Meal Plan for the Third Week of October


Ho Hum.  Here we are planning meals again.  If last week's plans went awry, just imagine how far off the meal plan was...Well you don't have to imagine.  You can go read all about it on last week's Journal, lol.  Anyway, here we are trying again to cough up inspiration for meals.  The nice thing is that the weather is trying to cool down.  Nights will be chilly.  The days will continue to warm up.  

Inspiration is lacking.  Seriously lacking.  I have food aplenty, more than enough to see us through this week and still I have no desire to plan a single thing. 

The next day:  It's amazing how much nearer being inspired I feel when I take into account that I am tired and need to just stop for the day instead of pushing through.  Now let's get these meals planned out.

Steak and Salad.  I'm keeping it very simple for our first supper of the week.  I made enough salad to hopefully see us through two meals.  I used the last of the lettuce.

Macaroni and Cheese, Sliced Tomatoes.  I had three egg yolks from making meringue for the Banana Pudding and about 1 cup of milk that needed to be used up.  That made a quick 'custard' cheese sauce for a box of macaroni I had in the cabinet.  

Mississippi Pot Roast, Mashed potatoes, Green Beans.  I will use one of the smaller roasts in the freezer to make this.  I'm thinking of putting it on when we leave for church and keeping it on low.  I know we'll be eating lunch with Katie today, but it won't be a heavy meal.  We'll definitely want something more this evening.

Alpine Chicken, Brussels Sprouts, Cranberry Sauce.  I have had this on the menu at least twice now and each time I've not made it.  Will it be made this week?  I hope so.  This is one meal I really enjoy.

Soup with Cornbread.  I have a variety of soup containers in the freezer.  Not actual soup, but things I've set aside to save for making soup.  I'd like to empty those containers out and make a big pot.  Hopefully that will net me enough extra to freeze a meal or two worth of soup as well.

Ham, Potatoes Au Gratin, Peas with Mushrooms, Biscuits.  I have two smaller boneless portions of ham.  If there are any leftovers it will be good to have sandwich meat for a day or two.

We'll be out.  Likely we'll pick up something at a burger place on the way home.

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Tammy said...

We had our first 30° morning, so I'm thinking soups and casseroles for the couple of days it will be cool. We have a football game this afternoon about 40 minutes away, so supper will be late, and probably leftovers from the frig.
There's a container of chili in the freezer that I can add some cornbread batter to for a chili bake we haven't had in quite a while. Oh, and there's a container of chicken and noodles that will be tasty another night.
Greg told me last night that ever since we were sick a few weeks ago, food just doesn't taste right to him, so he doesn't eat much. I know I can't do anything about that, so I'll just concentrate on using those small amounts of things from the freezer and make room for freezer cooking in a few weeks.
We're hosting several gatherings over the Christmas holiday week, and my vegetarian aunt will be here for a couple of weeks as well. I know my life will be easier if I can cook ahead for not only the entertaining, but regular day meals as well.

terricheney said...

Tammy, we're supposed to see 40F one night this week. Funny, it's usually a more gradual slope into frosty weather but apparently we're just going from warm nights to cold and no in between-ers.

I made that Mississippi Pot Roast today and I have leftovers so that will morph into a sandwich supper one night. I had such a small piece of roast I was a bit flabbergasted to have leftovers.

Poor Greg. I hate when I have hunger but nothing tastes good.

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