Diary of a Homemaker: One of Those Weeks

Laura Ingalls Wilder

“The real things haven’t changed. It is still best to be honest and truthful; to make the most of what we have; to be happy with simple pleasures; and have courage when things go wrong.”

Saturday:   Apparently, I am sleeping more at night than I think because John has mentioned three times in as many days that he'd gotten up at night and told me the times he's been up.  I never saw or heard him at any point.  So, I am sleeping more than I realize.  I got up at one point this morning and sat in the living room in the quiet house in the dark, thinking about getting a cup of coffee and dozed right off. I woke about an hour and a half later because Katie and Caleb began having a conversation in their room.  It was 6am.  I was cold and decided to head back to my bed, and I slept another hour or so.  John woke me running Caleb into the bathroom and then Katie came in behind them and apologized and hugged me.  She had apparently been showering in the other bathroom.  

She was terribly sick sounding when she came in last night.  Her throat has cleared up, but she now has allergies/head cold.  However, she sounded considerably better this morning. I can attest she slept because I heard her through the walls.  I went to bed around 9pm last night myself but I read, watched videos, etc. until John came to bed.  I told him I'd gotten cold and needed to get under covers.

Caleb was wound up this morning.  He was as ready to leave the house as he'd been for his Mama to come in the past two nights.  He even packed his backpack with his dirty clothes from yesterday as a change of clothes, lol.  He bugged Katie until she finally told him they were leaving.

John and I sat here and enjoyed the peace and quiet for about an hour.  I put on my Jake Westbrook playlist, and we listened to that as we sat here reading and enjoying the time alone.  Then the kiddos arrived from across the field.  By that time, I was making pizzas for our lunch.  

As I suspected, the kids were more than happy to go outdoors and play and play and play.  It was just lovely outdoors.  They came in and ate and then they played all afternoon long.  

I'm not going to say they were good as gold.  They were perfectly normal and behaved well and teased and fussed and quarreled and then played and played.  I enjoyed having time with them and talking with each one.  I painted Millie's finger and toenails.  Isaac went into the woods (forbidden here) and got lost so Josh went to find him.  Isaac told me he'd gotten hungry while he was lost and so he ate twigs.  I reminded him he'd just eaten lunch 40 minutes before and wasn't likely to have starved, but he told me he was sure he would have.

I sent them home again about 4:30 and it took only moments to pick up the house and then we were alone all over again.  It was a great Saturday, made even sweeter by John insisting we shall have a date tomorrow after church.  He said we're not skipping our weekly date.  That made me feel he values our time together as much as I do.  

Sunday:  Took our pastor's Wednesday night sermon on prayer seriously this morning and went right to the altar with our current confusion/heartache/family trouble.  I do tend to be rather proud either thinking I can handle things on my own or that they are of no consequence compared to what another might be going through.  Today I didn't allow those feeling to stop me.  I went right to the altar and asked for those there to pray with us in our trouble.  I'm not going to risk being humble nor afraid of asking for help in this particular situation.  The people involved are too dear.

That was very cathartic in a way I can't even say.  I am a prayer warrior, but I have a harder time asking for prayer than you'd think I might.  This is something I will ask God to help me overcome.  

After church we got haircuts.  Daring was in the air today.  Another older woman like me with gorgeous hair sat down and asked the stylist to cut it 'really short'.  "What do you mean, 'short'?" and boy was she shocked when the woman said, 'Less than 3/4ths of an inch on top and shorter on the sides.'  I almost said to her, "Look at my hair...You sure?"  Well, I didn't say anything, and she was sure.  The stylist looked nervous as could be, because the woman truly did have gorgeous hair that was perfectly cut as it was in a short bob.  Well off with the hair!

