The Week Behind: One Day At A Time

Saturday:  John off to work.  I barely kissed him.  Truth told, this lady was dead tired, slapped off the alarm and went back to sleep so hard I never heard John shower or leave the room, nor did I make him breakfast, etc.   Bless the man he meant for me not to wake but it isn't in him to NOT say goodbye.  It was his whispered "See you later" that shook me awake and I got up long enough to inspect the lunch bag he'd packed.  The lunch basket in the fridge is such a blessing to us!  I used to have his lunch scattered all over, a bit here and a bit there, wherever it would fit.  Designating a basket for John's lunch items and nothing but his lunch items means he can pack his bag as easily as I can.  I kissed him goodbye and was sent promptly back to bed.  I doubt I was awake long enough for him to make it to the end of the first drive.

Up about 10am and on a fast run.  I'd planned and meant  to have Taylor this weekend.  Katie had meant to pick her up but under the circumstances it wasn't happening, so I got ready to go pick her up and together we drove to meet up with M and get Taylor.

I'd set aside some money at the beginning of the pay period meaning to put it in the bank, but sometimes you just need to use your cash and since I was so low on my personal cash I borrowed some of that.

It proved to be a long day one way and another and we didn't get back home until nearly 7pm.  I'd promised to bake cookies with Taylor and she'd been good as gold while we waited on people to show up, etc.  We made the easy peanut butter cookies: eggs, sugar, peanut butter and put chocolate chips in the depression.  Taylor wanted to 'prise' her daddy so we packed up a container for him.

Taylor stayed the night with me.  She's never done that on her own before and none of us was sure how it would work out but she is reasonable.  I told her that when she could see daylight through the shade she could get up.  She 'read' books until she fell asleep.  I sent Katie home in my car once Taylor was asleep.

Sunday:  Up at 7am and showered and dressed quickly.  I'd failed to set up coffee the night before but could hear Taylor talking softly in the bedroom, so I checked on her.  She was lying in bed looking at the window.  She said very quietly, "You said I could get up when I could see day and I see it."   Yes, I did.  Such a sweet little girl!

She had two breakfasts.  One before Grampa came in from work and one after.  Fortunately I lived with little hobbits last Spring and I know their habits and had prepared extra for her.

Taylor played happily with the two Barbie dolls we'd bought at Aldi.  Gramma provided plastic freezer storage containers that were big enough to be bathtubs and the dolls were undressed, pretend bathed, dried off and dressed and tucked into bed.  That and a movie rental was enough to entertain her until she felt like exploring the toy box and then it was filling an old bag with odds and ends and emptying it out again, as well as coloring that took up her time.   She helped Grampa fold clothes and did a rather good job for a three year old, we thought.

I put together a rather easy lunch of spaghetti-os and fruit for Taylor and we had leftover soup with all the odds and ends from the fridge thrown in.  We ate soup and sandwiches, then we all had 'prise cookies that were left after packing cookies for her daddy.

I really enjoyed my time with that little girl and look forward to having her spend the night again.

Monday:  Weary as could be.  I took Taylor back to her daddy.  We had to drive an additional forty minutes because a train was stopped at the crossing that was just about 7 miles from where we needed to meet up...and no other routes were available to go to that town.  The train was still at the crossing when we left town, so we had to go back the way we'd come and added another 40 minutes to our trip.  No need to complain.  We couldn't move the train and we did want to go home.

It seemed a very long weekend and it was tedious in many ways but things might have been much more difficult and great deal harder.  I was able to sleep in this morning, as did John who'd been up all Friday night and most all day on Saturday and Saturday night and got little rest while Taylor was here on Sunday because Grampa can't close his eyes around these children.  They feel compelled to wake him and remind him they are here, lol.

When I finally awoke this morning, a little before 9am, John made me breakfast.  Very sweet of him, right?  Well it was but he admitted he was making it as much  because he was hungry, lol.

My house was a disaster.  I mean seriously a disaster.  Clothes piled here from Sunday's washing and dishes piled there from weekend meals and messy beds and such.  I worked steadily for two hours getting it all put to rights.  John vacuumed all the rooms.  I washed a full load of dishes and a sink full as well.  The laundry basket is full but it's mostly sheets and towels which I'll wash early tomorrow morning.

I talked to Katie to insure she was all right.  She's bruised and sore and dealing with insurance issues by phone.  None of us wanted to be out of our homes today.

