Journal of My Week: October Breezes



Friday meals:  Eggs and Toast

Chicken and Dumplings leftovers

Country Style Ribs, English Peas, Mexican Cornbread

It's lovely to have a lazy Saturday at home.  I know we're home almost all of the time, but here of late our weeks and weekends both are broken up with bouts of busyness.  However, we get these occasional Saturdays at home, with no company and no obligations and we just relax into the weekend.  It's absolutely awesome.  It really is. 

This is the one day I don't put any pressure on myself at all. I do make a meal or meals, but I do not make big fancy meals.  I try not to work at writing, but I will usually slip in a bit of that.  Otherwise, it's all reading, watching tv and videos, coloring, dreaming on Pinterest.  It is truly a restful day of rest.  

The weather has cooled significantly.  We're at the stage of snuggling undercovers in the night and putting on a sweater or long pants.  It does make me a little sad, because in about two weeks we'll be expecting our first autumn frost, a sure sign the year is rapidly winding down.  But it's also a joy, as well because at last we can sit outdoors and truly enjoy doing so.

I'm reading two different books and I'm liking them both so far.  The High Calling-1940 by Gilbert Morris and the other is by Julia Kelly, The Last Garden in England.  I started them both thinking I'd choose one or the other but instead, I read a chapter of this one and then a chapter of the other.    I also have the new Victoria Autumn Bliss magazine to read through.  Luxury to have so many good things to read just now!

I took time this morning to do a manicure and pedicure.  I chose to go with mixed autumn colors on my hands.  It's not as pretty as the ones I've pinned online.  I should have taken time to plan it out better with my other polishes, but it will do just fine.  A manicure seldom lasts me more than a couple of days at best.

Sausage Gravy, Biscuits

Chicken Tenders and Oven Fries

Steak and Salad, Leftover Biscuits

Sunday:  Some days just turn out lovely, don't they?   Today was one of those days. 

I dressed for church this morning in a new blouse that is just lovely, and a pair of new pants that I had to take time to iron first.  I should have checked my clothing last night, but I didn't, so I got caught out.  Anyway, the pants were new to me too.  I'd been saving the two pieces for a few months to wear in the fall.  The pants are the latest style...meaning they are meant to come to above the ankle on most folks and on a petite sized person like me, they just barely cover my ankle.  I'm not a fan, I'll confess, but the blouse is so pretty, and I so wanted to wear it and these pants seemed the best choice.

Turns out the pants are comfortable.  The blouse...itches.  It's got gold and silver slubs of thread and they poke.  I'll wear the blouse again because it is so very pretty, but I'll try to keep in mind that it does itch.

Anyway, I felt pretty leaving the house.  And that is something on any given day.

After church today, John had a meeting with a pastor to discuss some worship that he'll do for him.  Then our small group leader appeared and asked John if he'd play a filler set for Friday night's group meeting.  Then we spoke to various people we knew, and one or two we didn't.  It was all quite pleasant.

 We left church, got fried chicken to take to Katie's and headed to her house.  Henry feels like he's gained a good pound.  He's already changed in appearance.  His cheeks are round and fat.  He's started to kick and wiggle.  He kept moving just enough to slip around a bit and change his position on me.  He is still a quiet, calm baby.  He studied and studied my face.  I studied his, too.

Somehow, I ended up with the baby and everyone else was outside.  Am I complaining?  Not at all!  I fed Henry and rocked him to sleep.  I haven't rocked a baby to sleep in at least four years and I enjoyed it very much.

Taylor's dad and stepmom came by to pick her up and we all visited for a short while.  I love and admire my former son-in-law, and I like his wife, too.  They are good people.  It was a very pleasant passage of time.  

John and I came home this afternoon and we both took a nap in our chairs.  I wish I could fall as effortlessly to sleep as I do when a nap occurs.  It was as lovely as the day had been.

