to much to evaluate and put into practice...

Meal Plan for Second Week of March