Bess and the boys and their dog River came by this afternoon to visit for a little while.  River is being trained.  She  is an indoor doggy at her house but we don't do indoor doggies at my house.  I guess she likes Grampa and Gramma's pretty well after all because she came back this evening on her own to play with Rufus.  Silly dog.  When Bess came to fetch her she knew she was in trouble and sat as far from Bess as she could in the truck, lol.

I used the other half pound of meat to make burgers for our supper.  They were good.

Tomorrow I keep Isaac while Bess attends to a doctor's appointment.

I took spaghetti sauce base from the freezer and added in a half pound of ground meat for our easy dinner today.  That and a green salad was all we really needed.  I add loads of vegetables to my homemade sauce.  I opened a can of pineapple slices and we had a scoop of coconut gelato.

Tuesday:  Back on track this morning.  John off to work and I sent him with breakfast, lunch, coffee.
I started a full load of sheets and towels to wash and began to unload the dishwasher.

I got cold this morning and refuse to turn up the heat any higher, so I crawled back in bed and warmed up under the blanket and incidentally got about an hour more of sleep.  This is not a bad thing since I can say quite sincerely that the slight weather change that came in last night made my knee ache terribly, plus I'd hit my little toe against a doorstop when I was hurrying through a room yesterday.  That ached too.  I finally put heat rub on the knee and took Tylenol and went off to sleep once more last night.  Still that added hour this morning did no harm.

When I got up I did all the chores, Bible study and got the house Isaac proofed.  He's not a hard child to keep but he is two and that means getting into things just seems to come naturally to him.

On Saturday when we'd returned from getting Taylor, I found I had two packages.  A shirt from Zulily that I am unsure of.  I like the pattern of the fabric and the shirt would be a great addition to my wardrobe but I'm really unsure of the ruffles on the sleeves  I think I'd like to keep the shirt as is and if I find I am still unsure then alter the sleeves to a plain hem.    I also got two maxi skirts which I love to wear, finding them feminine and yet giving the coverage I prefer.   I've always said John got the legs and I didn't, lol, so no shorter skirts for me.  However, a maxi with sandals in summer is easy wear.  One skirt is a print on black background.  The print is white/grayblue and charcoal.  I'd seen a similar print on pants on Pinterest that was paired with several solid color tops and looked equally as well with all.   The other skirt is just a plain black skirt that will do equally well for relaxed and easy dressing and dressier occasions with the proper blouse.

My wardrobe needs a new white tee shirt.  I did purchase one but spilled coffee on it and though the stain was treated it didn't come out.  John dried it, however, so the stain is set.  So a casual white t-shirt (or three!) is needed.  Perhaps a dressier blouse for the black skirt.   I think that what I require most is accessories: scarves, shoes, a purse or two, perhaps a hat or two for summer and light kimonos.

Wednesday:  Yesterday proved to be easy enough and long at the same time.  Seems to be a pattern of late...Isaac was here until about 5pm.  Josh was dropped off here at about 4pm.  His daddy worked from the car outside, but he had to finish his work day and I understood that.

Isaac spent most of his day playing with the new Melissa and Doug block sets I'd bought early in the month.  Honestly it's some of the best money I've spent in ages!  He stacked them and put them in a box and took them out again for hours.  I also discovered a music program on Netflix called Little Baby Bum and he enjoyed the music.  He didn't nap but he was quiet and I suppose that's better than the alternative.

I felt worn out after the boys left.  This is not unusual on the evening of a work day.  Rising that early always leaves me feeling done by end of a day.  I had a leftover entrée in the fridge that I reheated for my supper, picked up the few toys the boys failed to clear up and called the day done.

Noted as I took my supper from the fridge that the blueberries needed to be used.  So this morning I used the pint in muffins.  I made a full dozen, which I typically don't do.  They were lovely.  I don't know just what it is about heating a berry such as blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, etc but heat does amplify their flavor.

Totted up the checkbook and finished making out the few bills that arrived since last week.  I gathered the items I needed to go out with me.  I made out a grocery list of sales items and took note of the fact that my ECBs from CVS were about to expire.

I found a sulfate free shampoo with an ECB offer on the purchase of 2.  I bought 2, completely paid for by my on hand ECBs and 63c change from my purse.  I received $5 ECB in return.  I went only determined to use the things and debated several purchases but ultimately I knew I was getting low on shampoo and needed more, so I was rather pleased.