Meals:  Cheese toasted Biscuits

Lunch with Katie

Mac and Cheese, Sliced Tomatoes 

Monday:  It's breezy outdoors today.  And it's pushing in straight out of the west.  In cooler seasons, that generally means colder air coming in.  In summer, it just means we won't be getting any rain at all, and I'll need to water plants.  Today it makes me very mindful of the fact that I need to start planning what to do with plants.  I've an English ivy, a palm tree and orchids that will definitely be coming indoors.  

There are other plants I'd like to keep, but as my husband pointed out, 'The old bathtub is gone...and I'm not showering with all those plants and things." The 'things' he's referring to are the anoles, praying mantis, stick bugs, tree frogs, spiders and slugs that seem to always come along inside with those plants. I don't much want to shower with them myself.  

 I've got a table full of plants in the kitchen already.  More ivy, a peace lily and African violets.  I just rescued two orchids that needed some heavy attention from Katie's house.  So that table in the kitchen is the primo spot for putting plants in the winter because it is the best daylight in the house.  

I think I can move the peace lily and ivy into the living room once more...There's a free table sitting in the western window that gets enough light for those plants.  I'll do some shifting around and see what I can work out.  I have a small folding tray table that I might set up in front of one of the kitchen windows to hold a few of the plants.  All of this reminds me that last year I was going to order a plant stand...I do have one in the yard that might work in the corner by the end cabinet.  Somehow, I can tell I'll have my plants indoors without the bathtub!

Katie gave me some picture frames yesterday.  One is the perfect size for one of the pictures that I wanted to get framed and hung.  The other is the same size frame, but the print won't quite fit.  I'm thinking I'll go to Hobby Lobby and have them mat the two pictures.  In sorting through the frames Katie went deep into the pile and came up with two ornate, deep frames with two beautiful portrait prints.  The portraits were serendipity.  They are the perfect thing to hang on my entry way wall, the same wall I've been thinking for months I'd like to redo.

I did busy myself this morning in the bedroom and bath this morning. First, I straightened up the bathroom very nicely.  Then I made the bed.  I'd planned to dust and vacuum and such in the bedroom.  Do a proper deep clean in there as I did on the master bathroom on Friday.  Didn't do a bit of those things.  

No, I distracted myself, by pulling my bin of sweaters out from the under the bed and emptying it then deciding, mid sweater work, to empty the old trunk and inventory linens.  This led to a big cleaning up, sorting and discarding from the trunk.  I found the velvet pillow covers I searched high and low for two months ago before ordering a new pair.  And another of the pillow covers I'd ordered last year and apparently had put away.  Why?  No clue.  I shoved an old pillow into it and am using it now.  I may end putting that on my bed when I change out spreads for the fall/winter.  I let go of a pair of curtains I don't think I'll be using again, and a handful of other things.  

My dresser is HUGE.  The bottom drawer will hold nearly as much as the trunk does.  I had shoved the mattress pad in that drawer last time I changed the one on my bed.  I now had room for it in the trunk.  That led me to clean out the bottom drawer of my dresser which has been a catchall of things for the past 30 odd years. 

I decided to make the drawer, which is really prime storage space, properly used storage and not just a junk drawer.  I pulled everything out of the drawer and found a new home for all of it.  Then I packed it full of sweaters.  I pulled the sheer summer blouses and dresses off hangers in the closet and placed those at one end of the drawer.  Then I cleaned out my house clothing drawer.  And somewhere in there I tried on jeans/pants from the closet that I've been trying to lose weight to fit into.  

If I run my hands over my hips I can feel the lack of extra padding.  And my other pants fit nicely now, but that one pair just does not fit and apparently aren't going to fit.  I figured it was high time I let them go.  By this point the closet had started to look like it was in tatters with empty hangers askew and jeans and shoes everywhere.  I looked at that mess of the closet and did something I rarely do. I shut the door and walked out of the room.  I did.

I put everything back in the trunk and closed the lid and sighed as I looked at the rest of the mess I'd made, lol.  That's the way these things go at times.  I bite off more than I'd planned to deal with!

