November Plans and Goals


Everyone always says it's hard to believe that it's November and the year nearly over.  It's felt like a whole year to me.  Time didn't speed along nor drag.  I'm not anxious to have any month go any more quickly than they usually do but I like it best when time goes along at what feels like a normal pace and that's the way it's felt to me.  Normal is just fine by me.   I don't need time to go any faster.

Typically, this month might just be considered a holiday month. I prefer to think of it as just another month, until the very last week and then I sink my teeth into the idea of 'holiday'.  Since Thanksgiving doesn't come until the very last week and in the last few days, I have no need to rush the holidays.  Aside from the turkey, I have all I need for a holiday meal on hand, so that isn't a deep concern for me at this time.

Coffee Chat: End of October

The weather has been lovely, truly lovely, the past two weeks.  We came home from church and a long afternoon at Katie's on Sunday and as we topped the hill before the River Valley, there was the patchwork of autumn colors spread before us.  It was breathtaking. It hasn't come into its full glory yet, but a few trees have decided the season is now prime for their most brilliant display.  The majority usually reserve their best colors for November.

I've been enjoying this season, this blessed season, that we've been in.  I am not referring to just the weather but the life season we've come upon.  It's been lovely to not be beset with concerns, worries and problems.  It's been lovely to see things come together for my family members.   I'm very grateful for the opportunity to experience this.

Menu Plan for the Last Week of October 2024


Well last week did not go to plan either, but I wasn't too far off with what we actually ate and what I'd planned.  It's meant to turn off cool this weekend (I'm working on this Friday evening about 8pm).  That makes meal planning a whole lot easier when what you want, really want, are meals suited to the season and not more summer-y meals.

I had this in mind when I shopped at Kroger on Friday.  I thought of things I've been wanting to eat and things I knew John would enjoy, meals that were fairly simple but a hit with him.  I kept my eyes open and found lots of good bargains.  

To Do List for the Last Week of October 2024


It's always a temptation as I come to the final week of the month to not only review my progress with that month's goals but to try and 'catch up' all the missed work, etc., that I haven't done.  It's no different this month.  But I don't care.  I don't.  I came into the month with good intentions, and I've been fairly busy throughout the month.  C'est la vie.  The month is nearly over, and I am already looking ahead.  I can't stop to look behind.

However, this week is my NOW.  Time to focus on what I want to do right away this week.  

Journal of My Week: Autumn Sings


Sunday:  I guess we were pretty worn out from our Friday evening out, because we didn't do a single thing yesterday except sleep and eat.  Not a bad way to spend an easy day at home and it certainly does mean we start the week with energy to spare.  

I will quickly share the meals we had yesterday.

Sam's Club (and Dollar General) Grocery Haul


Last Tuesday we finally made it to Sam's Club.  I wanted to walk around and look at prices and I did to some extent.  Enough to know about what the better buys were and that I am doing well enough in shopping in other places.  Sam's Club advantage is that I can buy flour in bulk (25-pound bags) and that was totally my reason for going.  There are also some frozen entree things I wanted to price (all were far less than at mainstream groceries).  Again, I'll remind everyone I don't keep a price book, but I am blessed with a head that remembers prices, page numbers, etc. very well. 

I do not have a picture of a single thing I bought.  I had it all divided up and put away before I even thought of taking a picture.  But I'll tell you what I got and how much it all cost.

Final Budget Challenge for October: Shopping Local


As I worked with this challenge this month, I felt that had I had some of the items from both stores, spending a bit more, I would have been able to do more.  Well naturally, if you're doubling your money spent, right?  But I did think I could do more with a budget of $50 than I could with a budget of $25.  Perhaps, I might even be able to manage a whole week of meals for the two of us?  Now let me say this, with $25 a week I couldn't swing 3 meals a day for any length of time.   But with just under $50, I managed to figure out three meals a day.  But that's what you can do if you're not limited to ONE store and half the budget.  You can choose to purchase the least expensive items at each store.

