Living Well: Autumn Breezes At Last!

Saturday:  We slept in this morning, something we seem to do more and more of lately.  It's very unusual for us to sleep beyond 7am and to make it until 8am is really something.  Kinda nice though on Saturday morning, agreed?

Watched what there was of sunrise.  It lightened up.  But sunset was worth viewing.

I didn't do any dinner prep yesterday, but dinner was easy enough.  I chopped butternut squash and onion and an apple, halved some petite potatoes and nestled these all around a whole chicken that was well seasoned.  I poured a little apple cider in the pan and then salt and peppered the vegetables.  I let it cook slow in the oven then cranked up the heat for a half hour at the end so the skin on the chicken would crisp and the edges of the vegetables would brown a bit.  Oh my!  Cider Braised Chicken is so very good.

I didn't put the whole butternut squash in the pan.  I knew it would be far too much for us.  I put most in another pan and covered and let it bake alongside the chicken and vegetables.  I put this squash in the freezer once it had cooled.  I'll add it to soup or a pan of roasted vegetables or reheat and mash with butter in the near future.

We saved a portion of an appetizer we'd ordered while eating out on Friday.  I reheated this afternoon and we had that as a snack with a small glass of soda each while we listened to football on television.  We were agreed that it was a nice treat and should do something similar Saturday afternoons in the future.

Sunday:  We tried to leave home on time this morning but somehow we just didn't.  We didn't rush when we realized we'd be late.  We just decided we'd be late and let it go at that.  Trying to hurry and feeling irritated is no way to start a Sunday morning before church.  We'd much rather go in good temper than be snippy and nervous.  We arrived but two minutes late.  

We took off trash and picked up mail as we went out of the place this morning.

We stopped at Publix.  I picked up a few items that were needs and a few that were on sale to restock the pantry.  I marked these items on my pantry list when I got home.  I told John I was officially over the mark now and so I switched money around in our account.  I'll be on my toes the rest of the pay period with this grocery budget!

We came home and ate leftovers that I reheated.  I made a salad which took longer than reheating food in the microwave.  It was a nice dinner.  I think that was because I changed up the side dishes.  I knew I had leftover vegetables the other day as well but there's no law says the whole meal must be a repeat.  Fresh sides made the leftover meat entrée seem like a fresh new meal.

John went out to mow the lawn.  He had to go to town to by mower gasoline.  He took his car and filled it up too while he was there.

I cleaned out my house clothes drawer and straightened it up nicely.  I tossed badly stained or badly fitting pieces.  

I pulled some cooler weather clothing out of the bottom drawer where I'd stored it last Spring.  I found three or four items I know good and well are too small or I've never worn.  I put those in the box I plan to send to Amie this week.   I am pretty sure that she can wear them or Josie might be able to.   These were nice things and I think Amie will appreciate them.

Cleared out the makeup box and washed every single brush.  I wiped down makeup containers and even took a damp cloth and scrubbed the inside of the makeup box itself clean.  I laid it all out to dry well.

Made chicken sandwiches for supper.  I sliced apples which we ate with caramel dip.  This is a seasonal treat for us and it was yummy.

Monday:  I stripped beds yesterday and gathered up our towels to wash but we got caught up in the mowing and I didn't want clothes hanging outdoors in that dusty mess.  Last night I went right out when John was done mowing and wiped down the porch railings and swept the floors and brushed the bottom rails and floor that juts beyond the railing.  This insured that anything we hung out today would not have a dirty line across the edges.   As it happened, it was raining when that load of sheets and towels was done.  John put the sheets in the dryer but hung out the towels.  Then he washed a load of clothes and hung most of those out to dry as well.  The afternoon turned off sunny and breezy and fine and they dried well, if they did take a little time to get there.

Washed a full load of dishes after the water had a chance to heat up once more.  I opened the door and allowed the dishes to air dry.

Made John a small batch of cinnamon rolls.  I didn't use yeast dough but buttermilk biscuit dough instead.  This made a quick batch of rolls.  I mixed a little apple cider with confectioner's sugar to make the glaze.  Made me wish I'd diced an apple and added to the cinnamon sugar center...Maybe I'll think of that next time!

Packed a couple of small rolls for John's work lunch tomorrow.

We splurged on two really lovely rib eye steaks at Publix yesterday (part of my overage on grocery budget this pay period).   I noted that the two steaks weighed 2 pounds.  We certainly don't need to eat a pound steak each!  I cooked one steak and put the other in the freezer.  I made a soufflé of the 
leftover mashed potatoes and a big bowl of salad.  This made for an excellent meal that felt decadent.  We had coffee after and ate a handful of nuts and a few pieces of chocolate as dessert.