John was up next, and he told the girl to 'take it down to 0'. I went to the next stylist and showed her the area that bugs me senseless because I can see it with my peripheral vision.  It's at the back of my head on either side and looks thick and sticks straight out.  I now have a 'fade-out' from my natural part in the back to my neck and over my ears and then it's shorter on top, too.  I showed her the inspiration photo which I've taken in with me each time and have yet to get anywhere near.  She asked me if I wanted the back squared or rounded. I explained that I really didn't care.  "I can't see that part...I just care how the part I can see looks!"  She laughed and said she'd follow my natural hairline which was rounded.  And then she promised if the back looked bad, she wouldn't hand me the mirror to look.  I promised her if she didn't hand me the mirror, I wouldn't ask to look, lol.  I reminded her that I'd discovered that hair has a tendency to grow.  "Bad haircuts generally only last about two weeks," she reassured me.

The fourth person up didn't want anything drastic but the fifth was a young man who was getting married again in a formal ceremony after a civil one and when he was asked how he wanted his hair to look he looked stunned then said, "You ask my wife...she has to look at me!"  That made us all laugh.

From the stylist to have lunch.  My standouts there was the tiniest baby, just newly minted John said, who bleated that little newborn cry and when he was taken from his carrier put his feet down, stood up and looked at the world around him.  

A woman sat just beyond me was sitting so straight and perfectly postured that I couldn't help but admire her.  That made my mind turn back to Sally, one of our pastor wives, whom I noticed today was sitting with perfect posture, too, with knees and ankles together.  I admired that, too.  I'm afraid I don't sit as nicely as I should.  Both women made me want to work on seating myself properly and to have beautifully correct posture.  Goals.

We drove home with the windows down.  It's beautiful outside.  A few trees have taken a nod to the cooler air and promptly put on a sprinkling of burgundy red leaves.  Katie and Caleb are home now, and supper is waiting on company to arrive.  Nothing has gone to plan this weekend, but isn't that the way weeks are meant to go?

Monday:  I'd completely forgotten my chiro appointment today until the reminder came in last night via text message.  Glad they send those out!  I knew this morning I'd need to alter my previously made plans for the day.  I have essentially from whatever time I exit my room in the morning until about 12:30 to command my day and then I must hustle to get ready to leave.   The day felt pressured, and yet, I did accomplish a thing or two.

First thing this morning, I showered.  I sometimes push that off until later but it seemed best to just go on and do that early.  Then I came out, started breakfast prep, sat down with my coffee and read my Bible.  That's one day this week.  I'm not tooting my horn, nor am I saying I've created a new habit.  I know better than that!  But I did get my reading done today.  I am going to keep my Bible at the bench in the back kitchen sitting and plan to pick it up while I'm having coffee, before I start scrolling Instagram.  That's my plan.

Amazon Associates Affiliate Link:  My current favorite perfume for the autumn...but I'll confess my chemistry has changed and I'm thinking of looking for something new.  I get lots of compliments on this one, though.

After breakfast, I prepped a slow cooker full of vegetable soup, then more or less cleaned up the kitchen, got Caleb's bed made, encouraged him to pick up his toys (he did a great job) and then had him help me replenish the kitchen supplies from the pantry.  He made multiples of trips between bedroom and kitchen.  I'd have made half as many but since he can only carry one item at a time, he made more.  He loves helping.

While he went outdoors, I peeked in the bedroom and saw that John had made our bed for which I thanked him.  Then as soon as I could make a cup of water, I headed outdoors to join Caleb.  This morning, I got three morning pages written in my journal, my first time in two weeks of attempting to nail that as a habit.  Indoors again 45 minutes later to make lunch.

After lunch, Caleb got himself more or less ready for quiet time and I unloaded the dishwasher and reloaded it.  Then I went into the bedroom where I got the weekend spending written down in the checkbook, wrote out checks for bills to go into the mail and put on makeup and readied myself for the chiro.

John came in to tell me of a concern, which I urged him to address directly by texting the person involved.  He did and is currently speaking to him.   Then he came in three times to tell me there was a squirrel coming up close to the house.  Sassy is uninterested in rabbits and squirrels, preferring the smaller, delicately bones mice and voles and moles.  Rufus is useless as a hunter, despite his out and out long-haired redneck country boy looks.    I suggested John, who was threatening to buy a pellet gun, use the spray we've had for years now, Repels All and see if that deterred them.  He was doing that as I left home.

