Saturday: I spent all day long working on my genealogy, notebook one. My purpose going through this time is to organize information that I have and get it printed on the same pages for each relative rather than having random notes all over the place. I thoroughly enjoyed that time.
Towards the end of the afternoon, I got a phone call asking me to take the kids from across the field for a 'few hours'. My stomach dropped. I told my son to send them over and prepared myself for an unknown time of having kids here. Trouble has come to call upon this family once more. Please pray for them. And for us, as we shall deal with stuff here and there, not in the main wars but in the non-combat zones.
It was a lovely season of having no drama and trouble, it truly was, and I think it's only because of that I can face whatever is ahead. We needed that respite.
Sunday: Church was packed today. It felt comforting to sit with so many pressed in on every side who was there to worship and hear the Word. I needed that grounding this morning. It was a lovely surprise to have two people we really like join us in our row and sit with us today. They normally sit in the bleachers section of the sanctuary while John and I prefer the main body. That too brought comfort beyond what you'd think it might. I doubt Valerie had any idea how much that meant to us, but she must have been listening to some inner instinct for her and Benny to come join us there.
We went to see Katie and the kiddos. The middles took off outdoors, but Caleb made sure that John understood it was his turn to go outdoors with them. Henry was napping when we came in but he woke after Katie left the room and peered around. He kept looking at me and I went over to ask him if I could pick him up. Doggone if he didn't hold up his little arms, so I took him up and held him. This time he didn't cry just stared at me and then gave me his little sideways grin and started talking.
It was a nice little visit. We had been at home about an hour when Isaac started messaging me. He held quite the conversation which I find rather remarkable for a 7-year-old kid. Texting and spelling correctly and accurately reading what I was texting is good, I think.
Monday: We were early this morning. I got up initially because I kept catching a cramp in the back of my calf. Every time I'd start to get back in bed, that leg would cramp up. I can take a hint. It didn't cramp when I sat in a chair, only I sat down on the bed. It wasn't terribly early, about 6:30, and the light had already begun to fill the sky. The days are lengthening once more.
There was nothing extraordinary about today. It was a day full of ordinary things. Nice ordinary things. Laundry to fold, dishes to wash, a meal to make, a bed to smooth, a floor to sweep. I like days such as this.
I often say that the world can fall apart but someone will want a meal in the midst of it all. And thank goodness they will! It's very centering to attend to these ordinary everyday tasks and that is sometimes just the grounding we need.
It was so warm and pleasant outdoors today that I went out to sit on the porch and peel potatoes for supper. That lasted only a few minutes. John had driven the lawnmower down to the dumpsters to drop trash and couldn't resist trying to see if the lawn needed mowing. It stirred up a lot of dust which I didn't feel I needed to be sitting in the middle of, so I headed back outdoors. Of course, John didn't see me, or he wouldn't have lowered the deck.
Tuesday: I have had an invitation to a wedding shower in my inbox for two weeks. Something kept me from replying that I'd be coming for all this time. Last night before getting in bed, I checked my phone, and I had a message that the children's birthday party is in the offing this weekend. I wanted to go to the shower, I did truly, but somehow, I just had this feeling I wasn't going to be going. Glad I kept the day open.
However, it meant that I needed to hurry and buy two gifts this week. Here I am on top of the birthday card game, and I completely forgot the gifts! Sheesh.
This morning, we got up early. I kept having leg cramps. I don't know why and will be addressing this with the doctor tomorrow to see if there is something I might add to my diet. I was still sipping my coffee, when John went off to take a shower. I didn't expect he was getting ready for the day, not at 7am. Well, he was. I had to scramble to get dressed and put on makeup.
We went over to the county seat first and got our car tags. Can I say how unfair it is to have to buy those for your birthday? We dropped off a bill in town before heading out to do the rest of our morning.
My big anxiety today wasn't the plethora of small errands. It was the visit to DDS to renew my license. They have completely changed the whole thing. You must register online first. I thought I had but they said, "No, you opened an account..." I did open an account, but I specifically remember putting in my Driver's License Number and you're only doing that on the renewal process.