Took a nap.  I didn't mean to nap but I apparently needed a nap.

Leftover chicken was sliced for supper sandwiches again tonight.  I served with dill pickle spears and the last of the red grapes.  

Prepared and put John's work lunch in the fridge.

Set up coffee and oatmeal for morning.

Worked on my year end review and wrote out my resolutions.  I put these in my daily notebook so that I have them there to refer to all through the coming year.

Tuesday:  It was chilly this morning, a mere 52 and tomorrow morning is to be 44.  I think autumn finally found it's way to us.  Sent John off to work with lunch, breakfast and coffee.  Made sure he had a jacket and offered him a blanket to cover up with at work.  He refused...We'll see how chilly he ends being tonight.

The Farmer's Almanac yesterday said that this morning I would see a crescent moon with horns pointing upward with Venus right below it in the eastern sky  before sunrise.  Well there it was!  I tried to get a photo to share but the close up looks odd, so I won't post it.  However, it was a lovely sight and I was glad that the Almanac alerted me to the fact.

Worked on Swagbucks this morning and cashed in points for a gift card to Amazon.

Cleaned house before I left home this morning.

Gathered trash to take off with me.  Packed the box I mean to send to Amie and got it addressed and taped up.  Cut off ceiling fans before leaving home.  Stopped in town to mail that package.

Wore a jacket and shoes, not sandals today and was glad of it, all day long.  It's breezy and cool out.

Mama wanted to go grocery shopping.  We ate lunch in the restaurant at the shopping center.  I brought leftovers home for my supper tonight.

At the grocery I looked for three things specifically: loose Brussels Sprouts and Sweet Potatoes.  I bought just enough of each to serve John and I.  I also looked for the Malt O Meal cereal bags but that store does not carry the item.  I didn't buy any other cereal, since we'd decided that the Malt O Meal was our best buy for cereal.  I walked the aisles with Mama and I think she was on every single one except the beer and wine aisle.  I looked at products and prices and made notes.  I did add a few things to my buggy.  One was a glass jar of organic Ghee, which I thought would be nice to have in an emergency pantry.  I was able to keep our butter solidly frozen this September after Hurricane Irma took down power lines here but  that was just four days without power.  Had it been longer I might not have been able to do so.  I think Ghee is a nice thing to have on hand.  It doesn't expire for two years at least, so I can keep it on the shelf for a while.

I also bought a container of a lovely black tea that was infused with vanilla.  I could tell at a glance that it was a luxury tea which was on special sale this week and apparently a clearance item.  My other purchases were some fun straws for the children that have mustaches to go on the end of them so that it appears they have mustaches when they are sipping through them.  Then I added in a packet of microfiber towels, four for $2.50.  That's all I bought.  I paid cash out of pocket, using my allowance,  since I swore I was done with my budget this pay period.

Admired the well dressed older couple in front of Mama who purchased a buggy full of food at this grocery for a mere $79 and change.  I had two small bags with room to spare in each for $35...I won't say what Mama spent but it was a lot more than that other couple.  I watched them as they shopped and they examined things thoroughly and checked prices and were careful with what they bought, comparing prices and such.  Mama asked me later if they had used coupons and I don't know.  I didn't see them pay but happened to see the final total on the register as I moved forward in line.  But I was suitably impressed however they did it.  I love this particular store but it's 'rich' for my budget and so I tend to be careful when in there shopping.  

On my way home, I tried to think of something I could do for me.  Sometimes being out with Mama can be difficult and so the last few times I've been out with her, I have taken time to do something just for myself.  Last time it was to get a haircut.  This time I went over to a huge used book store and searched the fiction shelves for an Emilie Loring book.  I found ONE, a paper back copy of  "A Certain Crossroads" which I did not have on my bookshelf at home.  It was the sole copy of any of her books there.  It set me back $3 but it made me happy.  

Stopped to pick up the mail on my way into the property.

Came in and opened all the windows wide.  It was chilly as the afternoon wound down but so nice to sit her and listen to the rustle of leaves (how much longer?  Soon they will all drop away!), and the birds calling.  I was able to watch the blue jays drinking from the bird bath, too, something I've missed seeing with the shades drawn in the afternoons.

