The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Whose Day?


In my home this week we have one birthday on Friday. It's a distant family member so not necessary to do more than get a card, but naturally I haven't done that just yet.  I must hop to it!

We've had very mild weather and the outlook for the week ahead is just as pleasant.  Mild temperatures, breezy, sunny...It's dreaming weather, weather to work in and enjoy being outdoors in.  And that's just what I plan to do!  There always comes those summer days that are heavy, humid, suffocating and the best thing to do is shelter indoors and wait it out, but these days...Oh these days are meant to enjoy!


Zone 1, Kitchen, Laundry and Back Entry.   I mopped the floors on Friday so I can scratch that task off the list.  I've decided to go ahead and clear out the 'extra' stuff in the cabinets, the things I don't typically use and am not likely to reach for.  I have three empty diaper boxes and hopefully that will contain enough of it to make a dint.  Then I want to clean out the cabinets.  Even though they are going to be replaced, I'm trying to keep the ones I have clean and nice.  

I also want to do a fresh inventory of the pantry and the freezers and then I'll make up menus for the week.

Outdoors, I have a tomato plant to rescue from the compost, plants that will need to be watered and packets of seeds I want to sow.  I have Basil, Chives, Zinnia, Sweet William, Cosmos, Gaillardia packets.  If I can locate the Star of India seeds (Achimenes) I want to plant those, too.  I have a Hibiscus that is not in the least happy in the planter at the front steps.  It needs more sun and has made it plain that it is on the Struggle Bus.  I may put some Achimenes in it's spot and see how they like that.  Again, depending upon whether I can find where I stashed those seeds.

I also want to lay bricks around the Turkey Foot Oak.  I'm about half done with that task.  I want to spread two bags of mulch and then I want to reconfigure the blocks laid out about the Sweet Gum.  I think I've made entirely too large a bed and if I do some minor adjustments, I might just manage to finish that bed without buying a single new block.  It's just a great load of lifting and toting and shifting.

Write two extra posts for the blog this week.  

And of course, there is all the routine housework to be done as well as occupying some portion of Caleb's day.


Mostly covered in Zone work this week but each week I make it a point to clear and sort and wipe the fridge.  Not a full proper cleaning but more a spot cleaning and organizing and reminding myself of what I have that I haven't used.  I had an open bag of slaw mix go bad last week and at the end of the week found another tub of mushrooms I didn't even realize I had on hand.  I caught the mushrooms in time.  I lost the cole slaw mix.  

I think I have enough odds and ends of bread to do something with once more.  I saw a recipe I think I'd like to try, a Strata that will use up a few other items in the fridge, too.

I need to make something for John's sweet tooth.  He doesn't want a big helping of anything but just a little something after a meal.  For snacks we've plenty of things on hand he might eat.  I think I'll make some sort of fruit cobbler and perhaps some cookies.  I would like to make some muffins and freeze some of those. 


I need to give myself a proper pedicure.   This time of year, I like to keep my nails polished.  I think my feet are more attractive in my sandals.

Continue reading.  I am reading two books at once.  One is the sequel to Happiness Key by Emilie Richards.  #2 is called Fortunate Harbor.  I'm also reading Patti Bender's Happy Landings a biography of Emilie Loring's life.  Why two at once?  The Happiness Harbor book is a paper back and while it's thick, more manageable for carrying around or lying in bed.  The biography is a hefty book, larger in size than the usual book and best read while I'm sitting in my chair with a pillow on my lap to help prop it up.

Set up outfits for June.  I never got around to that last week as planned.

Find my journal and start writing.  I'm struggling here of late, and I keep thinking, "I just need to write this out" but I can't lay my hands on my journal.  I'm sure I put it somewhere safe, heaven help me!

Put myself to bed early when I'm done in instead of sitting up.  I do find if I go to bed when I'm tired, I generally am more ready to sleep than if I sit up and wait for John to get ready for bed.  He loathes my going to bed early but honestly, it's not about him just at the moment.  


Lana said...

Why is it so hard to get up out of the chair and go to bed??? I am doing it right now! In this house the bathroom and bedroom are seriously ten feet away and here I sit arguing with myself!

Karla said...

I'm so glad you've set yourself a "goal" of going to bed when your body tells you to! All the stuff you do to keep everyone and everything going, you deserve to rest when you need it. And maybe going to bed early on your own will actually help you get to sleep easier. But sometimes it feels like we are robbing ourselves of "free time" doesn't it? At least that's sometimes what my brain tells me. LOL

terricheney said...

Lana, I think Karla hit on it...I feel like it's cutting out what little free couple time I can get each week. But I struggle with the bathroom thing too, lol.

Karla, I'm overly sensitive to feelings others emote. I know John likes to have me sit up, but I do recognize that changing my strategy might well be the better thing to do.

To Do List: Last Week of February