The chiro has a knack of putting her hand directly on the most painful points even if you think it doesn't hurt.  She's not heavy handed but she just knows the pressure points.  My shoulder has been my chief concern because it's the most aggravating pain. That one remains elusive to her, but boy oh boy let her put her hand on my neck, my hip, my knee and BOOM there's the pain.   I am greatly improved.  I feel it in my walking and ability to stand, etc.  I have one more bi-weekly appointment then move to maintenance.  Hopefully as time goes on the pain in the shoulder will be as gone as the hip pain appears to be until she touches me, lol.

I went over to Wendy's to get a coffee.  They were jammed today.  Usually, I pull in and am in the drive-thru window quick as anything, but today, I waited and waited.  When I finally got to the window I said to the clerk, "Gee y'all are BUSY today!"  "It's been that way all day...I am so tired.  I am ready to go home!"  She looked weary, too.  No kidding there were easily a dozen cars in front of me today and that many behind when I pulled out.

Home along the lovely winding road called Upper River.  Autumn was everywhere today.  In the golden rod, in the gold of the soybean in fields, in the yellowing wild grape vines tangled in the trees, in the touches of clear amber, russet and claret in the leaves mixed among the greens.  And across the river swamp, the patchwork effect was not subtle as it was two weeks ago.  It's not yet as vivid as it will become, but it was definitely noticeably changed and the pattern of color wider spread.

Tuesday:  John had a meeting at church last night.  Katie and Caleb went off to their room at 6:30. I decided to make good on my own promise to myself to watch a good Jane Austen movie and decided to rent Sense and Sensibility which is one of my favorites...I mean, really that all the Jane Austen novel movies are all favorite movies, but I was especially in the mood for this one.  I chose the 1995 Emma Thompson/Hugh Grant/Kate Winslett version.   I was interrupted by myself and others so often that it took me nearly four and a half hours to watch the film.  I've decided to put it on and watch it again today.  I have the rental for a total of 48 hours so I might as well enjoy it.

The morning went by quickly.  My mood is as mercurial as the weather today which has been sunny and warm, cloudy and cool, breezy and still.  I've found myself on the verge of tears, a little angry over silly things, frustrated, lethargic.  I don't know why my feelings have been so all over the place.  There's no call for it, that's a fact.

Wednesday:  After writing that last bit above yesterday afternoon, I lay my head back and went to sleep.  I slept for nearly 2 hours and had to fight my way awake.  Why so tired?  I'd done little enough prior to lunch.  Perhaps this was my body's reaction to the latest chiro treatment?  Possibly.

After supper last night, Katie and Caleb packed up and left for the evening.  Caleb is spending the day with Katie's friend and his little girl of the same age.  It feels very odd to not be immediately on duty once awake and to simply pack up to leave the house without all the kerfuffle.  There's sadness, too.  I told John as we were headed into Butler, "You know this is just a foreshadow of days to come..." and he agreed.  That sense of things changing is becoming reality, slowly but surely, and those days are nearer rather than farther away.

 I find myself struggling with letting go and trying to control so many things. I worry over his schedule being messed up and whether or not potty training will be attended to and so many other things and realize more and more that it's time to let another worry over those things.  But I won't say I find it comfortable nor easy.

Busy morning at home, out and back home again.  The weather is dreary outdoors, heavily overcast and promising rain which is so needed.  We passed a pecan orchard where they were working, and the dust drifted far and wide over the highway and into the fields opposite across the six lanes and verges of the highway.  

Sign of age: Medicare card arrived today.  The expense for part B is not something I'd planned ahead for and shall have to adjust my New Year's budget to reflect that.  Ack.

