We don't do anything for Halloween in our home. When the children were here we did try to make fun with the day even long after there were past the age of trick or treating. Living so far off the road here in the country we don't get any trick or treaters, either. So Halloween has become sort of a beacon light. Time to flip the calendar to November...and that is a reminder that the holidays are coming up and I'd best get busy with my planning if I haven't already started!
I don't do deep cleaning this time of year, unless a job is just glaringly obvious in need of being tended to. Deep cleaning can wait until the New Year is well started when I go on a declutter and cleaning spree. It suits me best that time of year. This time of year, it's enough to work on holiday stuff.
As it happens I'm already in planning mode. We're to have guests sometime around Thanksgiving. So far, that's all I know. John's brother has said they are coming 'around Thanksgiving'. I do prefer a little better plan than that but obviously I'm not the one making the plans. John is off Thanksgiving Day this year. He's said he'd like to have a family meal for a change. I've invited the two kids who live here in the state. Mama will come and perhaps a few other family members. At this point I can count perhaps 10-15 here. Katie is tentatively planning to cook Thanksgiving in her home this year for family and friends that live nearer by. I sat down last night and wrote out my menu. I'm clearing out the freezer as much as I can so that I can start to bake a few things and pop into the freezer.
My menu includes: Turkey and Stuffing and a separate pan of cornbread dressing For you non-Southerners, dressing is stuffing that hasn't been stuffed into the turkey. We all like stuffing just fine but at least one of my more vocal guests demands that dressing be on the table, too. I need to have another smaller pan of dressing that doesn't include onions if indeed John's brother does come that day. What I can do in this case is go ahead and make up my breads (Cornbread and biscuit bread) and put them in the freezer. I can also chop onion and celery and freeze those. I have a lot of chicken broth in the freezer already. No need to buy that. Since the other ingredients are going to be in the freezer, I'll just need to remember to take out plenty of broth to thaw. I tend to under estimate the amount needed. This year, I mean to get it right!
Green Bean Casserole and a pan of green beans with no onion or just maybe steamed broccoli which I can do in the microwave.
Sweet Potato Casserole Two of these as well, sigh, because when I mentioned it Mama immediately told me she didn't want marshmallows on top but the pecan topping like Granny made. Well John wants marshmallows on top. I don't really want to do two casseroles so I'm thinking one big dish with half strewn with pecan topping and half with marshmallows and everybody choose what they want. I'll just bet you all the die hards who simply must have the one they want will get some of both.
This reminds me that I need to figure out oven space NOW....I don't know that I have room to do dressing and turkey and two big casserole dishes of food, too. I'll choose my dishes and place them in the oven to get a feeling for how they might best fit, including shifting the oven racks about. I may well end up having to figure my times so that the turkey comes out before other dishes go in. I can keep it hot in one of our insulated bags.
Mashed Potatoes I'd suggested leaving this off but heard nothing but groans over it. Fortunately only one pan of these will be needed.
Gravy Just plain chicken gravy. I didn't even mention that it wouldn't be giblet gravy to Mama who thinks it has to be, because John loathes giblets. Frankly I figure at this point I'm having to double up on enough dishes that nobody has a say over the gravy except me.
Cranberry Delight This is a jello dish that I made for Bess last year at her request. She hasn't asked me to make it for her, but it's part of her own personal tradition and I'd like to make it for her. Fortunately it can be made ahead.
Cranberry Sauce Because some folks can't think of turkey and dressing without plain old cranberry sauce. I have homemade whole berry in the freeze and there is canned. I'm not sure which I'll put out just yet.
Pecan, Pumpkin and possibly Coconut Pies. I'd thought I might make a carrot cake. Part of my reasoning is that Bess offered to bring pies, but I know full well with a baby and a toddler there's no telling what might come up. I thought I could make the cake layers and freeze them and if indeed she doesn't have time to bake pies, then there's dessert. I could also put a pumpkin pie in the freezer ahead of time, all baked and just needing to be thawed and served. It's not like a pumpkin pie will go to waste in this house. If we have plenty of pie, I'll save the carrot cake for Christmas, which is my favorite time to have one anyway.
There will be no pretty table settings. Large gatherings like this tax my energy as it is without adding in doing a double load of dishes, too. John will insist on paper (Chinet) plates and plastic cups and throw away coffee cups. I will try to find something that isn't too clashing with autumn colors. Perhaps clear cups and maybe pretty napkins. I thought I'd work out simple table centerpieces and I'll use khaki colored sheets to cover the tables. I bought four folding chairs the other day and may go get two to four more since they were not expensive. They can always be used as extra seating in the living room, too.