Never mind. I filled out all the information. I was puzzled by one thing. Each side of the room has computers. One whole wall of computers is dedicated to anyone who speaks French, German, Farsi, and a dozen or so other languages. There were five or six computers there. Three on the left wall are dedicated to English and Spanish speaking people. Three. People were queued for those three and only one person used the ones dedicated to 'foreign' languages. Seems a bit backwards to me. Obviously, the majority has little
However, the staff were patient and courteous and helpful. I have no complaints there. I can't say that doing all this stuff ahead saved me or them a bit of time at all. But I am renewed and have another license photo to loathe. The woman behind the screen said, "Oh you look like Liza Minelli!" I've been told that before. There is not a drop of Italian in me. I am solidly Scotch, English, Irish with a twist of American Indian, possibly mulatto and a bit of German.
Those who don't think I look like Minelli often ask if I'm Greek. I've also been asked if I'm Hispanic. Nope. Just Heinz 57 variety Eastern European. I am curious though what a proper DNA test might say.
The girl was taking the picture she said as she had to everyone prior to me, "Look at the smiley face, smile if you'd like and don't blink!" It's a long time to not blink so I forced my eyes open. I look more than your average sort of nutty in that photo. I'm staring wide eyed at the camera and my smile is utterly frozen. But I didn't blink.
Kroger had none of the eggs meant to be for sale and the 'free dozen' coupon apparently doesn't work at the current price of eggs, not even as a discount. I bought milk, eggs, cheese and picked up bagels and cupcakes (the last as a shared birthday thing with John). I don't think I'm going to end up with enough time to make bagels this week, so I bought some.
From there to Walmart to look at overpriced toys and contemplate what the children might like. I really wanted to get Millie a proper baby doll. She plays with the sorry looking little doll I have here often enough (all the kids do) but geez those were expensive. Then we turned a corner, and John spied a set of rabbit figures and said, "Now that looks like Millie's taste." Admittedly, it did. To my taste too. They aren't Calico Critters but very similar, called Honey Bee Cottage or something like that. I picked up one of the additional play sets that go with the bunnies and so that's what she's getting.
Isaac is just Sonic crazy. He likes lots of things, but Sonic is tops. I would have loved to buy him a game, but fact is that I know he seldom plays the game machine. I found him some collectible figures of two of the characters. My goal was to spend about $20 each. I spent $50 for both. Close enough.
By this point we were terribly hungry, and we were literally just across from our favorite restaurant so that's where we headed. They were busy, but service was quick, and food was good as always. I think I enjoyed the ride home most though, happy to have gotten so many things done (and to be fed!). John and I chattered all the way through dinner and the ride home.
Prayers today for Virginia and Bryan as they drive home. Godspeed, safety, and good health to them!
The boys came by this afternoon. Josh left his jacket here on Sunday and Isaac apparently begged to follow him here. Isaac is turning into a conversationalist, and he has a pattern he follows. He asks questions. "What's the best thing that happened to you today? What made you laugh today? What made you smile today?" That sort of thing. He's very specific with his questions. When we asked how his day had gone, he answered, "It was amazing!" When I asked why it was amazing his answer was, "I got to see Miss Dorey my favorite teacher from a past grade."
Tuesday: Loathsome night. I had to set my alarm so we'd get up on time this morning and of course, I couldn't sleep. And then I didn't wake up on time because my phone turned off in the middle of the night. Now I am not saying that I didn't do it, but if I did do it, I did it in my sleep. And naturally I was sleeping very well indeed when John, who had gotten up early, rushed into the room because we were running behind...
We had our annual doctor appointments today, necessary to continue our current prescriptions. I was very reluctant to go as this was a new to us doctor who is handling the practice for our doctor until he is able to return to work. Everyone appears to think hour doctor is absolutely coming back and that is hopeful sounding, but not for a year at least.
In the meantime, this doctor is assuming the practice. Dealing with a new doctor is always anxiety causing for me. Will this doctor treat me like a human being with intelligence or simply look at my weight and diagnosis and begin to lecture me? Now mind you for the most part I've had some very good doctors, but a few have been absolute arses of the worst sort, and they have left me shy of doctors overall.