I figured I'd done enough damage for one day.  I came back to the room later and cleared the surfaces, picked up the discard pile of things to pack up for donations.  But I did NOT open that closet door again.

I've puttered the rest of the day away.  I framed one of the pictures I had wanted to frame.  I've done a load of dishes, and handwashed more.  I've made a proper dinner for us, midday, since John is gone this evening.  I've made bread.  I've done this and that and nothing much at the same time, but it's gotten things done, somehow.  And that's good enough.

meals:  Sausage, Toast

Mississippi Roast, Mashed Potatoes, Collard Greens, the last of the Mexican cornbread.  

I'll have something snack-y tonight for my evening meal.  I don't know just what.  

Tuesday:  It was downright chilly this morning.  And the annual quilt tugging has begun.  John, who prefers to sleep under his robe (I really need to find him a blanket of the same material), apparently got cold and decided to wrap up in the quilt.  And I mean wrap, like a mummy is wrapped.  I happened to have been wise last night and knowing that it would be cold, I grabbed my old cotton quilt.  I find it's often quite warm enough for me once the temperature drops, as long as I don't have to share it.  So, I had covers.  But this is one part of cold weather I do not look forward to, losing all the covers in the middle of the night and waking because I've gotten cold.  

I put on a sweater this morning and long pants to wear about the house and even with hot coffee I was still fairly chilly as the morning went on.  Honestly!  This time last week we had AC running by 9am and hot days but this week it will be cooler.  I think tomorrow, I'm going to make that pot of soup I promised myself for this week.

I managed to squeeze the palm, Christmas cactus (I'd forgotten I had those!) and the orchids into the house yesterday afternoon.  I ran my hands over and over those plants and poked around the soil to make sure that I wasn't bringing in creatures.  I did find two stink (real name is Shield but local vernacular is 'stink') bugs later in the evening, but both were escorted back outdoors.

John and I headed off to Sam's today.  The sun was wonderfully bright and the day pleasant with a bit of a cool breeze.  We left home wearing sweaters and returned with them thrown into the back seat.  

I enjoyed the Sam's Club trip and did very well.  My grocery budget is spent, but we should be okay with that.  I can't think of much that we'll need in the next few weeks except perhaps eggs.  I didn't like Sam's prices on those.  

We didn't get lunch out.  We came home and I made us a sandwich.  After that I divided things up and put them in the freezer.  Goodness!  I've just glanced at the clock and it's time for me to make supper.  Off I go.

Meals:  Smoked Sausage, Grits, Toast

Ham and Swiss Sandwich, Chips, Mandarin, Coffee

Burgers and Salads.  I'm debating on adding hashbrowns to the meal plan.

Wednesday:  You never know what a day holds do you?   Today, we woke at 4:15.  For some reason neither of us could go back to sleep.  I promise I made a very valiant effort but at 5:30, I quit trying and got up to dress.  It was chilly this morning, so much so that I turned the heater up a small bit.  

I happened to look out the window and saw the moon setting on the western horizon.  It wasn't huge but it was bright and appeared full, but it isn't.  Per the web, it's a waxing gibbous moon and only 86% illuminated.  

I came out of the room and urged John to look at the moon.  Just in those few seconds of moving from our bedroom window to the living room, the moon had slipped further down.  John walked outside and just barely saw it through the trees.  I was genuinely sorry he missed it.  It looked very golden and autumnal.

Nothing much to say about the hours we spent waiting for sunrise.  Bible Study, Instagram, coffee...Time passed.  I made breakfast and then went through the house picking up.  Finally, I got started in the kitchen.  I sorted through the fridge and planned my attack.  I wanted to cook squashes (all summer and winter), make soup, deal with the leftovers in the fridge.  

I cooked the summer squash with some onions.  I plan to make a squash casserole or two to put in the freezer.  They will be small individual casseroles since John doesn't care for it.  I love it.  I made the soup. I dealt with the leftover roast.

I did nothing with the winter squashes today simply because John reminded me that we were going to go vote today.  I'd forgotten entirely that we were going to go, but I was partly dressed.