Thursday:  The rain finally began yesterday about 3pm.  It was slow and steady, more than a sprinkle but hardly a downpour.  The world outside our window which looked vaguely autumnal, took on the hews of autumn rather quickly once they were dampened by the cool rain.  "It's changed just since this morning!" I exclaimed to John, and he said, "Yeah, I noticed that, too, when I went out on the porch earlier."    

By the time we'd gone to bed around 10:30 the steady patter of raindrops had picked up in pace and gently pounded the tin roof.  I can hear it doing the same just now.  I should run outdoors and put the plants from the front porch out on the steps so they can be watered by it.

Well, there was a detour!  I not only put out the plants in places most likely to catch water, but I also started our supper for tonight.  I figured I'd best get it done while I felt a thread of energy.  The weather is conducive only to reading.  Unfortunately, also to eating, and in order to eat, I must cook. 

Katie and Caleb still away.  Sam texted yesterday afternoon that Millie would be with him today.  John and I looked at each other.  What to do with a second weekday free?  "We'll go get tires..." said the man of the house.  And I thought, "At least we shall not have to give over another Saturday date to errands..."

We were up early-ish this morning.  I set my alarm to insure I got up at all.  And it was still raining.  I could hear it on the vent and roof as I went into the bathroom to shower.  We did end leaving early, prior to 9am which is rather good for us. It's a struggle when it's just errands day of any sort to push hard to leave the house.  We can for appointments and church and such, but errands, John's prone to a "What's the hurry?" attitude on those days.

We only had to wait about 2.5 hours today.  Honestly, until yesterday we had no intention of getting tires.  John had asked me on Tuesday night when we'd bought the last set and I said, "Oh I think it was just last year wasn't it?"  I have a handy little cheat sheet that I keep at the back of the check register that says, "When did we...?" and there I list services on the cars and big maintenance things done to the house.  Which reminds me I not only need to write down the date for tires, but also for that new well pump pressure switch...and put a side note that we bought that extra and where John stashed it.

Anyway, I looked it up yesterday and was shocked.  "Why it says here we haven't put tires on that care since 2020!"  "Really?"  "Call the place up.  I'll bet they have a service record.  I'm sure we bought tires last year..."   Well, you know what?  We hadn't.  Not for our car.  I think we put a set on Katie's previous car and then we put a new set on her current car this year as well, but we haven't put tires on our cars. And so here we were with a free day and the idea of putting tires on the Toyota was John's idea of how best to spend the day.

Admittedly without Caleb at home, the house has stayed relatively clean, there's no necessity for a constant parade into the kitchen for snacks or second breakfasts, etc.  I won't even mention how terribly quiet the house is.

We've done pretty much nothing all afternoons save greet the UPS man who had a damaged package for me.  He offered to take it back, but I was pretty well able to tell him exactly what had leaked and that I'd get the item returned and credited to my account.  I made lunch.  I've started supper.  The rain has continued off and on with cooler temperatures.  I am going to run off to read once more.  I don't often get uninterrupted reading time during daylight hours.

later:  Remember a couple of weeks ago when we put a new pressure switch on our well pump?  The video John watched said that one sign of trouble was the pump coming on and going off frequently.  I've noted this afternoon that the pump is priming every five minutes.  I've just told John who looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car.  "Call the well man," I told him and let him tell you what to do.  I can hear him getting instructions now.  There are all kinds of things being said about leaks, cracked pipes...nothing good.  UGH.

We finally heard from his son, the one who took over the business and he said, "Just use it until you don't want to and then cut it off.  You can turn it on again in the morning."  Well, that's a relief.  

Of course, I prepared ahead by filling all my water bottles, the coffee pot, the coffee pot refill carafe, the empty juice bottles I keep for emergencies and drew up some water in our garden tub.  I suppose I'll have to get an empty bin or two to keep in the house when we no longer have that tub. 

