November Goals: Keeping It Simple


This month we've got a lot going on.  Caleb will be starting Montessori classes and working on potty training with someone other than me.  The renovations are meant to start.  The house will be torn apart.  I want to handle this month with as much grace and patience as I can, so I'm trying to keep my goals fairly simple and to the point of what I know absolutely must be done.

Outdoors:  Clear out the garden pots, though I'll leave the carrots if they appear to be okay.  I have compost I can spread on them that is ripe and then I'll see if I can gather enough leaves and pine straw to mulch the tops of the beds.  

Try to keep up with the number of leaves falling onto porch and patio and blow them off routinely (after pots are mulched).  In the past, when we've had warmer days, I've found a snake slithering among those leaves and frankly I have no desire to encourage that behavior!

I'll probably have attended to this one already by the time you read it...Get the clear bins from the shed to keep plants in that I want to overwinter.  And move the Christmas cactus, the Mother In Law Tongues, the spider plants and the orchids indoors.  Where oh where shall I put them?!  No clue...

Indoors:  Clear out the kitchen of all the final things.  

Get started also on moving all the bathroom stuff OUT to other places.  It's going to be fun! NOT.  But it is necessary.

Set up my temporary kitchen area in the living room, along the entry way wall.  More shifting of furniture, etc.

Try to keep the house as neat and clean as possible.   Not fret over what I can't help.

Holidays:  I need to figure out what our Thanksgiving plans will be and how we will go about handling it.  Of course, it's entirely possible I might have a kitchen once again by that point, but I'd rather plan on not having one than plan on having it and being disappointed.

I need to think of birthdays (three more to cover this month) and Christmas and get gifts lined up.  I have ideas and I have saved a decent portion of money towards holiday spending.  I need to go through my gift box and see what I have and then start making any purchases I might be going to make.

The trick obviously is stay within budget...As always.

Purchase what food items I can for Christmas but pin John down as to what he wants me to serve for Christmas first.  Will he want the Turkey Dinner we might not get at Thanksgiving?  Or does he want Ribs?  Lasagna?  Prime Rib?  One just never knows.

Personal:  Visit Mama.

We have a lot going on this month.  I need to be very cautious and careful that I don't get stressed out and overwhelmed. That will be my sole personal goal this month.

Set up a doctor's appointment for a check-up so I can get my prescriptions refilled.  

And that's where I'm going to leave goals for this month.

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Cindi Myers said...

The renovations will no doubt be stressful, but just think how wonderful it will be to have a remodeled kitchen and bath!

terricheney said...

Cindi M., Oh I am!! The trouble is that until I get that final bill from the contractor I'm just itching to redo all sorts of things in the house, lol. I'm making myself wait because I know I must buy a vanity mirror, and more knobs and handles than you'd imagine and I haven't even made up my mind yet (or made my compromise choice because that is legitimately the way it works here, lol).

March 26: It Was Time