Now here's the unexpected part of the day.  I told John after we vote I'd buy him a cup of coffee at the local coffee shop.  I hadn't been in there before.  I was in for a treat.  The owner, a young woman by the name of Kim, is absolutely personable and more than willing to talk to customers.  I appreciated her desire to make downtown into something like a Hallmark movie small town.  

She related that it had been a battle, one I appreciate, having once upon a time been a member and president of a rural county Jaycees.  Kim has a genuine interest in the county seat where she's located and creating that small town ambience that draws people in.   And if I say it's a battle, I do mean battle.  There is a mindset in these communities, partly because they are rural, that 'This is the way things have always been, and this is the way they'll always be."  I fought it in Jaycees.  Because things had always been done in just this way, they wanted to keep doing them just that way.  It had gotten them nowhere.  The community rarely saw the presence of the group and the chapter was dying a slow and painful death.

I'm not saying I singlehandedly snatched it back to life.  It was a process, and it took others who were willing to do things differently.  The chapter doubled and was on its way to tripling when I was hit by the drunk driver and got sidelined by life in general.  

Unfortunately, that fresh start didn't have a heartbeat without anyone pumping on it's chest constantly because those who liked the way things had always been refused to let go and others weren't willing to butt heads.  

That's the sort of thing this girl has been up against.  She's fought for 7 years and she's tired.  Disheartened.   I told her, sometimes, what we need to do is just decide we're going to shine our light and stop trying to charge up everyone else's light.  They need to learn to make their own.  

Her situation isn't hopeless.  The old order is old, and their children and grandchildren have no desire to be in the county.  The new folks are coming in and they will change the town. They will appreciate the good qualities and want others to see it as they do, a quaint, lovely little town.  They'll create the sense of community that the old order of "Who are your people?  Where are you from?" who have been clique-ish have stifled.   I'd love to see our small towns flourish in a fresh way and not just be those dead little crumbling places that people drive thru on their way to somewhere else. 

To say I enjoyed my coffee, and the conversation goes without saying, I think.  It gave me a lot of food for thought and something to pray for, too.  Because you see, I've felt the same lack of community since we moved here.  I'd found it in our former county but here, not so much.  Oddly enough I do have the 'qualifications' those old order folks wanted.  My family settled this county in its beginning days.  They were part of the leadership of the community and in good standing. But my married name is 'different' so there we are.

Anyway, I enjoyed coffee, enjoyed the talk and we took the longer way home which was lovely.  I do enjoy just getting out for a ride.  We live in such a beautiful area, with lots of hills and woods and natural ponds.  

Meals:  Oatmeal, Toasted Biscuits

Italian Sandwich, chips.  I took the leftover roast and made Italian sliders on some hamburger buns with onions I'd semi-caramelized and pepperoncini.  We had two for lunch and put two in the freezer.  I still had a portion of the Mississippi roast and broth left so I put that in the freezer, too.  

Soup, Crackers, Cheese, Apples.  I made a sort of Southwestern inspired soup with fresh tomatoes, black beans(expired), onions, chipotle peppers, enchilada sauce (expired), bell peppers, beef broth, hamburger meat and seasonings besides the chipotle peppers.  I used up all the bits and bobs of soup, beef broth, etc. from the freezer.    The soup tastes pretty good.  We'll see how John likes it.

Thursday:  It was nice and chilly this morning when we got up.  Brr! weather is here!

I took time this morning to play in the kitchen even though I had another task that I really needed to do.  I wanted to attend to those squash that I had not dealt with yesterday.  

I made a chicken pot pie in July, and it had floated all around the shelves of the big freezer, being moved here and there as I required space.  For the past three days I'd been carefully balancing it near the front of a shelf, something I knew was taking a huge chance.  It was in a big 10-inch glass pie dish.  I decided at some point last night when I was awake that I needed to decrease my anxiety each time I opened the freezer and so I'd take that pie out today and bake it.  