I must get the guest room cleared up. Thank goodness I've pretty much stayed atop that this year. I want to make room in the chiffarobe for the guests to hang their clothing. That means moving out the craft storage but it's a simple unit that I can easily remove and put in my room until they leave. I've gone over details with friends who have recently had guests or were guests and got some good tips of little niceties to add into the spaces they will be using. I have a mirror I'll try to get John to hang for me. I don't really want to hang the one I have but I haven't looked around for anything more suitable. There are empty drawers in the dresser, enough that our guests should have plenty of space to put things. The top of the dresser will be empty so a suitcase can go there if they'd like. I've asked John to reconnect the TV in that room now that we've got wireless service. It should pick up a few more channels. Maybe. If they have a Netflix account they'd be able to access it through the internet.
I'll need to clean out from under the sewing table so that we can just move it out and then move it right back in without too much fuss come the day of Thanksgiving since that is my secondary seating. This is easy enough. I only have two bins under the table and both will go to my shed with the other excess items.
I'll need to have my kitchen fully stocked to avoid going into the guest room closet to access the pantry once guests arrive. I'll be sure and have a list of ingredients and take full stock of all that I require before their arrival.
It's my tradition that the Christmas tree goes up Thanksgiving evening. We don't decorate it that night but we do set it up and plug it in. I will need to be sure to have my extension cord handy and the tree fluffed and put together so we can just move it into the room and set it up. I don't want it to be a fussy thing. And if it happens that it doesn't get done then that's fine, too. The world won't end if it goes up two or three nights later.
In the midst of all this I am planning a Jamberry party for Bess. I have found I love planning parties. She is the information person and the business owner but I have a grand time planning games and making the party pretty and such. We'd talked this over a couple of different times but this last Jamberry party went over really, really well and Bess is adamant that it's to my credit that it did so. We've decided to partner up. So right here in the midst of the holiday stuff I'm going to start a part time job. I'll need to have the theme worked out and my part of the party done ahead, especially if I'm to have guests during that time, as well.
So most of November will be prep work for Thanksgiving week in one way or another.
December is coming right along after that. I don't know of a Jamberry party that month but that is prone to change. I think a Christmas themed Jam party would be a load of fun to do.
I checked the calendar for Hanukah dates. This year it falls between Dec. 12-20. I keep a holidays section in my notebook about what worked, what didn't, what proved to be too much, what was just right. Last year, I made or bought some little something for each night of Hanukah that John was home. It was nice to make a small fuss and made the ritual of lighting the candles twice as much fun. I want to do that again this year. I had Star of David sugar cookies one night and another we played the Dreidel game. Another night we had a special candy. I try to add something new each year as a complete surprise for him so I need to work on that this year. On the plus side, I have sugar cookie dough made and in the freezer so the cookies will be easy enough.
I generally spend the first two weeks or so decorating the house and tree for Christmas. I do it slowly. I've already determined my color scheme this year and what I would like to see. I think I have an idea for door wreaths and the mantle... maybe. I've been on Pinterest pinning things. I shopped Hobby Lobby and window shopped Hobby Lobby and know what I might make on my own and what I need to buy. Nothing over the top but I do like things to look festive. I bought ornaments while at Hobby Lobby so I'm assured of having the ones I want at least! No faux greenery of any sort because I thought it all terribly pricey and not that nice. I'm not sure how I'll get around that this year.
John has mentioned that he very much wants to go to hear a cantata or see a community choir or something along those lines this year. I'll keep my eyes open for announcements of such doings and make sure I know his schedule so we can plan it in.

At some point in December we will have a family day. We try to do this between Thanksgiving and Christmas. That date has to be worked out and agreed upon and then we'll plan foods. We usually do our gift exchange during this time, as well. John and I are giving gift cards but we're making up little goody boxes of little things to share with the grown kids and the children will have presents. I need at least one present for Josh. I have something for Taylor and Isaac but nothing for Josh. I have an idea what I want but must take time to find it. I need to buy things for the grown ups. I am already accumulating a few smalls. We've determined our budget and I mean to stick to it hard.
There's the annual work party to attend. It is usually in the early days of the month. No dates yet.
I need to buy Mama's Christmas gift. I'm not entirely sure what to do for her this year. She's well past the wanting 'things' sort of stage and has a plethora of 2018 calendars already this year. She gave me two of the six she had received and had a new one arrive the day I visited. I'll have to think hard. Mama has never been easy to gift, even when she had a list of wants.
Technically John and I gifted one another new smart phones this year. I bought him a stool to sit on and play guitar...I've asked for a larger cutting mat for my sewing table. That's really all I can think of that I'd like to have. We need new glasses so we might splurge and get eye exams, lol, so we can order new glasses from Zenni Optical.
