Diary of a Homemaker's Week: It Was Different


Saturday:  John and I bought pizzas and a big Italian Salad last night while we were dropping Caleb off to his Nene.  We brought them home, made an adult beverage and ate with our feet propped up, me in my nightie, him in his pj pants and t-shirt.   

He turned off the tv and while I colored, he went to his computer and played songs from the 1970's.  I was taken back to my junior high and high school days with the selection of music he played.  And I remembered the words still to so many of them!  He played music until we went to bed.

The Homemaker's Week of Savings: Use What You Have


I was looking through my files for a picture to head this post and this one stopped me in my scan.  I was thinking what an economical cook she was to fill her oven so full and take full advantage of that heat!  A good reminder to me when the oven is in use to make the most of it, instead of using it for just one item at a time.  So, when I bake bread this week, perhaps I shall also put in muffins and some other items to bake alongside.

Thursday:  I pulled some of the things from the freezer basket that Sam had given us.  The guys ate Frudels (pastry with fruit filling).   I ended up with a burrito.  It was not a breakfast burrito as I'd supposed, lol.  It was a bean and cheese burrito.  And honestly, it's not a great bean and cheese burrito.

Iced Tea Chat: Suddenly Summer


Hello dears, do come in.  Today I can offer you iced tea with lemon or mint or lemonade with mint, lemon slices, or strawberries to float in the lemonade.  Let's sit here on the porch for a bit and enjoy the breeze.  I know it's rather balmy outdoors just now, but it's so good to see and feel the sunshine after the rainy, cloudy days we've had.  Besides, you can get a better view of my garden.

The Homemaker Plans Meals for the Week Ahead


Gathered Fragments:

Carrot tops

Produce from Sam's garden last weekend: cucumber, peppers, eggplant.

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: The End of June


In my home this week, I am astonished that we are in the last week of June.  It's been a good month, and though I've skimmed on Zone work overall, I've still managed to get a good bit accomplished indoors and out.  I want to make this week a good work week to finish this month off strong.   

There are many things ahead just now that I know are out of my hands.  I don't know when this renovation will start, but I know it's coming up.  I don't know what to expect from the new month ahead.  But I do know that I will feel more relaxed if I am more or less prepared for what I am fairly sure will be just ahead.  And that's incentive enough to finish off June strong.

Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Rain, Rain, Rain


Saturday:  Today turned out hot and sunny which was a surprise to us after the rainy week behind.  

We puttered about the house as we typically do on a Saturday morning, I do love my toasted Croissant with a bit of jam on Saturday morning.  I only wish I'd found some more on sale yesterday while in Kroger.  Ah well.

We didn't have a restful peaceful getaway sort of day but it was quite pleasant.  We went to Home Depot to look for a shower kit.  We found none in stock that would work for our renovation.  We picked up boxes to pack up the kitchen items.  

The Homemaker's Week of Savings: The Battle to Save


Thursday:  Set porch plants underneath eaves of house so they can benefit from the free fertilizer and water.  With all the rain, thunder, lightning it seemed a good time to give the plants all a natural bit of nitrogen and such. 

I made pancakes this morning, using a boxed mix that I found in the cabinet.  I prefer homemade but cannot deny that a boxed mix often results in light and airy pancakes.  I had leftover pancakes and put them in the freezer for a future meal.

Eight Ways I Currently Supplement Our Income

Though I don't work outside the home, I supplement our income.  I've been doing it for years upon years in various forms.  Of course, there are the most obvious ways: shopping for the best price, weighing quality against long term value, checking periodically to see if there are cheaper rates on services we must have, making sure that nothing goes to waste indoors.  And here I am dabbling in gardening.  Stats are out on how well that is going at present, but it all looks just beautiful, so here's hoping!

The Homemaker Plans Her Meals: June 17-23


The fridge is packed.  I mean PACKED.  I have one item I know is hitting the trash can and that is a single serving of blueberry cobbler.  

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Did Last Week Even Count?


In my home this week, I am wondering seriously if last week even counted at all.  

It rained all week long.  We mostly sat quietly watching tv or reading and that was that.  I didn't do one single thing in my zone area and little else besides the barest minimum of household chores.  I did putter about in the yard at the beginning of the week, but only was able to wander out once by end of the week.  I napped two or three times.  Meaning I actually went to bed and napped.

Diary of a Homemaker's Week: And It Was Good

Saturday:  John asked me Friday night, "Are we going out tomorrow?" "Gee I hope so!"  "Me, too!"  We didn't know where nor what we'd do but John suggested we at least plan to go to lunch.  I told him we still had plenty of funds on our gift cards for our favorite restaurant, but I really didn't want to go to Perry, as much as we appreciate that restaurant for it's cozy atmosphere and superior service. Looking online I found there was a franchise in the town in the foothills and so we headed in that direction.  We always have such a feeling of being on holiday when we head up that way.  

The Homemaker's Week of Savings: June 8-14


Thursday:  Honestly no trip to the grocery feels like a savings anymore, does it?  Even with sales and in season produce the costs are higher than we've seen since the last visit.  But one does the best one can.  

I compare prices across several stores.  I note what I might do myself to net us the lowest price overall on what we consider staple items.  I can bake and do.  I try to back basic items and not pre-made anything.  The more an item is handled and processed, quite often the more it costs.  There are exceptions to that rule, but not so often that it's always an option.  

