...I am psyched for the fair this week. This is a big deal in Middle Georgia, the Georgia National Fair and the fairgrounds will be packed for the full 10 days it's in town. John and I are going this week. We set a portion of our vacation funds aside just for this and planned a special dinner out at our favorite restaurant as a grand finale to the day. I'm very much looking forward to this date which we planned months ago.
Bess was here overnight last night and then went to meet Samuel at the fairgrounds this morning. He brought Josh up. Bess has been tending to her mom this past week and she was quite ready to rejoin her husband and Josh. Things worked out rather nicely for them, since Sam had some time off this past week and so he kept Josh at home while Bess took Isaac with her to her mom's. Her mom is doing much better but she was a pretty sick lady for a few days there.
John and I won't be eating any fair foods. I've never liked funnel cakes, caramel and candy apples do nothing for me. I've had my share of the seasonal boiled peanuts already this year, so I don't want those. I do not care for turkey legs and we don't eat pork so none of those grilled foods for us, either. What I'd really like is a single bite of cotton candy but you can't buy it by the bite and I'm leery of asking a stranger to let me have some, lol. I wish I could find a guaranteed all beef corn dog, but most folks don't bother having the all beef ones so that's out, too. I figure after all those things get crossed off the list every thing else is just ordinary stuff I could have any old day, so why bother spending the money? I'll just wait until we get to the restaurant and then we'll have our big splurge!
...I plan my week:

First on my list this week are the few items I didn't attend to last week.
Finish cleaning the kitchen walls... just the area about the stove is it.
Hem my pants. I did all the other sewing but didn't even put those on to see how much I needed to hem.
Mail the package to Amie.
Spruce up the door wreaths to look more autumnal. Especially now that so many leaves have started to turn color and fall.
Post the bills after we get check in the bank. Banks are closed Monday.
Grocery day worked in here somewhere.
Continue work on the porches. I got the front porch porch siding cleaned and washed windows there last week. I ran the soapy brush over the porch and along the algae rails but they need more scrubbing. I didn't do anything to the back porch last week at all.
Go by Kroger and see if the Ball jars are still buy one case get one case free as they were last week. This is a clearance item. I'd like another two cases of the wide mouth quart jars which are very handy to have for storage. I'll pick up my two free Friday download items while I'm in there.
I have $6 in ECB for CVS that I'd like to spend but must do so before Tuesday is over.
Gather a load of stuff to take out to the shed.
Start a restock list of supplements and vitamins, so I'll know what must be ordered. And place the order!
Make John's requested cookies.
I have a day out with Mama on the calendar
Start working on the Jamberry party I'm hosting October 23-27. Pay attention girls who want to join in. You can find me on Facebook. I'm planning party games and my theme is all things Fall. Jamberry has introduced some new products and is expanding their line to include some cosmetics I think. They've just introduced a matte finish lipstick line. Message me here or put in a friend request on Facebook if you'd like to join in.
While I'm out this week I hope to find some more mums to replace the two that dried up in the stupid heat last week. I think I can deadhead and trim and then replant them but they do not look nice enough to be there in front of the back porch. I'll see what I can find that's suitable. I should be able to start adding some pansies and possibly parsley to the area about now.
...I plan meals...though I don't know why I bother!
No, I haven't had good luck of late in making the planned meals. I'm constantly failing to prep ahead, or even to thaw meat a day earlier than it's wanted. Then John will decide he wants to go out to eat or wants a certain something that wasn't on the menu. I know I'll be eating out at least twice this week and possibly a third time when we're out getting groceries unless I plan ahead to have something quick and easy. I've already shared our meal for Saturday...I guess I'll plan a couple of meals just in case.
We still have a bit of egg salad and pimento cheese left for sandwiches. I'll make some chicken salad as well since I cooked extra chicken breasts on Saturday. We also have some Marinated Smoked Turkey and Cheese sandwiches in the freezer as well as some Chicken Noodle Soup so suppers are pretty much taken care of this week.
Chicken Pot Pie, Pear Salad, Cranberry Jelly
Fancy Pants Burgers, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Garlic Toast
I never did get to make this meal and I really was looking forward to having it.