My last such experience was when I was badgered throughout an eye exam by the doctor who knew nothing about my research and endeavors on behalf of my health. Nor did he want to listen to me explain that I had been managing for ten years with only one Metformin a day and following a very balanced diet. He ranted and raged and raved and warned me of all sorts of horrible futures based on my size and his perspective. So yes, I was anxious meeting this new doctor.
He actually was quite nice and a good doctor, more than willing to explain why this or that would be recommended and what to expect if you did as recommended and no threats of immediate death or loss of limb or mind if you didn't. When he began to suggest several outpatient procedures that are meant as screening tools, I gently said, "Doctor...we have limited resources and high deductibles. If we paid just deductibles alone, we'd be out $20,000. That's not doable for us." He immediately started scratching stuff out and saying, "We'll do a blood test screening first and see what those results are..."
When we were done, John said, "What next?" I said, "Oh I'd like to get my haircut." John-like, he said, "Well we can do that tomorrow..." I was not upset about this but at the same time, that's three days in a row we will have left home. Good thing I bought the bagels yesterday because it's doubtful I would have gotten to them this week. It looks as though Friday will be only my second day home all week because Saturday, we've a birthday to attend. Sunday, we have church and must run an errand and then we're back to Monday again.
All that said, my level of ambition, once back home is equal to nothing. Seriously, it so breaks up my day that I tend to think, "Why start? Why bother?" Not the best attitude to have but there you are. And since we're under no constraint to leave at a certain time for a set appointment tomorrow, I'm pretty sure the day will be truly shot by the time we finally leave and return. What the heck? I don't have to live by a clock or calendar very often these days and I can enjoy a bit of unexpected 'time off' so to speak.
Thursday: Last night before bed, John asked, "Do we have to get up early for anything tomorrow morning?" "Nope." "Then can we sleep in?" "Yes, we can?"
At 6:15, I'd gotten up to go to the restroom and was snuggling down deep in bed when I heard a distinct knock on the door. I had no idea at that moment what time it was, but told John, "There's someone at the door!" John hurriedly pulled on pants and a shirt and went to the door. The cat greeted him. Sigh.
He stayed up. I crawled back into bed. At 6:35 a text message came through on my phone. My oldest daughter was wishing me a Happy Birthday and promising to call. Now I'd only just recently changed my phone notification settings so that messages could come through prior to 8am. I hadn't had an early message in months and month. I could only shake my head and laugh. I got up and made myself coffee.
John prepared breakfast for me along about 8am. And then we slowly, very slowly, began to motivate ourselves to get ready for the day. We didn't leave home until nearly 11:30.
The place where I get my hair cut is about an hour and fifteen minutes' drive. I really like this shop (a franchise) though because the staff all get along great, the place is always clean, the stylists tend to stay for years and are familiar with their clients. The other branches switch employees often so you never know who you will end up with and you can never choose a favorite because as soon as you do they will leave. So I like the stability of this particular branch, too.
I had a grand time chatting with the stylist and she did a good job on my hair. It's still a pixie, still short on the sides but has some layering to give it lift on top. It's not too short but is short enough to be nice through the spring and summer.
We picked up prescriptions and that was enough to send us straight home. We've had a considerable outlay of funds what with the doctor's visits, prescriptions, lunch out the other day, picking up a few groceries, birthday gifts. Time to restrain ourselves and sit tight. I'm very grateful we were able to do it all but aware too that now is not the time to continue to spend.
I got my package from Cato, the one meant mostly for spring. I had ordered four pieces. One is a sweater that it appears I shall not be wearing until late next fall unless it cools off considerably in the near future. The other three pieces were tops. One wasn't at all the sort of material I expected and I knew it wouldn't fit the moment I touched the fabric. The other two are ribbed t-shirts and while I like the color of one very much, they both seem a tiny bit shorter than I'd like. I compared it to the t-shirt I'd bought last week (same style, same size, same material) and they are all shorter than I like. John tells me they look good on me but I don't know. I feel a little uncertain about them and I think that's an indication they should all go back. Truthfully, I would rather have one shirt I love wearing than three I feel iffy over...But I was feeling very critical of myself overall today when I tried these one so I have set all but the obviously too small off to one side so I can retry them on a day when I feel more comfortable in my own body.