Summer Menu Plans


I thought once upon a time that reading my vintage magazines would lead me to the secrets to cool summer cookery.  You know what I found?  In the 1920's, 30's and 40's, people mostly ate the same meals they ate year-round.  They just ate them on a shady porch or in the back yard or they did picnics near a body of water, but they carried along the same heavy foods.

So, in the end, I had to return to my own experiences.  I lived in a home without air conditioning for twenty years.  It was HOT in summer.  My kitchens were inevitably faced west adding to their misery come the supper hour.  Not cooking wasn't an option.  Takeout was too expensive for my budget and my family certainly wanted to eat.  I learned to make meals that would satisfy and not add to the day's heat.

The Homemaker Plans Meals For the Week: June 10-16


Gathered Fragments:

Mashed Potatoes (about 1.25 cups)

French Fries (1/2 cup)

1/2 loaf raisin bread Used to make French Toast

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: How I Wish It Would Rain

In my home this week,  we are ready to face a new week.  I've just wished my oldest granddaughter a Happy Birthday at the end of last week.  Monday is Josh's birthday.  My grandchildren now range in age from 21 to 3...Now that will make you stop and think a moment.  

By the time she was four, I saw the last I'd ever see of Josie and her baby sister Lily, who turned 17 in April.  I try to remember this when I'm having a frustrating day with Caleb.  Here's one I get to spend time with.  Same with Josh and Isaac and Millie.  Thank God for these.

Diary of a Homemaker: The First Week of June


Saturday:  Of course, I'm starting this on June 3, but we'll call it the first week all the same.  

Last night, I was so tired and worn down.  I asked John if he wanted to take off trash.  He knows this is my code for "Please, let's go for a ride."  We went along the backroads, and I could feel the tension melting from my body.  We went over to Butler, and we were in shock at the Courthouse Square at the number of cars in that town.  Truth, they do have three or four restaurants right there on that side of the square.  They all serve good solid food, nothing fancy.  There's a pizza place (also serves burgers), the chicken place, and a Chinese place.   As we drove around the square I pointed out the bright pink building that houses the new ice cream parlor.  John pulled in and I promise you four people followed though there had been no one there when we pulled in.  We got a cone to eat on the way home. 

The Homemaker's Week of Savings


Thursday:  Last night, I made Beef Stroganoff for supper because I had all those mushrooms I'd bought on clearance and needed to use up.  I think mushrooms overall have a meaty sort of texture, especially the Baby Bella ones, but these were white mushrooms.  It certainly did stretch out the meat and the portions we had were generous and yet I still had leftovers.  I missed some of the leftover noodles with the remaining meat sauce and froze them in a pan for serving another night.  I also froze the remaining noodles.

Iced Tea Chat: Night Watches


Hello dears.  Have a nice tinkling glass of icy tea...or water, with lemon.  I even have lovely sprigs of mint we can snip and wash to use.  We can sit outdoors, if you'd like.

I've been having a devil of a time lately.  My head feels stuffed full and my mind races.  At night I can't sleep.  I've seen many and many a Nightwatch come and go.  I am weary as can be, but it's not all physical.  I'm feeling mental and emotional fatigue, too.

The Homemaker Plans Her Meals: Pantry Challenge...

I'm in.  I've decided to do it.  Ideally, I'd have a great stock-up and make sure that I'm covered for juice and fruits and dairy, but you know what?  I just want to do this.  And while I might end up going to the grocery, if I can manage to put it off for two weeks from June 1, just two weeks, then I'll count it as a success.  

It's at this moment I wish I had a garden producing something, but since I do not, I'll be the producer and see what I can do to make things stretch.  Mostly I just like to see what I can do with what I have and that's the truth.  The harder part is keeping my family as satisfied with what I make as I am when faced with a challenge, lol.

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Whose Day?


In my home this week we have one birthday on Friday. It's a distant family member so not necessary to do more than get a card, but naturally I haven't done that just yet.  I must hop to it!

We've had very mild weather and the outlook for the week ahead is just as pleasant.  Mild temperatures, breezy, sunny...It's dreaming weather, weather to work in and enjoy being outdoors in.  And that's just what I plan to do!  There always comes those summer days that are heavy, humid, suffocating and the best thing to do is shelter indoors and wait it out, but these days...Oh these days are meant to enjoy!

Diary of a Homemaker: Finishing Strong


Saturday:  Woke to a chilly day.  I wasn't expecting that, but Sam assured me it was the same last year.  I went out to sit on the porch with coffee, and Rufus came frisking up to join us.  I'd loved to have stayed but I came back indoors.  Even sitting in the sun, it was a bit too cool to sit outdoors even so.  I've looked forward all year long to sitting on the porch with first coffee, but today wasn't meant to be, lol.  I'm perhaps a little early in that dream.

I Wonder As I Wander: May 2023 Games Day


 I was just replying to a suggestion made by Mable on a post comment about Josh helping to 'teach' the other three children.  It reminded me that Taylor had been 'teaching' Caleb the other day while she was here and I mused as I listened to the two of them that I used to love to play school.

My brothers and I often lived in the country, isolated from classmates and cousins.  My parents were the sort who were only occasionally social.  Our neighbors were never that nearby.  We didn't run back to town to pick things up once a day was done.  It was just the way of things.

March 25: Purposeful