Did I mention that last week John purchased a Yeti cup for me in the shade of aqua I'd most wanted? It also had a lid that slides shut which means it won't spill all over interior of my bag when I'm hauling things out to car or back into the house.  This one was $5 more expensive than one without the sliding lid but we priced the lid for $10, so this was the better buy of the two cups.  I used it today when I went out.  Even though it sat in the car, the water was still icy cold this afternoon, after filling with ice and water at 9am this morning.

This cool weather puts me in mind of hot chocolate.  I shall have to make some of the Tightwad Gazette cocoa syrup to keep in the fridge.

Wednesday:  Lovely beautiful cool weather!  I didn't mind snuggling under the covers at all last night nor this morning either.  I've not looked forward to hot coffee half as much in the months just past.

Made a sort of breakfast hash this morning of leftover beef sausage and potatoes and onions.  I broke eggs in the pan and allowed them to steam gently in the hash.  Reheated Monday's cinnamon biscuits and there was a very decent 'after work' sort of breakfast.

Pulled meat from the chicken carcass and made Baked Chicken and Dumplings for dinner.   Put the carcass and wings on to boil and made broth, then picked that over again.   Chicken and Rice Soup for supper I think and that's the end of the chicken.

Made the cookies John asked for a couple of weeks ago.  I'm going to set aside a dozen or so to go to someone who did us a kindness when I got sick.  I'm not just trying to thank him.  I want to make Gingerbread this week and I won't as long as there are already sweets to be had...

I bought two baskets the other day, the sort that stack and are taller in back than in front.   I planned to use them in the pantry but I couldn't fit them on the pantry shelf I'd planned to use them upon.   I decided I'd use them on the top.  Well they don't fit there either!  I went ahead and rearranged my pantry and made room for another shelf or two on the third shelf...But nope, not the two baskets.  John came in and we tried the width of the basket with the width of the little bookcase I keep there in the closet as a storage unit for paper products.  Yes, they fit on top of that.  So now I've got to rearrange another whole unit of the pantry, lol.

Bonus of working in the pantry today was that I looked at what I touched and thought about how often we used it over a month's time and over three months and yes, six months.  I think I need to rework my pantry restock list.  I believe I've come nearer stating what is required for 12 months than 6 months time.  And some items really are wanted only for emergency use when we might be without electricity but not really for use normally.   I kept these things in mind as I worked and I'll make adjustments to my list.

I didn't open windows this morning nor this afternoon.  I had to turn the AC on about 3pm but it ran only intermittently.  Tomorrow I shall plan to get the windows open early and enjoy these cool pleasant days.

Chicken and Rice soup for supper tonight.  I had just a bit over a pint leftover.  I kept it simple: onion, celery leaves, chicken, broth and rice with the usual salt and pepper seasoning.  Sometimes simpler foods are really the best ones.

Washed a full load of dishes in the dishwasher then allowed them to air dry.

Played about with genealogy this afternoon as I've promised myself.  I researched a great grandfather and immediately got intrigued.  His parents were not the people daddy said were his...He was orphaned and I'm not sure if the other family took him in or not, as I can find no record of him the year his father died.  And it seems another mystery presented itself when he's shown as head of household with my great grandmother for at least 30 years...So when did they separate and was he truly the wanderer the family made out he was?  Mysteries!  I do love unravelling them!

Thursday:  John didn't need a fan running last night to sleep well.  I appreciated the lack of noise.

Up about daybreak this morning.  Cool mornings call for a hot cereal in my opinion so we had a big bowl of grits with melting butter atop.

Fed the pets a variety of leftover items I'd set aside for them: the last bits of chicken rice soup that wouldn't fit in my jar, the skin and gristle from the chicken carcass, some boiled bits of gizzards I'd cooked up from that whole chicken, etc.  I needed to add no food to their bowls this morning.

Immediately went to work making banana bread from the two very ripe bananas I had on hand.  I don't need the baking really, but it's one of the best ways I know to use up bananas and someone will always welcome a loaf of banana nut bread.

Decided while the oven was already on for a long bake, I might as well go on and make that pan of gingerbread I've been wanting.  I had just enough time to bake it once I got it mixed, so the breads came out of the oven at the same time.

Mixed up a batch of meatballs using 1 pound of ground beef and 1 turkey Italian sausage.  I slid that pan in the oven as the breads came out.  Remember that nut breads and cakes don't appreciate a 'moist' heat in the oven.  However, had I been breaking any other bread, then the meatballs might have gone right in.  The moist oven would have given a crusty finish to the bread.

Planned out a menu for lunch that will leave leftovers to go into John's work lunch tomorrow.

