The Week Ahead: One Day Only

Just arrived to discover that not only am I behind times posting this post, but I apparently never sent out last Friday's post.  And what a lot went on from Friday through today!

So literally this week, I am not really planning anything except to take each day as it comes.  Here's what I know to be facts this week:

I will keep Isaac tomorrow.

John will work two days.

I have a planned day out with Mama.

It is Harvest week and things will be done regarding all the usual stuff.

And in between I shall be playing chauffeur and every other necessary role regarding Katie's lack of transportation which shall have to work around my own household needs.

Meals will be eaten.  So far:
Saturday we ate out at lunch and I grabbed something, can't remember what, for supper when we finally arrived back home.

Sunday I made a pot of soup from a previously made pot of soup into which I dumped everything in the fridge that might reasonably go in for our midday meal and I grabbed a hamburger on the way home about 8pm, while John fended for himself alone here at home.

Today we have had spaghetti, which I pulled from the freezer.

I do not have plans for tomorrow nor the next day nor the next.  I have clicked into a tired/survival sort of mindset at present and we're doing the best we can.

The week behind:  I did most all of the stuff on my lists, we ate all the meals and I didn't do a thing towards leisure.  Katie was involved in a wreck Friday night.  We spent all Friday evening and early hours Saturday morning in the ER.  Thank God, she's fine aside from some bruising and the loss of her car, but it's a game changer for everyone since she'll obviously need transportation to tend to the insurance needs, etc.  Her car was her job so without it...we wait until we see how all the dust settles.  And that is life this week.


Carolyn said...

Oh dear! You have a lot going on right now. Amazing how our vehicles keep our lives running smoothly and without them (even if they're just in the shop for a day), things go awry. Would it be easier for you for Katie to use your car until she gets her replacement? Of course, I have no idea how far away she lives from you so that may not be an option at all. Take care of yourself, my friend, and be sure to get the rest you need to juggle your new (but hopefully not permanent) schedule. (((hugs)))

Anonymous said...

I don't normally have time to post a comment, but do read all of your posts. And I've been a bit worried about you, when nothing got posted on Friday, lol! Glad to see you are okay and as busy as ever.

Peggy S.

Sandy Dixon said...

Terri, literally from one Southern soul to another...Bless your heart! I am praising the Lord that Katie is ok. Gods got this. trust me, I know how it feels to walk with our children thru life. Ive gotten to the point where I live very intentionally each day thanking Him for those days when things seem to be going smoothly and trusting Him on the days when they dont. Praying for a positive outcome for the car. Take care.

Kathy said...

So sorry about the wreck, but I'm glad that Katie is ok!
Could she get a rental car or borrow your car for a few days? Hope insurance gets settled quickly.

Chef Owings said...

so glad she wasn't hurt... must be in the air as one of our friends was in accident and now has no car. She is borrowing here and there from friends when her Hubby can't take her due to his work. Car ins dragging their feet about a rental and getting her car fixed.


Debby in Kansas said...

I wondered where you were! I'm glad Katie's okay, but that car thing is such a pain when work is involved. About 20 yrs. ago, an automated gate slid out and smashed the side of our only car. It was at my DH's work and they paid for it. The sensor was malfunctioning. The insurance company told DH where to pick up the loaner and he went. They tried to give him something like a Chevy Sprint....he's 6'9' and couldn't even get inside of it!! The rental guy calls the insurance company and the co. is arguing that it's all they'll cover. The rental guy is explaining that "the guy can't even get into it! Don't you understand?" They finally upped it by a size and even still, DH had a twitch in his hip from cramming himself inside. Gah. I hope you all have better luck.

That's awful about how bad your allergies are. We had rain last week, which set off things with my nose & ears. I woke up Sunday with plugged ears and felt like I was walking sideways. I finally sneezed a couple of times and they cleared out. And I don't consider mine particularly bad. They mostly annoy me from time to time.

My biggest joy of the week was having DH move a couple of things for me. He made room in the guest room for a table. FINALLY, my in progress doll house can get off the dining room table!! I thought I'd finish it by plans and all lol. Now it's out of the way and it immediately made the entire space look neater. I'm going to celebrate by picking a bouquet of daffodils out front and putting them on the table first thing tomorrow morning!! Aaaaahhhh.

Anonymous said...

Just read to the end of glad Katie is okay! You are all in my prayers.

Peggy S

terricheney said...

Thank you all. Katie's work involves driving and as long as the claim is open she cannot work. As for using my car, I'm willing to loan it at times when it's needed as long as John is home. He dislikes me being home alone without a car, an ongoing argument we have had for years upon.

I am striving hard to do as Juls says "One Day At A Time, In God's Hands." Things will work out. They always do. The biggest relief is that Katie was only bruised and while sore, it shall pass.

Karla said...

Oh no! Praising that she's okay. Praying for a quick resolution and peace in the midst for all of you.

Karen in WI said...

Terri, I hope your daughter is doing alright and is recovering from the shock of the accident. I will pray for her. It sounds like you will be very busy. Take care of yourself. Hugs to you!

terricheney said...

Karen I was not as busy as I thought I might be. I'd rather anticipate being busy than be surprised by a sudden onslaught of it! Katie is still sore, perhaps even more sore than the day of the accident but she is well and healthy, praise God.

Anonymous said...

Sending prayers and good thoughts for you all. So happy things are in the process of being resolved...I'm sure you're counting your blessings as you find them!

Meal Plan for Second Week of March