Took off trash, did banking, stopped at post office and CVS.  It was quite late for me to run errands and I'd done nothing at all about supper.  I stopped at the local place and picked up chicken.  I had given up this place due to several less than pleasant encounters but heard it was under new management. I found it okay and the staff nicer than in the past, but I'm not bowled over by it.

John took the old riding mower up to Sam's today and told him to keep it there and  use it for their lawn.  I know that he's enjoyed cutting that yard for the little boys to play in but it's just too much at this time with his schedule at work.

Thursday:  I wore the blouse today that I was unsure of.  It's very comfortable and John liked it.  I can see using it over a tank in cooler weather and open as a jacket over a tank, too.  It will also go with four pairs of pants: blue, khaki, olive and white.

I gave myself a manicure this morning before I dressed.

For our breakfast, I reheated blueberry muffins and added a hot cereal to the meal.

John said he couldn't stand the state of our car any longer.  We went by the car wash and bought the least expensive one.  The car looked so much better without it's coat of dust and pollen and I didn't feel so vigilant about avoiding touching it.

We shopped at Aldi this morning.  I spent almost spot on what I had determined I might spend this week.  I stocked up on meat again this pay period.  I can almost always afford the canned foods on any budget but meat is another thing entirely.  Today I bought a roast, cubed steak, ground beef and a turkey tenderloin.  I'd not meant to buy any more but John suggested I look at chicken.  I'm so glad he did!  I found packages of tenderloins with $2 and $3 off coupons so I got five packets of chicken tenderloins for about $12, saving $13.  That is a most excellent price especially for the Never Any! brand which is carrageenan free.

I was happy to also find a new half and half product on the shelf.  This was carrageenan free, too.

And last my favorite purchases today was a coral rose bush and two clematis vines, one pink and one purple.  I will plant these on the trellises where my climbing roses grow.  I spent just under $12 for all these plants and I am so pleased to add them to my garden this year and for such a good price, too.

My last stop today for grocery shopping was at Kroger.  Today only there was a sale on an off brand of sugar: 4 pounds for 99c, limit 5.  I bought the limit and picked up my free Friday download item, a Butterfinger candy bar.  I went by the flower department because frankly it's not in me to not buy fresh flowers for my home, but ooph the prices!  I kept looking around though, trying to determine what was a good buy and what wasn't.  I just wasn't going to come out without flowers!  I found a clearance section tucked into the back corner and there I found I could buy two bunches of flowers for the cost of one much smaller bunch of the freshest ones.  I am quite happy as it's been two weeks since my last floral purchase and those are looking a bit done now.

John wanted to go to Panda Express for lunch.  We got a double entree and shared it.  I noted a free entree offer on the receipt, if you gave feedback.  I did this and got my code for a free entree.  I also did this with a McDonald's receipt from the weekend and got a code good for a buy one get one offer on McDouble burgers.   I did feedback on the Aldi receipt (entry for a $100 giftcard) and feedback for my Kroger purchases as well (50 fuel points and entry in a sweepstakes).

When we arrived home I found my new bras had arrived.  I am pleased to have these additions to my wardrobe, as I have been noticing the lack of support lately.

I did not mention, but should, that I was able to set money aside this pay period to go towards a deposit to our newest savings account.  It was not as much as I'd hoped but we did spend a goodly sum at Walmart last week and  on parts for the mower, etc. this week.   I added a sum to our Christmas sub account and now have about half what we require for our gifts this year.  I've made good progress this year and my husband is well pleased that his additional hours are being made to count hard.

Friday:    I have just finished tidying up the house.  It took about an hour and 15 minutes this morning to do most all tasks.  I should really sweep the kitchen and use the carpet sweeper on the dining area rug.  I need to feed the pets, as well.

Today is a day out with Mama.  I am bracing myself for it, lol, sometimes necessary.

I've fought anxiety bouts all week long, but so far have been able to manage fine with rest, thought redirection and prayer.  

Katie is staying with a friend, so she has not needed to be chauffeured about as I expected.   She continues to be terribly sore but has not had any further problems for which I am grateful.  The insurance claim is in progress and we shall see how all that turns out.

Meals went unplanned but amazingly enough we ate all the same and I've noted no spoilage of anything.

My plans for today are simple enough and involve little more than this visit with Mama and a return to be made.  I think when I get back I shall make a small lemon cake for us.  It is one of my favorites and while it is not John's if I am careful to not make it too tart he will enjoy it well enough.