So, I thought I'd try to figure out meals using items from both stores and trying my best to get seven days' worth of food for two from it.  I'm choosing, since I have the prices, I spent two weeks ago, to 'purchase' foods from the store that will be the least expensive, so that will slightly alter things.  The goal here is to get the best price and the most food for the money, right?

Meal Planning for the Fourth Week of October


Looking back at last week's meals and two weeks' back at those meals, I wonder that I take time to plan meals at all.  I'm tempted to just roll with Lisa's idea of Open Meal Planning (@Farmhouse on Boone).  However, planning ahead does make a difference in both balancing costs overall and in helping me to be aware of what I might need to prep ahead or partially prepare in a week's time.  Bonus points for me if I do those things on a week that is very busy, because it eliminates the need to make decisions and allows me to be prepared.  Yet, I continue to more or less fly by the seat of my pants and just grab things from the freezer, change plans willy-nilly and adjust according to whatever the week brings at me.  

To Do List for the Fourth Week of October


Our weekend has been slightly less busy than we'd anticipated it might be.  That's quite all right.  It's hard to be out later on Friday evening and then busy early on Saturday and have a long day on Sunday.  The break between Friday and Sunday is welcome, very welcome.

There are no big plans for the week ahead, really.  I seem to be in a slump where housework is concerned.  I'm not keeping up my zone work at all.  Nor am I doing enough extra to warrant missing out on these tasks I keep saying I want to get done.   No, the house isn't messy.  The house looks decent and that's as far as I'll go.

Journal of My Week: October Breezes



Friday meals:  Eggs and Toast

Chicken and Dumplings leftovers

Country Style Ribs, English Peas, Mexican Cornbread

It's lovely to have a lazy Saturday at home.  I know we're home almost all of the time, but here of late our weeks and weekends both are broken up with bouts of busyness.  However, we get these occasional Saturdays at home, with no company and no obligations and we just relax into the weekend.  It's absolutely awesome.  It really is. 

A Budget Meal Challenge: Local Shopping on $25, Part 2


My second stop for shopping was at our local grocery.  This store is still fairly new to us, less than a year old and most welcomed in the community after nearly 3 years without anything but a Dollar General.  I don't mind pointing out that is a true story for many small old towns these days.  The local grocery has shut up and gone and the residents are left with Dollar General.

At the local grocery, I spent $24.26.    I acted as though I had not just spent $27 over at Dollar General, because I wanted to see what I could come up with for meals from just what I'd purchased at each store, first.  

Moody Fall Decor


I was so ready for Fall in September!  I decorated the mantel right away and then it took weeks to get the table and buffet done.  I finally finished up the bookcases last week.  That officially saw me finished with the living room.  I'd have done a wee bit more ...Alas, I ran out of autumn picks and was aghast at the cost of what I liked best.  I do have great taste...just can't afford myself.  

Anyway, I've done my bit.  I'll share it, small as it is.

Meal Plan for the Third Week of October


Ho Hum.  Here we are planning meals again.  If last week's plans went awry, just imagine how far off the meal plan was...Well you don't have to imagine.  You can go read all about it on last week's Journal, lol.  Anyway, here we are trying again to cough up inspiration for meals.  The nice thing is that the weather is trying to cool down.  Nights will be chilly.  The days will continue to warm up.  

To Do List for Third Week of October


1.  Zone Three: Bedrooms and Baths.  I went ahead and started on Friday with this job.  I wanted to feel I'd done something last week and that seemed doable.  It took about 45 minutes and while the job wasn't completely done it was more than half done.  I still need to mop the floor and clean the shower.  Very doable!

Journal of My Week: Autumn Comes Slowly


Saturday:  It was a lovely day today.  It was breezy and cooler (still closer to mid-80 but less humid).  I picked the children up at their house for a library day out with Gramma.  This is apparently a much looked forward to by the children and they let me know how happy they were.  

