The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Autumn in the Air

Well, here we are!  It's October...and time to start a whole new month.  I do hope that October will progress just a wee bit more slowly than September.  I feel like September was using jet fuel it went by so fast.  I hate to feel I am rushing through the last four months of the year.  Why must February and August seem to go so very slow, but September, October, November and December act as though they are the slippery side of the hill?! 

Our temps are not a lot cooler by any means, not during the day anyway.  Nights though...We're easing into snuggle weather.  



Zone 1: Kitchen, Back Entry, and Laundry.  Having heard nothing yet from the contractor, I am planning to tackle the kitchen this week.  I've been eyeing jobs for at least two weeks that I'd really like to attend to and I've decided that I might as well just do them.  I'll scrub cabinet fronts, plan to remove the metal backsplash sheet behind the stove and clean it really well and try to get the walls cleaned in the main cooking area.  I won't plan more than that, as it's likely too much already.

Should the contractor call, I've only to empty the three drawers beside the sink, pull the island out of the kitchen, remove the coffeepot, microwave and toaster oven from the counter and empty out the baking center and cabinets.  Not exactly light work but doable.

It's the start of a new month, so work out my goals, bring the check register up to date, pay first of the month bills.

And besides that, it's the daily routine of meals, cleaning up, keeping up with Caleb and add in Millie on Thursday and being open to do whatever John determines we must/may do.  


I listened to John and didn't make fresh bagels last week.  He ate a bagel several different times but there were plenty so I let that stand.  This week, if I can, I'd like to make a fresh batch of bagels and I think I'll try to make some fried apple hand pies.  Haven't had them in ages and autumn reminds me of Granny's fried apple hand pies.

I don't know if I'll buy groceries this week or not.  I do have a short but pricey looking list: corn, green beans, maple syrup, honey (local if I can get it), cornmeal or cornmeal mix, 25-pound bag of flour, waxed paper, paper towels, kidney beans (canned).  I may just keep a running list and watch sales or catch Katie on a trip to Walmart in the next week or so.


I sat down a couple of weeks ago and made out a list of meals I really wanted to make.  They are all the sort of hearty autumn meals that make me feel well fed and cozy.  Of course, it's going to be close to 90 at least once this week and pretty near there the rest of the week.  Am I going to eat summer-y salads.  Nope.  I am done with those. I want soup, stew, pot roast, pot pies.  Give me the fall weather foods!

Pizza, Salad or everyone on their own.  I always end playing this by ear, waiting to see what everyone wants to do.  

Gramma's Fried Chicken, box Mac n Cheese, Potato Salad.

Arroz Con Pollo, Tortillas, Salad.

Cottage Pie, Acorn Squash, Fruit Salad, Muffins.  I'll probably utilize a few leftovers to make up the Cottage Pie, unless they get eaten over the weekend.  I never know how the family will feed themselves on a Saturday or Sunday evening.  No harm done if leftovers are eaten, cottage pie is still a yummy and frugal-ish meal to make even from scratch.

BBQed Pork Chops, Cauliflower Au Gratin, Green Peas.

Creamy Italian Chicken over Pasta, Green Beans, Salad, Garlic Bread.

Fish, French Fries, Hush Puppies, Slaw.


Outfits.  It's true, I'm longing to put out the sweaters and dress in layers.  No, the days are too warm for that just yet.  I'm trying to find things that don't look like summer but work for the new season we're in without boiling to death in them.  It's work, I'm here to tell you, lol.  I need to set up no less than 6 new outfits, accessories and all.

I find myself feeling very restless lately, one might even say, ever so quietly, bored.  Not as in an "I haven't anything to do" way, nor even in the "I wish someone would entertain me" way of things.  I just am tired of my own personal evening routine.  Because of that, I've been trying to change it up and not focus on just one activity all evening long.  So, I might spend time one evening watching a documentary or a movie and then reading or coloring.  I'm trying to limit my time at activities, instead of spending the entire evening doing just one thing.  

I've been watching what I eat, choosing better snacks etc. for the past few weeks but I got a wee bit off track last week.  Back on track for me this week. I have some pants that fit better but could do with a few more pounds gone to fit comfortably.

One of these cool mornings, slip out with a cup of coffee and just enjoy the weather.

Try to have a good old coffee chat post...I like those conversations with you all.



Rhonda said...

I like your coffe chats - reminds me of your long, newsy Penny Ann Poundwise weekly newsletter, that was always one of my weekly highlights.
If honey and maple syrup are in your cart, it will be a pricey cart for sure.

mikemax said...

The stove in your lead picture is very much like the one we had when I was a kid. It was a Gaffers & Sattler gas range and my parents bought it when they got married in 1940. It had a pilot light and you lit it with a match. I am 77 years old and I'm still afraid of matches, LOL. We had it until 1955 when we moved to a house where gas was not available. Now I'm cookin' with gas again, but definitely not lighting any matches. Gotta love that electronic ignition!

Yes, real maple syrup and honey--especially local honey--will cost you dearly. And you will enjoy every taste!


Karla said...

I'm right with you on the "bored" and the clothing angst. Like your weather, ours is still in the high 80s to mid 90s (or higher) daily. I'm ready for cozy but it's just not here yet.

terricheney said...

Rhonda, everything in my cart is pretty pricey except the canned veg and beans, lol. However, they are all necessary so I plan to focus on replacing stock that is completely missing this month. I've just stumbled on a 12 pack of Scott toilet paper on Hip 2 Save or Krystal Paine's site, can't remember which that ships for $4.83 each off Amazon. I'm ordering 6 because toilet paper is something I typically try to keep at least a 6 month supply of. I will say we had to have much less when there were only the two of us in the house...Go figure, lol.

Maxine, I used to pass a house that had a stove of that sort sitting on the front porch and oh how I wanted it! John always said, "What would you do with it?" I'd cook on it! No I wouldn't...The oven wouldn't hold a turkey but it was so cute.
However, I am more than grateful for the automatic ignition feature too. I hate to have to light the pilot light!

Karla, we've two nights at the end of this week now being reported to supposed to be in the upper 40's. It's creeping up on us all!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again