Romancing October

In the first week of September, I shared a list of all the things that I wanted to do to savor September.  In reading back over it, I can say honestly, I didn't touch on only two items.  I think that is a pretty awesome thing!  This was one area where I really expected to face more of a challenge, since it wasn't work/finance related and yet it went along very well. 

I'm going to renew that commitment and dream of ways to enjoy October.  Won't you join me?

The two things I didn't do in September: I never started a movie or tv series on my own, though I did watch a single documentary on Beatrix Potter that Patricia Rutledge narrated and appeared in.  Patricia by the way, was the lovely Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced Bouquet).

I thought this movie sounded good, October Sky.  

I'm going to try to watch one movie or documentary each week.  I'll shoot for a smaller goal this month, lol.

I didn't find any new apples in market just yet, but I'll look for some.  An Oregon Cottage said they do an annual apple tasting with a lovely homemade caramel sauce.  I thought that sounded like something fun to do, don't you?  

I'd like to take a trip to the Washington, Georgia area and see if we can find some of this year's North Georgia apple crop.

I'd like to make Fried Apple Pies. Whether or not I make a trip for fresh apples, I can do this.  Granny used her homemade biscuit dough rolled thin, and cooked fresh or dried apples.  I used to make these and bake them instead of frying.  They are both good.  But again, it's nostalgia I'm going for.  She fried them in butter.  They were delicious.  I won't do a big batch.  I'll make just enough for one for everyone and that will be perfect.

Drive up to the foothills to see fall color.  I suspect it will be a little more towards the end of the month for that.  Usually, our deepest colors come after frost in November, but every now and then we get to see color prior to that.

Also later in the month:  I've promised Caleb we'll get a BIG pumpkin and carve it.  I'll probably not put it on the porch but have it here in the house on the table and we'll put a battery powered light in it so he can have the joy of seeing it lit up.  

I want to make up Halloween treat bags for all six of the children.  I'd like to include non-edible things, but I'll have to see what I can find that's inexpensive.  And then I think it would also be fun to include some candy from mine and John's childhood, something from their parents' childhood and something that is their personal favorite.  

Look out for flowering kale and snapdragons at the garden centers.  Plant them for winter color.  In the past they have done so beautifully here even in frosty weather.

I want to do a fall manicure.  There's one online that I've seen a lot with a golden yellow color, russet, brown, an olive green and some orange color.  Can't find the image just now, but I think they are so pretty.  I have all but the golden yellow color.  Something like this:

I have all of these colors but not the golden color.  This isn't the exact one I had in mind, but it's similar.  There are other possibilities, too.  Look them up on Pinterest under Fall inspired manicures.

I found this one that might work.  Amazon Affiliate Associate Link:

This one might work...I've got it ordered.

Set up a month of outfits if I can.  I don't have that many clothes, but if I put the shared bottom with the multiples of tops and the necklace or scarf that can go with it that particular outfit, I can set up close to a month's worth, I think.   I'll have fun trying anyway, especially since I'm going to pretend it's really going to turn autumnal and I can wear my sweaters, lol.

The peach sheds near us often start to sell pecans and butter pecan ice cream this time of year.  I'll try to convince John to go but if he backs out on me, I'll see if I can't do this with Mama one day.

I've made up my mind: from this month forward I'm going to try and keep something fresh in the house in each season.  Right now, we have pumpkins and winter squashes meant for eating, tucked into the old wooden dough board.  I'll see if the big pine tree has dropped pinecones which I could add in.  And in the weeks ahead I'll have sprays of persimmon or pyracantha in the blue and white jars or colorful leaves, etc.  I'm not against buying these things either if I can't find them in the wild.  I just want to have something pretty on display in each month of the year.

I know it's not really cold yet...but I'd love to find some pretty throws to go on my chairs.  Not the thin little fleece type ones be had for $2 at Dollar General, but lush knits or velvety ones.  I know they will cost a pretty penny.  Don't care.  I can buy one this year and another next year...

I want to find some pretty bowls to go with my dinner set.  I know what I'd like to have.  I'll look around on Ebay and see if I can't find some that are affordable.

Read.  I know some of Emilie Loring books are set in the autumn, Diary of An Edwardian Lady is set up by month, again some of Glady's Taber's books, Frugal Luxuries...and I'm just willing to bet I can find a Grace Livingston Hill that is set in autumn.  I only have about 50 to choose from!

I'm going to make up my own little blend for my evening cup of decaf coffee.   I have plenty of spices and I am pretty sure I can come up with something lovely that will give me the aroma and taste I want for an autumn cuppa.

And since the evenings are getting cooler, I'm going to try to slip out to watch the sunset while I have that evening cup and count the blessings from my day while I'm there.  

Make autumn leaf shaped sugar cookies. I think I need to replace my sugar sprinkles but this has become something I so enjoy doing.

And that's my list for this month.


Karla said...

