This Week in my Home: Changes

I've been thinking for some time now that I'm ready to change up the way I post.  I don't want to do away with the Living Frugally and Well posts nor the This Week In My Home post, but it seems to me I might combine them into one post simply titled "This Week In My Home" and be done with it.  So starting this Friday, November 3, I will post my first combined post.  I'll share what I did in my home, how I saved money, what meals we ate and how I spent my leisure time.  I feel these posts will combine well into one. 


Anonymous said...

Hi Terri,
Sounds like a great idea...very efficient!

Beckyathome said...

Sounds good! I think a lot of what makes blogging fun is being able to be creative! You are super creative, so it makes sense to me that you would shake it up occasionally:) I always enjoy reading whatever you write.

Anonymous said...

I can understand wanting the change but you made me a little nervous thinking you were going to quit doing the living well. I really look forward to reading those and sometimes I scroll down to see how long it is before I go back and start at the beginning. I try to save it for when I am cuddled in my bed Friday evening. The longer it is the happier this girl is (lol). Thank you for pouring yourself out in this blog. I enjoy reading all of it. And I probably don't say thank you enough. Blessings on you. Jennifer from Ohio

terricheney said...

Thank you all. I do enjoy changing things up when it starts to feel stale to me. I want to keep my interest high in writing. This one small change has already led to two posts that I'll be putting up this week.

Anonymous said...

However you want to do your blog is perfectly fine with me...just don't stop! No really, if you decide to quit someday of course that has nothing to do with me..all your decision, and I will support that too. But you would be Terribly missed! :-) Sarah

Debby in Kansas said...

I love the This Week in my Home posts and I equally love the pics you use with them! I'm a list person so it makes sense that this would be my fave. I also get ideas on what I can do in my week. I look forward to seeing your changes!

Sew Blessed Maw [Judy] said...

Terri, sounds like a good idea.. enjoy your post what ever you write..

Karla said...

I like that idea! But I love whatever you post.
One of the things I appreciate about you as a person, and a blogger, is your constant desire for improvement.

Meal Plan for Second Week of March