To Do List for the Last Week of October 2024


It's always a temptation as I come to the final week of the month to not only review my progress with that month's goals but to try and 'catch up' all the missed work, etc., that I haven't done.  It's no different this month.  But I don't care.  I don't.  I came into the month with good intentions, and I've been fairly busy throughout the month.  C'est la vie.  The month is nearly over, and I am already looking ahead.  I can't stop to look behind.

However, this week is my NOW.  Time to focus on what I want to do right away this week.  

I admit, it would help tremendously if I were facing the task of determining what I want to do in the week ahead if I were fully rested and had spent time really considering what is important.  The truth is I am attempting to throw this together on Saturday afternoon, after spending the night and morning with the kids from across the field.  We had quite a time, but not a lot of sleep.  I've been fighting a headache most all day long.  On the other hand, it may mean I keep my expectations of myself lower than usual, lol.  

I'm going to do this a little differently this week.  I'm going to list out the days of the week and the things I'm thinking I may do on each day.

Sunday:  Drop off library books at the local library and at the children's church library.  

Visit with Katie and children.

The fridge is full.  I need to get that sorted out and put things away in the freezer or add them to my meal plans for the week. Clean up the kitchen.  Put away my clothes.    Pull meat from the freezer for the week ahead.

Monday:  First of the week House Blessing.  Vacuum guest room.  Water plants indoors and out. Meal Prep. Determine if I'm going to bake this week and plan what day I shall do it.  Take cuttings from the geranium and see if I can root plants for next year.  Gather seeds from a few plants that have gone to seed.  

Go over my checkbook, write a couple of checks to get in the mail tomorrow.

Tuesday:  Gather three or four books to put in the Free Library across from the post office, the Montessori School Free Library, and the Free Library at Mama's neighborhood mailboxes. Visit Mama.  Start a meal before I leave so I can come home and relax.

Wednesday:  Blow off porches and patio.  Move empty pots.  Trim back dead plants.  Trim rose bush at back porch and Rosemary bush at corner. Spend afternoon working on Genealogy notes.

Thursday:  Try to get John out of the house to get haircuts, and hopefully go out to lunch.  This is interchangeable with Wednesday.

Friday:  Shabat Cleaning and meal prep for the weekend.  Work on November and first of the week posts.

All through the week of course, I'll be doing all the routine tasks that pop up in a day, along with meals and dishes and whatever else catches my attention.  I think that should finish off October just fine.

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1 comment:

Karla said...

I had the week off work last week. I was supposed to be helping my husband (who was also off work) with a documentary project we are working on. That didn't happen but a whole lot of other stuff did. I'm writing this from my desk at work on Monday morning and I'm actually glad to be back at work after the week last week. Whew!

Monday husband had a colonoscopy. Monday night oldest daughter needed a driver to take her home from the ER after a bad allergic reaction to environmental stuff. I got home about 11pm by the time I coordinated help to get her settled back home, get her car back to her house, etc.. Tuesday I rested some and then oldest daughter had to go to the ER again for another allergic reaction. A friend of hers went with her and I stayed at her house for the evening washing her bedding in Free & Clear detergent in case it was a sudden reaction to laundry soap. I took every item of clothing of hers home to my house to rewash. Wednesday was spent doing her laundry all day. In between loads, I had a chiropractor appointment and a follow up with my nutritionist (lost another 3 pounds in October, woo hoo!) Wednesday evening I took her clothes back to her house. Thursday I was wiped out so I spent the day napping and reading. Friday I had lunch with oldest daughter and a couple of her work friends. Then went back home and napped. Saturday it rained all day long. I did our 1 load of laundry of clothes then I washed our towels and when I put them in the dryer discovered the dryer was no longer heating up. Great. Sunday it rained again all day and was so dark. I cleaned out the dryer vents at both ends and struggled to hook it back up in the tight space that is impossible to work with. After some yelling out at the ceiling I got it hooked back up but it still isn't heating up. Left a message for a repair person we've used in the past. He'll come on Thursday afternoon to look at it. Thankfully husband is off work again this week so I won't have to take off.

Needless to say, I'm still exhausted. I'm hoping for a really slow week at work. LOL

Journal of My Week: Winter Again