You've inspired me to make my own list as well. This week I plan to make my first pumpkin pies of the season. I found pumpkin and evaporated milk on sale a couple of weeks ago and bought several. Adding George Winton's Autumn album of music to my rotation on my playlist - it's one of my favorites. Perhaps this weekend's sourdough baking session shall be cinnamon rolls for our breakfast. A roasted chicken and dressing meal shall go on the menu as well. My husband brought out the autumn scents for our room fresheners yesterday.

Rhonda said...

That is a good movie and I believe it’s based on real people.

My mom made delicious fried pies. She usually used dried peaches or apricots, pie crust, and cooked them on low in a pretty dry electric skillet.

My Aldi has huge pumpkins for $3.95
I think keeping a carved one inside (and on a plate) is a great idea. It’s still warm here and cut pumpkins rot and stink when it’s so warm
I imagine Caleb will enjoy it!

Casey said...

Hello Terri (and October),

I saw some cute (smaller) white pumpkins in the store with a few words written on them for way too much money! I have pretty good handwriting and a fat black sharpie, so I bought a small white pumpkin at my favorite local produce stand along with a small orange one. I wrote “welcome” on the white pumpkin and placed it on the bench on my front porch next to the planter with white mums. It looks so nice. My husband is far more artistically talented than I am, so I handed him the sharpie and the orange pumpkin and had him draw a face on it. It’s also on the front porch. All in all, pretty cute!

Our two apple trees have produced the best they ever have! We’ve got nearly 5 gallons of cider, which we’ll let “harden.” I’ve also made small batches of applesauce, apple butter, and apple chutney. More to go! Plus, the usual apple crisps. My hands and shoulders have too much arthritis, so I have to tackle the peeling, coring, and cutting in smaller batches.

Here’s to a pleasant fall!

Melanie said...

Hi Terri! Was just thinking about you so popped in to say hello and see what you've been up to. I love those fall nail colors. I have a $10 Ulta coupon so perhaps I'll go there and see what colors they have.

Re the throws - do you have any good thrift shops by you? I've found a couple of throws that way. Or, if you're looking for new, do you have a TJ Maxx or HomeGoods in your area? I have found their prices are the best for throws. They're usually $20 - $25. Cheaper than Target!

Tammy said...

Love, love your title for this post! October is by far my favorite month. I love your list of ways to enjoy it.
So far I've put out a couple of mums and moved things from the front porch to the side patio.
One of our family's traditions is going to the pumpkin patch, and that is scheduled for a week from now. The ticket prices have doubled since we started going to this particular patch, so I was hesitant, but then they posted a set amount of half-price tickets would be available, and I was able to get those. Whew! Lol. Anyway, I have not purchased pumpkins for decor since we'll get some there.
I don't know when/if we'll get to carve pumpkins. I leave on Oct. 26 for Florida and will be gone for Halloween, and with the kids' school activities and being gone every other weekend, there's not a lot of time available.
Caleb will love having a pumpkin to light up every evening!
I was gone overnight last weekend, taking the grandboys to Sioux City to the symphony, so Greg grilled steaks for supper and had the kids and Layla over. After, he built a fire in the backyard. I think maybe we'll do that again this weekend.
I turned on the furnace this morning, just to make sure it ran okay. It got pretty chilly overnight, and I left the kitchen window open. Still, I was okay with 66° in the house, but if the furnace was going to flake (we've had issues with a certain part in the new furnace installed 3 years ago), I wanted to know this morning and not over the weekend. We'll need it tonight with freeze warnings in our area, but probably not so much for awhile after that.
I still need to go meet the new grand-nephew who was born a few weeks ago. They're a couple of hours away, so it'll be a whole day trip.

mikemax said...

I second the motion on October Sky. It's an excellent movie based on a true story.

terricheney said...

Karla, I am so happy you will make pumpkin pie...and cinnamon rolls! As for George Winston, I'd forgotten him so am off to set his music playing now.

Rhonda, Granny kept her pan just barely greased with butter and she too used dried peaches or dried apples. She sometimes rehydrated her apples with apple juice and simmered them for a few minutes in that. I like to do this with fresh apples.

I'm glad to hear that the movie is a good one. You and Max both recommending it means that it must be good!

Casey, I've seen those little pumpkins with a single word and even sports team logos here. I just won't buy them. I love that hubby was willing to help you make yours. How pretty to welcome people in with that heartfelt message.

Oh lovely apple cider! So glad you had a big harvest this year.

Melanie, They've just put a new TJMAxx store in Perry. It isn't quite as 'high end' as the one in Warner Robins, but there's no terrific mess of traffic to fight to get to it. I'll check them out next time I'm over there. Thank you for letting me know their prices were good on nice throws.

Tammy I know you're looking forward to your end of month trip, but things planned in the meantime sound fun, too. I'm glad to hear cold weather is moving in, though I know for you that is a whole different story than here. We're slated to have cooler temps and more nights in the 40s than not this next week, so it's arriving here as well.

March 26: It Was Time