Step by Step


Start where you are. Use what you have.  Do what you can. ~ Arthur Ashe

A few years ago, I used the above quote as inspiration for a full year to recreate my home.  I wanted to make my home pretty, functional and comfortable.  As I sat about moaning and groaning about the lack of funds, the lack of material, the lack of time, the lack of skill, I stumbled upon the above quote.  

It led me on quite a journey, so that my home was transformed into something that is cozy, comfortable, has personality.  And so was I.

You cannot embrace a quote like the one above and not find that you're applying it to all areas of your life before you're done.  It will change you, how you think.  

Eventually I let that quote drop from my blog tagline, but I plan to use it once more as my 'Motto to Live By' for 2024.  Things have slipped.  Things are changing.  I know from that experience some years ago that I can do MORE than I think at the moment if I focus on the strategies that quote employs.

It can apply to every area of a life, truly. Next year, I plan to use it to transform several areas of my life and home.  But for the month ahead, I want to share how it can apply to our preparedness in our home, specifically laying building a pantry...

Prepared for what?  The season we are IN at present.  I am speaking of the economics of living, of feeding your family, meeting the needs ahead for the winter, of making you feel less helpless and less fearful while living within your current life season.  

Will you join me?

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Anne said...

I love this. And I can even apply it to some difficult relationships.

Karla said...

I am definitely with you. I need to be doing better as well.

Frances Moseley said...

I like this quote as well. It applies very well to the turbulent times we are in. I'm in with making it my motto for 2024.

Carol in NC said...

I love this, and I am taking it to heart. I am so guilty of only seeing the big picture and getting discouraged, instead of picking it apart and celebrating the small victories. I have been very guilty of wasting time/resources because odd minutes and fragments of supplies are squandered instead of being used prudently. Tiny bits added together can make a real difference. I plan to join you in this venture for the balance of this year and into the next. Thank you!

terricheney said...

I'm so glad that come 2024 some of you will be joining me in making this our motto to work, and live, by! I've got a short series of articles for November about pantry living/prepping but next year will focus on all areas of living.

Angela said...


I keep coming back to this post. It is already my plans for 2024. I mean to slow down. Be more intentional with my time. Work on me- both physically and spiritually. Make my home just like I want it to be using my skills- be it a paintbrush, sewing machine, cleaning, flower seeds, etc. Work on other skills and crafts I enjoy or want to learn. Basically create the life I want as much as I can. If not now, when?

terricheney said...

Oooh Angela! Those sound very intentional and very doable, too. I really need to get to work on my own thoughts regarding these. Hopefully this next week as we should be mostly alone...

March 26: It Was Time