I took the Pot Pie from the freezer as soon as I walked into the kitchen this morning so it could begin thawing.  I knew I'd need to make a pie crust to cover it.  I found a single ripe banana in with the squash (acorn and butter nut), so I put that next to the mixer to remind me to make a batch of muffins with it.  

After breakfast, I got busy.  I made the pie crust first.  For years, I tried every recipe known to man for pie crust.  I tried ever recipe in my books and recipes from online.  One day I was making apple pie from a 1984 issue of Family Circle Magazine, and I used the pie crust recipe that was written up with the recipe, as I'd been doing every single year since 1984.  It occurred to me as we were eating pie, that I already had the perfect pie crust recipe for me.  It never failed to turn out.  So why wasn't I using it every time I had to make pie crust?   I used that recipe today.  

When I had rolled out my crust and shaped it on my pot pie, I used the same bowl to make my banana muffins.  No, one banana is not 'enough' but one banana will work if it's all you have.  I debated cutting the recipe in half.  Instead, I decided to make the full batch.  And I don't use a muffin recipe.  I use my favorite recipe for banana nut bread.  It makes delicious muffins.  I boosted the banana with a bit of chopped nuts, chocolate chips and a little vanilla extract.  

Finally, I cut and seeded the squash and put them in a baking pan.  I put everything in the oven together.  I ended up with a pint of mashed butternut squash to put in the freezer.  Four halves of acorn squash that I'll fill later in the weekend for a meal.  1 dozen Banana Chocolate Chip muffins.  And of course, the chicken pot pie.  

I spent the afternoon working on cleaning up the kitchen and doing the task I was putting off.  

Meals:  Toast for John.  Croissant and sausage patties for me.

Chicken Pot Pie, Cranberry sauce.  Did you know you can freeze and later thaw and serve open cans of cranberry sauce?  I do this all of the time, and the texture is not compromised at all.  Today's cranberry sauce was previously frozen.  We have half the pot pie left.  I'll serve that over the weekend, too.

Leftover steak, leftover macaroni and cheese, leftover Giardiniera...Leftovers!  

Friday:  I always look forward to our Fridays.  I think because it's filled with routines.  I do certain jobs on that that day and only on that day.  I know exactly which ones I'm doing and there's no having to decide what has priority.  I feel pretty much the same way about Mondays.  I wonder if perhaps I shouldn't have a routine for every day?   I'll have to ponder this further.

This morning, we got everything done in a couple of hours.  

You know what else I really look forward to?  Crawling into bed on Friday nights knowing we've got clean sheets.  

I've just noticed the pecan tree out back is getting more and more bare.  It has leaves but where I couldn't see between them in the summer, I can see big blue patches of sky all the way through the leaves.  It felt as though we'd never get autumn around here and yet just a few weeks has made a big difference in how everything looks.  Already the season is progressing fast.  

I think the thing that has made me feel saddest is that it's now getting dark around 7:15 each evening.  The days are closing in... but in two months or so we'll begin to slowly reverse, and the days will become gradually longer.  

Know what else I've noted lately?  On surveys when I check my age...there's only one more box to go.  I remember when I was young, I was always at the top of the boxes.  Now I'm next to the last group.  It makes you stop and think, truly it does.

When I was making lunch today, I decided to go ahead and prep the Brussel Sprouts that I keep saying I should use.  Now they are prepped my excuses should stop.  I also pulled out the tomatillos I picked up last week and put them to roast with serrano, jalapeno and green bell peppers, as well as onions and garlic.  They will be coming out of the oven shortly and then all of them will be blended up into a homemade salsa verde.  I think I have to add vinegar to it, too.  I need to look up the recipe again.  I'm shooting from memory on this one.

It's been a quiet week, a good week.  The weekend will be slightly less hectic than first thought.   John's not playing for Outreach tomorrow, as the church worship team will be there instead.  So that frees up our Saturday.  It will be a nice interlude between a busy day and evening today and a busy Sunday.

How was your week?  Please stop by and comment.  I love hearing from you!

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Journal of My Week: October Breezes