I worked out on the calendar that John is off Christmas Day...His partner's wife has invited me to come to their home for dinner because she said they are working. I'll look at the calendar and plan accordingly. If he's home I'd like to do something special for he and I. He likes me making a little fuss over holidays for just the two of us. I'll even play with a pretty table setting, because he likes that 'special' something. Of course he'll get his holiday breakfast of canned cinnamon rolls and sausage balls.
That brings us up to New Year. Last year I indulged in my first champagne ever and I liked it! I confess I didn't wait until midnight and I thought it a waste to open the bottle and have one glass, but later found a load of recipes that use up leftover champagne (chicken, cupcakes), but long after the fact. I am undecided if I shall buy champagne this year. If I could get a small bottle...maybe. John is working New Year's Day proper so I'm going to make no further plans at this point. If I have the day alone I'll watch the Parade of Roses and spend the day reading and dreaming of the Fresh New Year.
Well, planning is done...Now it's time I got to work!
Thanks for sharing your plans.. It helps me to get motivated.. Time is moving on, so plans are indeed needed.
I bought my turkey today.. we had and Aldi's Grocery store open in a town about an hour from me.. I had to go there today ,so went and checked it out.. I got my turkey and also got milk for 99 cents a gallon, I bought 2 gallons and put in the freezer.
Will start my planning book tomorrow..
Have a great week.
My stove is Ander Jenn Air and the oven is apartment stove size so it takes managing. My turkey comes out about 45 minutes before the meal so I can bake other dishes. I use a covered roaster so we wrap it up in a big beach towel to kept it warm.
Ugh. An older Jenn Air....
You would think invited guests would just be happy what you are making. Thanksgiving is all about the food but unless someone has a food allergy that is crazy you need to make so many extra dishes. Cheryl
Last Christmas, I revived an out-of-fashion custom and purchased my mother a corsage for Christmas. She loved it. She was able to enjoy it, but didn't need to find a place to store it. That's a win in both of our books.
For many years when my grandmother was older and didn't drive I gave her a big basket of "consumables" - things I knew she used and loved, such as bottles of her hair color, a few greeting cards and a book of stamps, the lotion she preferred, a grocery gift card, a few photos of her grandkids, etc. She always loved it, it can be done inexpensively, and most importantly was all used up!
Well, I've started at least planning my menu for Thanksgiving. We usually get together with my husband's family at Thanksgiving but for some reason they are being particularly vague and non-responsive about it. I'm not sure if we've done something to upset them or what but there will be no big Thanksgiving this year even though we offered to come to them and even offered to either go out for the meal or assist in all of the cooking. It's our oldest daughter's favorite time of the year (she's 24) and she is honestly a bit crushed and angry at grandparents for the 'tude. So, Brad and I have determined to make our little family of 4 Thanksgiving extra special. It won't be the same, but at least we'll be together with the people who want to be with us.
We will put up and decorate our Christmas tree that day as well. The girls love doing that. Me, not so much. But this year, I'll try extra hard to be in the spirit of Christmas. Most years, it eludes me. We will not be doing gifts this year most likely. I'd still like to get the girls a few little things just so they have something to open.
Other than that, I have no idea what's going on. LOL Vacation is at the end of next week, and that's our big priority right now. Deservedly so.
Michele in MN and Obscure, both your ideas have given me pause...I shall look into making some combination of these ideas into a gift for Mama. Thank you.
Cheryl, You'd think...But Mama is particularly outspoken and prone to harp on it if things are not to her liking. To keep peace I'll do the extra dishes, but it's no secret why I personally loathe 'family' holidays.
Lana, I was out in the shed this morning eyeing a huge old deep roasting pan wondering if it was even viable to plan to use that for the turkey and stuffing.
Karla, Truly I prefer the small more intimate meals with just John and I and our children with their partners if we can be so blessed. This year, it's a bigger production with more people.
Susie, Yes, I need to write out a timeline now and figure out when I'm doing each task.
Oh goodness, you hit so many topics that reminded me of family! My husband and I spend all our holidays just the 3 of us (inc. our pup) so there is no planning to be done. I'm FINALLY at the tail end of gifting 27 nieces & nephews with only 3 left. I just send money. We receive no gifts so setting up a tree looks mighty sad! Despite it sounding sad, we enjoy it. I still decorate a bit. But, in truth, but for Christmas Mass, everything here is done by about the 1st week in Dec. We go to Cracker Barrel on T'giving so that isn't an issue either. Geesh, that all does sound sad lol!!