John washed a load of clothes and hung outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine.

I opened the windows as soon as the damp chill was off the outdoors.  Lovely to sit here and listen as hawks cry out overhead and have the chirping of the birds as background music to the quiet.

Every now and then I'm just done.  I've planned and prepped and cooked and cleared up and I just have no gumption for even one more meal.  John to the rescue.  He happily made me scrambled eggs and toast for my supper tonight.   Yum!  And we finished off the can of pineapple I'd opened earlier in the week as our fruit.

Air conditioner did come on this evening briefly.  I'd left windows open all day long but there was no breeze at all and the house was stuffy.  The AC only came on twice, perhaps three cycles tonight and then it was done.

Friday:  Sent John off to work in the usual way: coffee, breakfast, packed lunch.

Sat down moments after he'd left and made out a list of things to do today.  I also planned Saturday's meals and planned what I'd be eating today (leftovers) so if I got caught up in work I wouldn't stand around wandering what it was I'd meant to eat and end up eating a bunch of junk.

Made goal and then some on Swagbucks.  I'm having a hard time remembering that I now have a data plan that (a) is saving me boocoodles and (b) allows me to DO things like Swagbucks any time of day at all...I keep forgetting I no longer live by the 'free' data hours for streaming videos.  I hope to be back to earning a $25 gift card a month...Made a nice chunk towards the next gift card today.

After Bible study I started right away on my list of things to be done.  First was to tackle the last items remaining on my 'to do' list from the past three weeks. There's still one of those jobs undone but I'll get it done yet before Monday.

Deadheaded, and then soaked deeply, all the mums.  I discovered I didn't have pots nor enough soil to repot any of them and it's way too much work to dig a patch of ground, not to mention it's been awfully dry.  After clipping all the spent blooms and removing dead limbs and diseased leaves, I set the pots about the Faith tree in the front yard.  Reminds me that I intend next year to mass plants around that tree anyway (all in pots) and this gives me a nice idea of how well it can look.  It's a good sunny and sheltered location for those mums, too, with plenty of air movement that should prevent any further disease of the leaves.

Moved things off the back porch to either of the two sheds.  Golly what a difference removing clutter makes!

Put a bucket under the eave of the house to catch rain water and morning dew.  Did the same for the 'wet' spot on the back step.  I noted that the rolling plant seat had allowed the area under the bucket to dry out very nicely.  John will be pleased, too.

While I was feeding the pets, I went over some plans for Thanksgiving.  We have guests coming to stay a couple of nights as well as being here for the holiday.  I want to do all I can ahead which means clearing out the guest room area NOW and getting  enough room in fridge and freezer to put foods that will need to be prepped ahead and planning what will need to be cooked the day of Thanksgiving and what I might work ahead to do to ease the day.  I'm planning to delegate a few tasks.  Bess has offered to bring pies and drinks.  If I think about this now I'll have a working plan long before the week of the holiday comes around.

Cleared off the bookshelf in the pantry and then shifted things around.  I decided to store paper products in the areas where they are generally used, so bath tissue is under the sink cabinets and paper towels above the laundry area in the kitchen, which is near enough the kitchen to make it reasonable.  That left me with TWO empty shelves, and the top of the bookcase cleared off.  I was able to fit the stacking baskets on top of the bookshelf.  I disassembled the shoe box meal kits which were eating up valuable real estate just now.  I plan to reassemble them when I've time to better organize the food cupboard in the kitchen, then I'll fit them on the shelf in that area, so they are convenient to use.

Reheated leftovers in the oven while I piddled about the pantry and sorted out the guest room.

Fluffed the fall arrangements in the living and dining room by adding in the picks I pulled from the wreaths on the doors.

Hung last year's fall wreaths and feel rather pleased with the look now that it's acting like autumn outdoors.

Cut the stems of the flowers I bought at market last week and rearranged them for the dining table.

Set a geranium branch and a couple of stems of mums that were too short for the vase in an old milk of magnesia bottle on the window sill.  Rather pretty for something that cost nothing.

Made myself a nice hot cup of tea this afternoon.  Even though it is warmer today I have had cold feet almost all day long.  The hot tea was nice.  This was a Vanilla Tea by the way, something I picked up at Publix on sale the other day and it was surprisingly nice.  Sort of shook off the mid afternoon drowsy spell, too.

The AC came on for one cycle this afternoon.  It's been cooler indoors since I never opened the windows at all today.  We will likely run it a little over the weekend but if the promised temperatures come in next week it will be off all week long.

