To Don't: Second Week of March


I'm slowly finding my way back to something resembling energy.  I spent the last two days of the past week in the kitchen making meals, cooking ahead, etc.  I managed to get a bit of minor housework done but for the most part, I rested and rested and rested.

I'm finally starting to feel slightly better.  There's a lot of congestion still in my head and chest but it's slowly breaking up.  Eventually it will clear.

1.  Join an online weight loss app.  Done!  I started to do this last week prior to the doctor's appointment but balked at the cost of a bit over $10 per month (intro rate for 6 months).  But then I figured comparing $12 a month to $700 a month...well it's really not comparable, is it?  I joined the Simple.Life app on Saturday.  So far, I've changed little about my eating habits, I'm just getting an idea of how what I eat stacks up.  Apparently, I need to look more closely at fats.  I'm doing okay with carbs.  That's a revelation right there.

2.  Intermittent Fasting.  I've opted for the 12/12 program but that's for 5 days a week. Two days a week I'll be doing 8/16.  The app tracks all of this for me as well as offering options for physical activity.  I'm committed to doing this for six months which seems a worthy 'test' period to me.  

3.  Clean up the patio.  All those poor pots left from late fall and all through the winter.  I want to get them ready for planting for the months ahead.  Some have perennials in them.  Those I'll top up with compost.  

4.  Get outdoors for a bit every single day.  I know that it's pollen season.  The pine trees and peach trees have all just started blooming (late this year...) and pollen is an aggravation for my allergies, but I feel in need of fresh air and sunshine.  

5.  Clean up the space next to my chair in the living room.

6.  Get checking account set for the month ahead.

7.  Plan grocery shopping.  I want to get extra produce.  The goal overall is to eat a lower carb diet, but I really like a wide variety of vegetables so that I don't feel I'm eating the same things over and over (hello lettuce, green beans and broccoli).

8.  Tackle two items on my goals list for the month.

9.  Pick up my Bible once more.  It's been months.  And why?  Because I felt I wasn't doing it right...Others have shared their morning routines, their study patterns, times, etc. and I kept thinking, I'm not doing that...I must not be doing this right.  I let my own head speak get in my way.  I don't have to do things the way so and so does them.  I need to do them the way God leads me to do them.

10.  Journal and journal and journal until I figure things out.  The most random things sometimes lead to great revelations for me.  However, if I don't write things out then I figure nothing out.    I just go on as I am.  That's not acceptable at this time. 

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Casey said...

Terri … when you go outside, why don’t you try wearing a mask, commercial or handmade. My allergy doctor suggested that when I’m around animals, etc. Won’t hurt to try and no one will see you. Keep getting better!

Sue said...

I’m glad you’re feeling better. Give yourself grace, I’ve heard this crud is a nasty long hanging on thing.
On the Bible, most definitely do whatever works best for you.
I like to read while eating my breakfast. It starts my day right. But that may not be right for someone else.
Good luck on your weight loss journey.
Sue in MN

Wendi said...

Yes to #9! I always felt I had do my Bible time first thing in the morning. Why, because "everyone" said so. I also thought I needed to do more then read a verse. I would stress myself out that I wasn't doing it "right." It took me a while to realize that God doesn't care how elaborate or what time I start my quiet time. He only cares that we do it!

I'm glad you are feeling better.

To Don't: Second Week of March