I tend to be philosophical once I know there is a problem, I've done what I can, and I can do nothing more about it.  John gets increasingly anxious, sure that he should be doing something, convinced that all sorts of things will go horribly wrong until it is right once more and that ultimately, we'll have to come up with a fortune.  My theory is that something's wrong, and hopefully it will be fixed.  If it's expensive, I'll hate it, but we will do what we must.  Dare I say it again today?  That's what savings are for...and if savings proved not to be enough, we could pay with credit or a loan.

Oh well.  Katie and Caleb away from home another night now due to well.  I miss my bubby something fierce.  I miss our routine.  Sigh.  What a crazy week!

Friday:  At 9pm last night John finally shut off the well entirely.  He's waited until now (just after 11am) to even think of turning it on again.  He is so antsy to get to the laundry that he's decided to turn it on again. 

We've had a funny sort of morning.  I woke about my usual time and sat down to have coffee.  And frustratingly, I also went to my phone and skipped Bible reading.  I shall get up and go do that right now.

Oh, the number of things I might do in record time were it not for the distractions!  In cutting on the well, John cut the power to the house.  I went to the door and told him of that and came back to the computer, remembered I was off to read my portion of the Bible, so headed back to the kitchen sitting.  I stopped on the way to consider lunch, thought of the drying mat and place mat on the kitchen counter that really need to be washed so cleared those off and popped them into the laundry basket for the next load.  Then I went back to the chair to think out lunch and ponder tonight's supper. Remembered I was on my way to read my Bible, so got up and the moment I stepped into the kitchen, forgot once again and searched the freezer instead.  I prepped lunch, saw the bananas and remembered we'd eaten no breakfast this morning.  We each got a banana, took our morning pills, then I went back to make lunch, came here to sit and remembered again I was off to read the Bible, sigh.  I got up and went right back to do that. But goodness at the distractions I had on my way to do that one little thing.

Lunch is in the oven heating now.  I can tick off a dozen jobs I still need to do but the big things are done this morning.  Taking advantage of the family being gone, I stripped the linens in the back bedroom, then sorted out the piles of clothing.  I know that my efforts will be destroyed in moments once they are home.  Katie was always that way as a child, and adulthood hasn't changed a thing.  She prefers piles of things.  I hung, folded, sorted into reasonable categories, etc.  I give it 24 hours once they are in before it's all destroyed all over again.  

Caleb prefers to keep his things tidy and him but three about to turn four. Personality is set that early I suppose.  I pulled all the remaining 2T items from his drawer except the one pair of jeans I know fit him very well.  The 2T shorts are tight and the 2T shirts are short on his lengthening torso.  Those have been bagged up and now his little drawer is tidy and neat.   John's vacuumed, I've remade beds. Bread is in the machine working on first rising.  It should be ready to go in the oven shortly after our lunch comes out.

Here in a few moments, I shall send this post out then go sort out the fridge, then bake my bread and shower. Then I'll sit and determine what foods we'll eat this weekend and next week ahead.  I'll put those things meant for the weekend out to thaw.

Rain is dripping off the roof once more.  I think I'll go put my ivy and Australian fern outdoors and let them have some rainwater for a change.  I need to water my African violets and get them ready to move back to the kitchen sitting now that the blazing sun no longer comes in that window each morning.  Oh I've just thought of the mums on my mantle that need water, too and all the plants I set out yesterday that are likely saturated and need to be moved back...So many little tasks make up a day, don't they?

I admit this week has been mentally and emotionally hard but not in a horrible way, just in a sad pondering sort of way.  News, facts of personal life, home maintenance issues, finances...  I've prayed a load this week over so many things.  One line stood out last night in my prayers as I was grasping for scripture, "I will fear NO evil...for thou art with me."  Amen!

Do you all have plans for the weekend?  We'll go out to lunch tomorrow.  John has already told me where we're going.  I'll pick up Gramma's Fried Chicken for Taylor's visit this Sunday.   Next week we should be returned to normal as a household.  Katie's friends work vacation will have ended, and we'll have Caleb once more.  John has already reminded me that much as I've missed him this week, Caleb likely have been raising my voice and feeling worn out quite quickly next week.  I'm going to be more positive than that.  I prefer to think that we'll both be terribly glad to get back into our routine once again.

