The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Did Last Week Even Count?


In my home this week, I am wondering seriously if last week even counted at all.  

It rained all week long.  We mostly sat quietly watching tv or reading and that was that.  I didn't do one single thing in my zone area and little else besides the barest minimum of household chores.  I did putter about in the yard at the beginning of the week, but only was able to wander out once by end of the week.  I napped two or three times.  Meaning I actually went to bed and napped.

Of course, Friday turned into a lovely sunny day, and I'd have loved to have spent it at home, but we had the opportunity to get haircuts and groceries without giving up our Saturday and we did that.  I was done by the time we returned home.  Katie cooked supper and did half the clearing up.  I usually do the hand washing.

And so, we came to the end of the day/week, and I called it 'Good' though it was short on work and long on leisure.  Admittedly, I came to the end of the week more relaxed and less stressed than I have in a long time.  Perhaps the week was just what I needed!


Technically this week should be Zone 3 Beds and Baths, but this week, I plan to focus first on packing up as much as I can of the kitchen and getting things moved out of the way.  No, we haven't heard from the contractor or the cabinet manufacturer, but when we do I want to be ready to go, not rushed.  I'm leaving myself plenty of things to work with for the in between.  I'm just trying to move out the things that are unnecessary which apparently is the bulk of what I keep.

That's my primary focus this week.  That and getting the potatoes planted, late or not, I'm going to plant them and see what happens.  Worst, I've a planter already filled with soil to plant something else in.  

And I will see if I can't touch on both the living area and bedrooms if I have time to spare.  It's meant to rain all week long, so we'll see if I work more this week or not.

I have a few packets of seeds I'd like to spread around and get started.    I've already begun pinching back the coleus and replanting the cuttings in other pots.  


Packing up.  That's it.  I'll do all the usual, like gathering fragments, making meals, baking, etc.  That's always going to happen until the kitchen is out of service. 

I want to try and get decent "Before" pictures of the kitchen.

Sort out the fridge and clean it well.


Continue to read.  Not sure what.  I'd picked up a book and started it but unsure if I'm continuing iwth it or not.  

Color in the evenings.  I'm really enjoying the quiet work of coloring.  I have several of the adult coloring books.  I don't think I bought even one, they were all given to me along the way.    I actually found myself looking forward to coloring the other night, not game time, nor tv or computer time, just coloring.  

Set up June outfits?  Might as well work ahead into July as well at this point, right?

Try to get a new genealogy post or two up on that blog.

I'm hoping to get a coffee chat written this week...We'll see how that goes.


Put on some makeup each day.  Remember earrings daily, too.


Tammy said...

Throughout this day I've caught up on the last couple of weeks of your posts. Things are finally slowing down somewhat and I feel like I have time to take a breath now.
So jealous of your rain. We finally started watering this last week. I told Greg if we didn't, we're going to lose the lawn. We don't water as much as our neighbors, but there's a little green in our yard now instead of all brown. Got some sprinkles on Saturday, but nothing measurable.
Greg had his second cataract surgery on Thursday. Now the countdown to his heart surgery on the 26th. He feels better, then not, so we'll be glad to get his heart straightened out.
Anyway, we had quiet-ish days this weekend, just having lunch at his brother's on Saturday, and lunch with our kids here today.
I hope you have a wonderful week ahead, and get more rain. Enjoy it for me!

terricheney said...

Tammy, we seem to be caught in a pattern of lots of showers lately. Woke to thunder,lightning and hard rain this morning early a.m. Have had periodic showers off and on since. It's good to have it and I feel for you not having it when it's so needed. We've had those summers where it simply didn't rain and everything just got brown and crispy.

I do hope that all continues to go well for Greg.

Karla said...

We've had a good bit of rain lately, in addition to some not so fun storms this past month. Thankfully, we've been spared any damage here but on the eastern side of the state they are still without power in some areas, from Saturday night/Sunday morning storms!

This week, with Summer Solstice upon us, summer heat is truly arriving. I'm glad it waited awhile.

I haven't colored in awhile. I used to have a couple of coloring books but honestly, I get bored too easily. LOL I think my next decluttering zone will be my arts and crafts supplies. There is a homeless art program here in our city that always takes donations, new or used, and then they get to have art shows and keep the funds from what they sold. Seems like a more worthy use than sitting neglected and taking up space in my house.

Spring Goals for March...And Beyond.