After the library we went to Subway.  Golly gee!  Even being very careful I realized that this simply not a 'cheap' option for meals.  I told the kids next time I'd pack a picnic lunch, and I mean to do just that.  We ate outdoors on the covered patio and had a pretty good time overall.  

A Budget Challenge Meal Plan: Just General Shopping Part 1


I decided the other day it was time to bite the bullet and do another pantry challenge.  I went first to our local Dollar General.  Then I went over to the local grocery store.  I've debated how to do this challenge, and I think it's going to turn into three posts.  Two $25 challenge posts and one $50 challenge because that extra $25 opens up a few more meal plans than the $25 challenges allowed.

Here's my why: twice now I've seen some videos about what can be made for a 'budget' dinner with $25.  The food served four people.  I figured if one concentrated and only spent $25 for dinner 7 "budget" days a week, it would cost a family of four $175 for a week of evening meals only.  That's $750 for a month of dinners. That doesn't include breakfasts or lunches.  That figure to me is mind boggling.

Meal Plan for October, Week 2


Last week's menu plan proved to be difficult.  I was missing a few ingredients, but didn't realize it at the time I was planning.  I kept switching up the plans, meals stretched further than I thought they might, one meal was prepared but not enough for the number of people who'd be here, so that required a second thought.  

To be honest, this week I come to meal planning with planning fatigue, but not just because of last week.  I've been working on the Budget Meals Challenge I set myself.  Figuring out those meals plus last week's changes has just bogged my thinking down.

To Do List for the Second Week of October


1.  Zone 2 The Kitchen.  In my home this zone comprises the back entry and the laundry area as well.  I'm adding the back porch since it does come to my backdoor and serves as the main entry to my home for most everyone.  If I do, that will leave me a whole week for outdoor stuff at the end of the month. Of course, the hope is that by then it will be cooler and more comfortable for outdoor work.

My focus areas in the kitchen: cleaning small appliances (coffee maker, mixer, bread machine, toaster oven, microwave, slow cooker.

Journal of My Week: September 28 - October 4


Saturday:  It was lovely to come home yesterday and find no damage to the place.  That was an anxiety for us but as we traveled up the interstate and got closer and closer to our area of the state, we felt pretty sure we would find all was well.

Stock-Up Forecast


I had not planned another post for this week beyond the weekly Journal, but I was standing int he kitchen this morning and a thought popped into my mind again that has been recurring the past few days.  I thought perhaps I'd share these thoughts with you all, too.

First and foremost, Hurricane Helene did about as much damage as a hurricane could do to several states: Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina were severely affected.  Other states also affected are Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana.   I am not saying these last five states were less affected than the four I mentioned. Truly I have little idea of what occurred in them.   I'm only going by what I've seen online, and the focus has been mostly on the first four states in my area.  

A Year of Stocking Up: October's Best Buys


October is such a lovely month!  It is one of my favorite months of Fall.  But it also challenges me a little.  After summer's plentiful and varied crops, I always think that October has fewer good things to offer us.

Part of my reason for starting this series is because I tend to focus on what I think is cheap: potatoes, carrots, cabbage, onions, apples and oranges.  I think there must be many more foods available that are in season and worth looking for.  I'll be interested to see what prices look like on these items, too.  

October Goals: Sugar and Spice


Spiritual and Personal:

We're about to enter the Jewish Holy days.  Even though we no longer attend synagogue, or participate in the feasts, I love these days of Yom Kippur and the Feast of Sukkot.  It's a time to celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of a new one, a time to appreciate the blessings the year has brought, and a season of plentiful harvests.   

I feel a little guilty for saying that I'm counting my blessings, knowing how many are living without things we consider to be basics just now, in light of the storm last week and the threat of more weather ahead.  But so many have shared not just pictures of destruction but blessings as neighbor reaches out to neighbor and family and friends and strangers find ways to get things to those in need.  

March 26: It Was Time