I find myself looking toward April.  This month seems to have gone quickly.  I can say sincerely for the most part I have been bored bored bored.  April shall definitely be a month to move on a number of projects.  I'm looking forward to planning it out.

I'll write out a separate post of April plans and get it up over the weekend or first of next week.

Here's a quick recap of March:  

I still haven't finished the chifforobe. 

I am still practicing my crochet.  I keep messing up the ends and getting my tension far too tight on my thread.  As well the yarn I'm using is not a good quality one.  It tends to come un-twisted and often ties itself in tight little knots, but I am getting better!

I made a fast start on our big hairy financial goal of creating a new savings account with future living expenses socked away.  I shall make a hard run at it again the first of this month and that should see us with one month's expenses in the account.  I'd told John I had a major goal each month and I made that and more in March.  We'll see how well it goes in April.

I did well on my pantry and freezer stocking up, too.  I've added several weeks worth of meats to the freezer and have filled all my bins in the pantry.  I have 36 pounds of sugar, five huge cans of coffee, a good supply of cereals and other dry goods, and added to my canned vegetables.   I also stocked up on a few personal care items and vitamins.  I'm not where I want to be yet in any of these areas but I'm pleased with my progress.  I need to buy another bin and I really must get a shelving unit to add to the pantry, as well, if I'm to continue stocking up.

I didn't experiment with new meatless meals but we ate more meatless meals this month than we did at the start of the year.  I'm going to keep plugging away at this, trying to do at least one meatless meal each week and trying to incorporate newer recipes.  It's easy enough to make those meals we've had and liked in the past but I am sure we can get more variety.

No yard work or porch work to say much about.  I did minor cleaning outdoors on the porches, meaning I swept and picked up dead plants and trash and neatened things up.  The flower bed along the back of the house was weeded.  It will need a little more work and does require a new layer of mulch.  I have a LOT of work to do outdoors and it shall be on my list for April for sure.

I did not get the brass bells restrung as planned but I was playing about and tossed it over the rafter of the back porch.  One of the bells caught and there they are until I bring out the step ladder and get them down.  They made a lovely chiming on a particularly windy day.

Now it's time for me to begin my Bible study since the sun is fully up and then to get on with my day. How well did you do this week?  Did you meet your goals for March?  Tell us all about it!


Chef Owings said...

I need to do a lot better at focusing on meeting my goals then just drifting through the day.Weather and health been tag teaming me it seems.

We are eating 1 meatless meal a week...not on purpose but because the Amish neighbor gave us maple syrup, then his mother gave us maple syrup and then one of Hubby's co workers gave us maple syrup... so we have been having bfast for supper. Eggs are always an option if Hubby wants... They are free as the Amish neighbor gives them to us for picking up kerosene for their lamps when we are already in town. No special trips.

Looking forward to your April goals. Enjoy reading your blog a lot.
Blessed Be

Karla said...

I honestly need to actually make goals. I haven't thought of that in a long time. It's been ages since I've had any desire to make goals of any kind and it shows in just about every area of my life. Time to sit down this weekend during the indoors-yucky-weather time (all weekend) and actually do some planning and thinking and dreaming and etc. etc.

Chris M said...

Terri, Before you give up on your white t-shirt, try soaking it in diluted Clorox. I’c been amazed at what I can rescue. I will also pre-treat with Dawn, rinse, & then soak.

Anonymous said...

I will add that even after drying a shirt with a stain still in I have soaked it in some Oxyclean for a day and the stain was gone. I just add the water it soaked in to the next light color clothes I put in the washer along with the shirt. I sure have had luck getting tough stains out of so many things with it. My flour sack tea towels sure get grungy and come out like new too.

I take it your new top is a cardigan. I saw several blouses at the store yesterday that had a longer straight sleeve then two ruffles of the same knit at the elbow. I wish more tops had longer sleeves. so many now have the cap sleeve length only. The top of my arms need covering not showing. :) No sleeveless for me unless it is combined with a cardigan or over shirt. I envy the ladies in their sleeveless tops during the hot humid summer. ;)

I have been still working on changing so many areas of the yards and garden. I am slower and there is a lot of work. but slowly it is getting done. I am clearing many things to make it easier to keep up. And some places thinning out hedges and such. I wish I could put in a wall on one side of the property but at least the hedges keep it some what private on that side. When we moved to this street and area almost everyone owned their homes but after 10 years that totally changed. We are surrounded now by houses that are rented and our 'view' is not so nice at all anymore. Every three years or so new people move and they clean up the house and yards for the next one. It is sad that many people do not take pride in their surroundings.