And then I noticed that my jeans had torn all down one side of the zipper. Now this was a bit of 'natural' distressing done by the manufacturer. I'll patch them but I do feel I should buy myself another pair of jeans as I've now only got two. Go figure. Just a couple of months ago, I had a big stack of jeans, and I removed those that were looking too well worn or which were uncomfortable for whatever reason and now here I am down two more, leaving me with just one pair! I have no complaints. All those pants have been in my closet for years except this pair that 'wore' out today.
All in all it's been a good day. John asked if I felt any older and I told him that I honestly only feel excited to see what the next five years might bring.
Friday: Well no one knocked or texted today! John was up early as he usually is. He'll drink a cup of coffee and doze in his chair a bit after he's read his Bible and prayed. I stayed in bed until the healthy hour of 8:15. I wasn't exactly asleep, nor exactly awake but in that drifting place in between the two states and felt very relaxed.
I stripped the bed and forgot that the bottom sheet we've been sleeping on had developed one of those worn spots that you can med because the whole area is stressed thin. If you patch it, it will tear on either side or above or below. I know I have extra sheets in the bottom of the trunk, so I'm not too worried about buying more just now.
Then I wandered off to the bathroom and got our fresh towels to put on the shower door and noted that we've got about a year's supply of soap in the house. I was feeling rather prosperous as a homemaker to have those items at hand. Went to get an allergy tablet and realized we've all we've need if a cold or allergies hit us with extra to spare.
I went to the kitchen to start bread and check the fridge. I have enough leftovers to create two meals today easily. I have a freezer full of things to choose from for meals next week. Again, that feeling of preparedness and prosperity visited me.
It was a nice counterbalance to that feeling of having spent too much this week, even though we had those funds set money aside for all but the birthday gifts. I appreciate where we are currently in our lives. Not necessarily having everything we want but we do have most of what we need.
I thought back to the child raising days when we were perpetually short of some necessity or another and up to our eyeballs or higher in debt. And all of this was done through the grace of God, a man willing to sacrifice to make me a stay-at-home wife and mom and have us arrive at retirement debt free.
The day is nearly over. I need to plan meals for the weekend ahead since all the leftovers will have been repurposed by suppertime tonight. Next week we're supposed to have rain all week long. The two weekends bookending the week are busy ones. I hope that next week is a more accomplished week for me, since this one was all about running the roads.
How did your week go? Do you have plans for the weekend ahead?
See you all next week!
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I carry my weight in my belly and have to search to find shirts long enough, partly because I am 6 feet tall and things are not sized that way for women. I know what you mean about looking around and getting a calm feeling of prosperity when you have enough food around to last for some we needed. It was a week of anxiety here, as the husband woke me up at 5 am and said he thought perhaps he needed to go to the emergency room. This is a man who would hate to go to the hospital if he lopped off his own arm, so I knew it was serious. In the end it turned out to be norovirus and he is now on the mend, but I of course had already planned the funeral in my brain many times so that I would be able to calmly do what had to be done if he died. That is how I handle anxiety, plan for the worst and how I would get through it...
God bless you, Mable! I know exactly what you mean, I do the very same thing. I'm so glad that he's on the mend and terribly sorry he has that virus which has run its way through my families (not here thank goodness). Hugs to you dear friend.
Happy Birthday!
Oh my goodness , Charlie horses are the worst. Why do the always happen when you’re in bed? Sounds like you had a busy week, enjoy your weekend. Sue in Minnesota
I hate charlie horses in my legs in bed. I take a teaspoon of yellow mustard right away and find that really helps. I’m really glad that otherwise you had such a nice week. I had a lovely week as well! Sometimes, we just need to pause.
PS … Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!!!! Oh the dreaded night leg cramps! Hate that!
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