Pan Roasted Chicken Apple Sausages and Vegetables, Green Salad, Gingerbread with Whipped Cream
I usually buy turkey sausage and they have a tendency to get very dry when pan roasting. I expect the same of these Chicken Sausages. For this reason I'll start the pan of vegetables with a foil cover and then just let the sausages and vegetables brown a bit under the broiler afterwards. I'll use butternut squash, onions, apples and perhaps a potato or two. I'll use a little apple cider in the pan to steam them.
...I plan my leisure:

And again...why bother? Honestly last week my leisure looked like a round of 1 each on my favorite games at the end of some long days. I didn't do any of the things I'd thought I'd might but I did enjoy a glass of iced tea on the porch after I'd finished cleaning. Hardly felt like leisure as much as necessary so I could keep going that day. Oh yes, I did manage to work my way through the September issue of modern day magazines I had stacked by my chair. And one vintage October issue. I did that yesterday.
This week I hope to:
have a spa morning. I want to do a proper mani and pedi and put some wraps on those fingers and toes!
Really. Work on genealogy. I'm yearning to do this.
Read the next book in my October pile. I forgot but I did read a book last week. When I was all done I sighed deeply and John asked me why. I told him I'd just finished my book. He told me he was sorry. I told him it was the last book in that particular series and he looked concerned and said he was very sorry, lol. About how I felt about it myself.
What have you planned for your week?
...I plan my week:

First on my list this week are the few items I didn't attend to last week.
Finish cleaning the kitchen walls... just the area about the stove is it.
Hem my pants. I did all the other sewing but didn't even put those on to see how much I needed to hem.
Mail the package to Amie.
Spruce up the door wreaths to look more autumnal. Especially now that so many leaves have started to turn color and fall.
Post the bills after we get check in the bank. Banks are closed Monday.
Grocery day worked in here somewhere.
Continue work on the porches. I got the front porch porch siding cleaned and washed windows there last week. I ran the soapy brush over the porch and along the algae rails but they need more scrubbing. I didn't do anything to the back porch last week at all.
Go by Kroger and see if the Ball jars are still buy one case get one case free as they were last week. This is a clearance item. I'd like another two cases of the wide mouth quart jars which are very handy to have for storage. I'll pick up my two free Friday download items while I'm in there.
I have $6 in ECB for CVS that I'd like to spend but must do so before Tuesday is over.
Gather a load of stuff to take out to the shed.
Start a restock list of supplements and vitamins, so I'll know what must be ordered. And place the order!
Make John's requested cookies.
I have a day out with Mama on the calendar
Start working on the Jamberry party I'm hosting October 23-27. Pay attention girls who want to join in. You can find me on Facebook. I'm planning party games and my theme is all things Fall. Jamberry has introduced some new products and is expanding their line to include some cosmetics I think. They've just introduced a matte finish lipstick line. Message me here or put in a friend request on Facebook if you'd like to join in.
While I'm out this week I hope to find some more mums to replace the two that dried up in the stupid heat last week. I think I can deadhead and trim and then replant them but they do not look nice enough to be there in front of the back porch. I'll see what I can find that's suitable. I should be able to start adding some pansies and possibly parsley to the area about now.
...I plan meals...though I don't know why I bother!
No, I haven't had good luck of late in making the planned meals. I'm constantly failing to prep ahead, or even to thaw meat a day earlier than it's wanted. Then John will decide he wants to go out to eat or wants a certain something that wasn't on the menu. I know I'll be eating out at least twice this week and possibly a third time when we're out getting groceries unless I plan ahead to have something quick and easy. I've already shared our meal for Saturday...I guess I'll plan a couple of meals just in case.
We still have a bit of egg salad and pimento cheese left for sandwiches. I'll make some chicken salad as well since I cooked extra chicken breasts on Saturday. We also have some Marinated Smoked Turkey and Cheese sandwiches in the freezer as well as some Chicken Noodle Soup so suppers are pretty much taken care of this week.
Chicken Pot Pie, Pear Salad, Cranberry Jelly
Fancy Pants Burgers, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Garlic Toast
I never did get to make this meal and I really was looking forward to having it.
Pan Roasted Chicken Apple Sausages and Vegetables, Green Salad, Gingerbread with Whipped Cream
I usually buy turkey sausage and they have a tendency to get very dry when pan roasting. I expect the same of these Chicken Sausages. For this reason I'll start the pan of vegetables with a foil cover and then just let the sausages and vegetables brown a bit under the broiler afterwards. I'll use butternut squash, onions, apples and perhaps a potato or two. I'll use a little apple cider in the pan to steam them.