I hope you have had a lovely week.  Did you do anything interesting or unusual this past week?  Was it all routine stuff?  Do you have plans for the weekend?  Come tell us all about it.


Lana said...

Our oldest daughter went to a very Southern women's college which we jokingly call the finishing school because they were taught all the things like how to sit. Ankles crossed and slightly off to the side and slightly under the chair and always the straight back when on the stage in front of an audience. Legs never crossed at the knee in any situation! Well they got a new chaplain and first time on stage she slouched in her chair and crossed her legs like a man. Their very proper female president nearly fainted! Of course the girls all thought it was hilarious. It never happened again so she must have had a talking to and some lessons!

Our college team is off this weekend so Saturday will just feel wrong! Hubby is going to help a neighbor look at his well and the workings because they have very little water pressure. I hope your water woes are soon resolved. It is what it is just like our expensive door repair, I guess. Let's hope this is the end of it!

Karla said...

I can't remember if it was this post or the last but you mentioned the frustration of your shirts always shrinking upward to be too short. This is a big frustration of mine too! I don't look good with tucked in shirts and have a short waist with a front portion I prefer having covered, so I like longer shirts. And of course inevitably that's what shrinks. Every time.

We are replacing a couple of mini blinds in our house this weekend. My daughter and I are going to see a play at our local Civic Center tomorrow to see To Kill A Mockingbird starring Richard Thomas (John Boy from The Waltons). I'm very excited about that. Then Sunday I'm going to start decluttering my Spare Oom and turn it into more of a library for myself. I've ordered and picking up 3 white book shelves today after work from Walmart. They are the inexpensive, easy to build, type and I am THRILLED to have so much book space. I found a lovely seafoam green and black vintage chair at the antique store yesterday for a song of a price and a little needlpoint and seafoam green footstool that compliments it nicely. I'm eager to see the gradual changes in there. Now that I've changed my nightly routine and stay up later and read or watch a movie, I'm looking forward to having that little cozy space set up for myself.

terricheney said...

Lana, HILARIOUS on the Chaplain, lol.

I'd love to think this is the end of the well issues. I've no real complaints because most of our issues over the past 27 years have not been terribly expensive and were easily solved. And as I pointed out to John, we do have the funds. He just hates spending savings, especially back to back as we are with the tires being put on.

Karla, the bookcases, footstool and chair sound so lovely. I hope you can make it as cozy and welcoming as possible. I've made up my mind that when Katie and Caleb move out, I shall put twin beds in that room, and a proper chair for sitting. I'd like to paint the toybox, move it under the window in that room and then put bookcases either side with a narrow shelf above bridging the two bookcases to create a sort of built in window seat with bookcases. That's always been sort of my plan, but I'd never gotten to it. I think I'd like to wallpaper the walls, or at least do the starched fabric on them, too. Hilary at Old World Home did her bedroom this year with a pretty neutral gingham check using the starch method of hanging fabric.

mikemax said...

"I know! I know!" she said, waving her hand wildly. What do I know? I know why woven fabric shrinks in only one direction.

There is a warp and a weft to woven fabric. The warp are the lengthwise threads that are held stationary while the weft--the horizontal threads--are woven into them. The weft is not as tightly woven. Thus, the lengthwise threads (warp) don't shrink, but the horizontal (weft) threads can, and the fabric becomes shorter. It's why Levi 501s only shrink in length.

Knitted items can shrink in any direction because they don't have a warp and weft. Think of that sweater that went through the hot wash.

Lest you think I'm really, really smart, let me assure you that it took me many decades to figure this out and then I looked up warp and weft because I never could remember which was which.

Terri, I know exactly what you mean about the chiropractor touching spots that you didn't even know hurt! I have weekly adjustments (on recommendation of the Mayo Clinic) for severe arthritis. The usual spots always ache, but I'm always amazed by where else I hurt, too.

March 26: It Was Time