I wanted to add a little twist to what Obscure said. For about the last 10 yrs. of my mom's life, I did a similar gift for her. I bought her 24 small gifts and then a *real* gift. Those 24 small gifts were small. A book of stamps, some embroidery floss or needles, a skein of yarn, a puzzle book, candy or snacks, cat treats (for her cat!!), etc. All stuff that she used and didn't have to dust. I wrapped each of them and numbered them 1-24. It was her Advent calendar. She opened one each day. When we were apart, I'd mail them to her a week early in a big box. When she lived with me, I put them in a laundry basket! She was like a little kid after the first year...."Are you gonna do that again?! Can we do one every month?!" When she'd wake up in the morning, she'd get her coffee, her oatmeal, & the gift of the day. She said it was her favorite time of the day. I've had several friends do the same for their college students, parents, etc. and everyone loves it. I doubt I even spent a dollar a day on those little gifts. Talk about stretching $25 into a load of fun!
Okay, I had to share a little food story about my in-laws. I knew they were all crazy for mushrooms and I don't eat them. Am allergic. I didn't say anything because I didn't want them to have to do anything special for me. My friend suggested I offer to bring something special that I loved, and also so I was sure to have something to eat besides turkey and a roll!! I told my sister in law that I'd bring yams. She immediately told me that nobody liked them but her dad and he only liked them cold from the can. So, I ignored her and brought them anyway. Family recipe with the pecans and marshmallows. None of them ate them, but my father in law (FIL)perked up when he saw them and took a big spoonful. My husband(DH) took some out of loyalty to me, I think. So, we're all eating and I watched my FIL go back for thirds!! He caught me in the kitchen later and said, "Those were the best yams I ever tasted. I was so tired of eating those cold nasty things they always put out for me, but I didn't want to hurt their feelings. Thank you!" DH told me he loved them. After that, I always made yams just for the 3 of us. As people married in, others liked them, as well. It was just so funny that FIL's family really didn't know him at all!!
And as for the mashed potatoes, my poor sister in law decided to make scalloped one year and you'd have thought she fed them dog food.
Ohhhhh, the whining!!! And for me, that was the one year I got to eat the potatoes!!
I look forward to reading everyone's plans.
Hello friend, love reading your holiday plans, I’m working out similar things here too.
I had an eye exam this fall and have since ordered 2 pair from Zenni and couldn’t be happier with them, they fit, look nice and my prescription is just right, I’ve checked around with several over online opticals and found Zenni has the best price and best selection.
Jeff has a very complicated prescription and he ordered from a different online optical as Zenni couldn’t do his. They are being shipped and I’m anxious to see how they work. His were still expensive, almost $200 but they would of been at least twice that locally.
Mine were both about $50 each and they would of been $200 or so locally.
No fancy place settings here either,
Your menu sounds wonderful. I am planning a very simple holiday. We will be in Savannah for a week and Nashville for several days. I am going to enjoy the decorations while traveling and do very litte at home. My oldest daughter has to work Christmas Night and Christmas Eve Night so our plans are still being decided. Life is short, if it won't tank your budget, buy the champagne. You could have it at Christmas and share if leftovers are a concern. I like a glass of something prior to the festivities or while cooking. Makes for a much nicer day. Kip
Terri, I bought my roaster from an old lady'S yard sale over 25 years ago. She was going onto assisted living and told me she had made her family's turkey in it for 50 years. I think of her every time I use it. It makes amazing moist turkey.
Lana, my mother in law had one of those roasters and I totally agree with you. They make a delicious turkey. It also helped with the oven issue!
Oh, how I enjoyed reading this post because it reminded me of my family. We'll have the traditional turkey and dressing. Then, I have to fix mashed potatoes because my dad insists. My brother loves mac and cheese, so we'll have that. My sister in law fixes the best sweet potato casserole that I love, so she'll fix that for me. My other sister in law needs green beans because that's the only vegetable she will eat. It's so funny to hear other families have similar stories.
I did something similar for my parents, wrapping small gifts for their stockings to make Christmas day brighter once we kids stopped going home for the holidays.
Thanks for sharing all your plans.
Big family dinners - I love having them. Greg is adamant about a traditional Thanksgiving meal and there is no way mashed potatoes would ever be left out of that. LOL. He and Nick would mutiny.
We just do the basics, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, and pies. I have our guests each bring the other dishes like green bean casserole and sweet potatoes. Then they always bring more - appetizers, salads, wine.
This year we're doing just a small gathering, our immediate family and Greg's parents, and we're doing it on the 19th since Bradley has to be gone on the holiday. I am also going to make a traditional meal to take to work on Thanksgiving since Nick and I will both work. I'm making the basics, the kids are making desserts and sides. Nick is in charge of rolls and whipped cream. :)
Greg's parents are in the same stage of life as your mother - they don't need "things". For several years we've given them Omaha Steaks gift cards and they love them. They go to Omaha at least once a month, so they can visit the store there, or order online.
I wish you could join Barb and me for the wreath-making workshop! I will think of you while we're there.
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