...I plan my leisure:

And again...why bother? Honestly last week my leisure looked like a round of 1 each on my favorite games at the end of some long days. I didn't do any of the things I'd thought I'd might but I did enjoy a glass of iced tea on the porch after I'd finished cleaning. Hardly felt like leisure as much as necessary so I could keep going that day. Oh yes, I did manage to work my way through the September issue of modern day magazines I had stacked by my chair. And one vintage October issue. I did that yesterday.
This week I hope to:
have a spa morning. I want to do a proper mani and pedi and put some wraps on those fingers and toes!
Really. Work on genealogy. I'm yearning to do this.
Read the next book in my October pile. I forgot but I did read a book last week. When I was all done I sighed deeply and John asked me why. I told him I'd just finished my book. He told me he was sorry. I told him it was the last book in that particular series and he looked concerned and said he was very sorry, lol. About how I felt about it myself.
What have you planned for your week?
All planning has flown out the window here, too and I suspect it is going to take getting past the farewell of our missionaries and regrouping to get there. Today we went to church with them ad saw them sent off and our son in law ordained as a pastor. The afternoon was scary weather warnings of tornadoes on the ground all around us from TS Nate. We are safe. Monday is a dinner at their house with his parents there also. The Mom's are doing the food. Wednesday we will be at the airport at 5:30 AM to see them off. We must finish pressure washing the deck this week so that the staining can be finished. Big thing done on a 900 sq ft deck! We have done it in parts which really helped. I think we will be winging meals since I just don't know how the week will play out.
A little story--our grandson's K5 class will go to the pumpkin patch for a field trip after he is gone. He asked his teacher if she could send his pumpkin to Germany for him. She was so kind and brought a pumpkin to school for him on Friday. I am wondering if he will insist on carrying it along on the airplane on Wednesday!
Friends of ours lived in France for 3 years now and their children learned French over there. No formal lessons. Like in days gone by, the teachers just sat them in the regular class and they learned by listening and watching. They love it over there and really soaked up the architecture and customs. They are strict in class and where one was having problems here he has grown to love learning. And oh the manners! They came back for a visit and what a change!! :-) If your grandson starts learning German when he is so small and when they come back has others to keep speaking it to him he will keep it as second language. Many time we as adults don't catch on to new languages and we have found the kids are helped by having other playmates or grownups back home to converse with often enough to keep their skills. With computer connections I hope they can face time with him often so he can share his new world with you and keep in close attachment even if miles apart.
Terri, you have made me wonder what series of books you just finished!! I just bought the new Jan Karon book at Sam's. I love her books. It has been so long since I went to a good county fair. The old fashioned type. I am so happy when you mention it is that time of year there. I am so happy the fairs are still going strong in Georgia. Makes me remember the original County Fair movie too. I like the old one the best. I love that movie. It catches the thrill of the fair..and oh her pretty dresses!! :)
Fall is finally starting to feel like fall. Yea! Sarah
I have never been to a State Fair! Every year, I say we're going to go, but we never do! In fact, I even took a class last year to learn how to make a Barn Quilt for competition. I'm in love with the one I made and it's hanging in my livingroom right now. I've even designed a couple and intended to make one to enter this year.
Nope. My husband keeps asking me how I'll ever get "Win a blue ribbon at the State Fair" off my lifelong bucket list if I don't go lol. Next year, for sure.
I still have a bum knee (3 wks. on Wed) so I'm cleaning....very slowly. I work a little standing up, work a little sitting down...and so forth. Everything takes forever so I'm pretty frustrated. I found 2 new recipes to try in the crockpot (less knee strain) so if I actually do them, I'll also get to cross something off my October to-do list.
I got some things painted on Sat. in the garage. Bless my husband's heart, he set me up so I could roll around on a little stool! I got 3 things out of the way so it was a win-win for both of us.
I'm hoping to take some time on Wed. to work on my quilt. It's actually my mom's. She did all the state embroidery and started sewing on the outline fabric. I'm going to finish that and assemble it. It'll take awhile, but I'm hoping for a good chunk of time this week.
I also need to finish and mail my Halloween cards.
Sarah, The kids start German kindergarten in January. They expect them to pick it up very quickly. My Nana heart is worried fir them but they are very resilient and adapt easily. We will do Skype and even vido message on Facebook messenger. I was there when both of them were born so yhey stoley heart right away. I'm missing them already.
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