I have so many things on lists to do!! It is as I said, slow going but I keep chugging away and trying to finish some. LOl ! With March going so fast it is worrying me how fast I will turn around and 2019 will new over too! I hoped to get so many things done LAST year and it is now a new year. :(...and going fast! Yikes!! Sarah

Cristikit said...

Try soaking your t-shirt in the hottest tap water with a scoop of oxyclean and some regular detergent. I had deliberately coffe/tea dyed some cross stitch fabric but years later wanted a brighter look to that cross stitch and tried the oxyclean soak. All of the coffee/tea stain canme out. Was as bright white as before.

terricheney said...

Thank you all. I shall try to remove the stain by any and all of the methods mentioned above before I give up on that new t-shirt. I only wore it once!

Karen in WI said...

Terri, it’s good to know that Katie is feeling better and I will pray that insurance issues go smoothly for her. It sounds like you had such a lovely overnight visit with Taylor and not too much chauffeuring this week.

Your ruffle shirt sounds lovely and ruffles are coming out more. I just ordered a blue and white flowered shirt with a ruffle going down the placket. The sleeves are elbow length with a little bell. The fabric is supposed to be cool so I’m hoping that I like my ruffle shirt too. I think that maxi skirts are so comfy and versatile. I hope you enjoy yours. I love, love wearing skirts and t-shirts most of the summer. I am also in dire need of a fresh white, short sleeve t-shirt to wear with all the skirts and anything else. All of mine look a bit worn and I could probably use two, but will start with one.

What a deal on the clematis and rose bush! I have a beautiful purple clematis growing up the side of my covered porch. They just seem to need a shovel of manure/compost in the spring and a pruning and they are fine! They will look beautiful growing with your roses.

This week, I planted my indoor seeds and got out on a warmer day to prune fruit trees and the raspberries. I will wait for the next spring like day to finish my pruning. We have had some beautiful spring days and I’m glad winter is moving on. I cleaned out exactly one kitchen cupboard....slow going huh? I do plan on getting a few more done this weekend. I remembered when we moved into this house and how excited I was that the kitchen had so much more storage and an actual pantry. Well, they all need to be cleaned though.

I went over a bit on my grocery budget this month, but we did have two Azure Standard deliveries. I really will focus on doing inventory and basing my meals off what we have and then adding to that this month. My grain mill just went kaput two days ago and I sent it in today as the warranty should cover the repair. I shall miss it as I was out of gluten free pancake mix (which is also my muffin flour) and the stores want so much! The boys have been growing and need more clothes so I am shopping sales and trying to catch the tall sizes for my 17 yo. I really have to watch the budget closely this next month.

I am almost finished re-reading “The Help” and will watch the movie when I’m done. I do need to read an Elizabeth Livingstone book as your reviews make me curious. I hope to do more reading instead of surfing the computer. Well, off to making a lemon tart for Sunday dinner and finish prepping for dinner tonight. I hope you are having a lovely Shabat. Blessings and hugs to you!

terricheney said...

Karen when we moved here I stared at the wealth of cupboards and thought never again would I pine for storage room...and then I filled them up and spread out to the guest room closet and bought a buffet and moved things to it and on and on it goes. Now I dream of ADDING cabinets to my kitchen, a whole wall of them where we now have the freezer and small chifforobe and perhaps a low built in cabinet on the back entry wall, low enough to use as a seat but with storage room like a window seat, a perhaps a built in desk and...Yeah.

Karen in WI said...

You gave me a chuckle, Terri! I remember thinking that I wouldn’t use all my storage...but I did! I’m just so happy that in this kitchen I have enough working counter space. My old kitchen was cramped and not much work space at all, especially for someone who cooks from scratch.

Tammy said...

Reading about filling up what you thought was a wealth of cupboards reminded me of a recurring dream I have now and again where we've purchased a new-to-us home and the kitchen has literally yards and yards of counter space. Like, yards, and yards, and yards of it. Makes me laugh.

terricheney said...

Tammy, isn't it funny what we'll dream of when we're sleeping?

Meal Plan for Second Week of March