Have had a lovely day and a lovely week.  I kept promises to myself to work on genealogy and discovered a mystery...Love to find myself working away at a mystery!   Received the Emilie Loring book written in 1914 as Josephine Baker (a name used to write columns for magazines in that era) and have thoroughly enjoyed the hominess of it.  I've also taken time to read through my vintage magazines and enjoyed fiction and recipes and decorating from the 1940's and '50's.  I also have the satisfaction of having done quite a bit on my list of work plans and even managed extra jobs like rearranging the pantry and clearing out a few more drawers.  It's been a good week.

Share what you did this week to save...and what brought you a glow of satisfaction as well.


Melonie said...


We now have unlimited data as well, and I've been considering trying out Swagbucks. Is there a way to sign up through you, so that you get any sort of extra Swagbucks or anything? If so, would you take a moment to post a link or referral number or whatever it might be? I so enjoy your blog and would like you to benefit if I do Swagbucks, as it's you that has convinced me to join.

Thanks much!

Rhonda said...

Good morning,
It is so easy to go over on the grocery budget, isn’t it?
I’m so glad you have better data with your new phone. We have a new internet provider with unlimited data and it’s even better service than we had before.
I had an OK week with Swagbucks too. We won’t get rich but little bits help.
Nina said they had a main dish with apples and applesauce cooked with pork tenderloin and she said it was delicious. I don’t usually cook apples with main dishes but after reading about chicken, I’m thinking I should,

Beckyathome said...

Recently, I made pork chops with a apple/dried cranberry sauce to go with it and it was really good. The sauce was really like slightly cooked apple slices and I could have eaten a lot of that. It was a bit savory with some green onion in it, and broth and very little sugar. That chicken sounds very good, too. It's sure apple season around here. We went to an orchard and picked a large bucket full and are now enjoying some apple dishes. The latest one is apple galette, which is an open-faced apple pie.

I'm glad you had a good week, and that you are feeling better now.

terricheney said...

Melonie, My swagbucks referral link is:
Thank you for asking for it. I don't work Swagbucks very hard. There is a daily 'to do' list that I do six days a week, and that includes attempting a few surveys. It generally nets me a few hundred points a week and if I push it with searches and continue to try surveys I might make 2200 a month which is enough to earn a $25 gift card to several stores. As Rhonda says, it won't make you rich but it's a help. I'm generally online anyway and it's a small pay for the vast hours I spend there, lol.

Rhonda, I like apple with pork loin or pork chops, too, or did when I ate pork. You wouldn't think it would be so good with chicken but it's really very nice, especially when mixed with the potatoes, onions, and butternut squash.

Becky, Cranberries are another item that goes well with chicken and with pork. I cook a beef roast in the crockpot that I use cranberries in to substitute for the harder to find and more expensive dried cherries the recipe calls for. It too is quite delicious.

Sew Blessed Maw [Judy] said...

Terri, proud you had a good week.. The book sounds really good [proud you treated yourself]..
I too, love to see people watch the grocery budget, and it gives me ideas and encouragement.
Could you tell me what internet service you use that you get unlimited data.. We moved into the country 1 1/2 years ago.. We have dish with very limited internet.. It is hard for me to do Swagbucks.. My contract is almost over, I would love to change services.. [Before I had local cable and unlimited internet.. it does not provide service in the country.. Sure miss it.ha]
If you had rather not tell, I do not mind.. thank you. Judy

Melonie said...

Wonderful - thanks, Terri! I will use your link to sign up next week when I sit down at more length at the computer. I agree wholeheartedly; every little bit counts and I'm happy to have it. I use InboxDollars and it sure won't make me rich, especially since I don't do a lot of shopping or trying out the "free" trials (that I would then have to make sure to cancel in time!), but slowly but surely it adds up and I'm grateful for the occasional check. :)

terricheney said...

Judy we have a hot spot from At&t, the same carrier we use for our cellphone service. I won't kid you, we are paying a pretty penny for our cell phone service, internet and Directv altogether but despite this we're still saving money over having Hughes Net and the At&t account plus directv.

Hot spot technology has changed a lot in the past two year according to what we were told. We have a small receiver that plugs into an electric outlet. We are so pleased to save money and faster service and not to have to worry constantly about being over data which was ridiculous considering that we only had two computers and didn't stream any movies or watch youtube, etc.

Sew Blessed Maw [Judy] said...

Thank you Terri.. I will check on ATT and see if it is available in my area.I am so tired of the high $'s we are paying for internet and not being able to use it. Have a great day.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again