In Memory of Grandmama C

I was digging through archives of Penny Ann Poundwise this week and discovered a newsletter devoted to the memory of Grandmama C.  I thought I'd share two or three portions of that old newsletter with you. 

September 5, 2003
PennyAnn Poundwise Newsletter

Dedicated to the memory of my grandmother, Elizabeth Crowley 1918-2003

A Note from Penny

This past week we buried my grandmother. She was active right up to the last moment, and as I entered her house, it was, as usual, spotless. Grandmother had grown up poor, the oldest of six, five of whom she raised while her mother worked in the cotton mill.   Her upbringing made her especially careful of her possessions. 30 year old living room furniture looked brand new. Appliances were
polished until they gleamed. To the end, her life was personified by the great care she took to preserve her home and make it attractive. 

I've written often of Grandmother and her frugal ways. She was my inspiration when I first married and began keeping house. It has taken me many years to transform my life in such a way that my home was able to reflect the calm and peace that hers did. And I sincerely believe it was the tranquil peace within her that shone out in her home. It was attractive, clean, and well arranged. No one ever entered her door without being offered something from her plentiful pantry. She gardened and preserved foods, she sewed, and she renovated her home. Grandmother never walked anywhere without trotting a little as she went. She was forever about the business of homemaking and rushing to get it all done, but the moment company came in, she sat right down and enjoyed them.

Kitchen Basics:
Grandmother's Frugal Kitchen

Grandmother was raised during the depression under extremely poor conditions. As it did to many of the oldest children at that time, the household fell to Grandmother's care at a very early age. She
learned cooking and cleaning in the thriftiest manner possible in the hardest school: that of necessity.  The hardships she knew led to a lifelong dislike of wasting food.  If one tablespoon only of food remained in a dish that bit went right back on the table at the next meal and the next until it was often eaten out of sheer desperation to keep from seeing it again, lol.

Yet, Grandmother always had a full pantry. I never saw it empty or bare. Her table was laden and there was always plenty of everything. How did she manage so well? There were several ways she maintained a slim food budget.

Potatoes. Grandmother began using instant mashed potatoes in later years. Instant potatoes had the advantage of being bought in quantity without spoilage. But Grandmother didn't just use them
to make mashed potatoes. She'd been stretching her ground meats with leftover mashed potatoes for as long as I can remember. She also used them to make potato pancakes and a very old recipe of hers
was for potato candy. These peanut butter filled pinwheels were always a sweet treat, and a great mystery to me as a child.

Grandmother bought ground beef and chicken. She had dozens of recipes for these two meats, and the family was never heard to complain. I don't ever recall seeing pork or other meat cuts on her
table. Meatballs with brown gravy were one of my childhood favorites. I'm told she fried the best chicken, often made chicken and dumplings and a tasty chicken pot pie. True to her upbringing a
tender boiled chicken was the ultimate luxury dish.  Occasionally she might bake a ham or a turkey but that was reserved for holidays.  I don't recall ever seeing roast beef or pork chops or any other meat on her table, at least not store bought meats.  Honestly, it wasn't missed.  If they happen to have butchered a cow or had pigs at some point we might see those meats come to table then but as a rule, we didn't.  I vaguely remember bacon but not sausage on her breakfast table.

She gardened and preserved the harvest. Her freezers abounded in the winter with summer's labors. In summer, we ate well of fresh vegetables. I recall many a dark summer evening spent on the front
porch shelling peas or butter beans. With the radio playing in the background, fresh bottles of icy cold colas, and plenty of talk and laughter it was never a chore to us kids to stay up late and help. 
And the 'cold cream' break didn't hurt as incentive either. About halfway through the bushel we were always served a dish of ice cream. 

Store brand was good enough in most things. Ice milk instead of ice cream, store brand bread and mayonnaise were her thrifty finds.  However, she always used Crisco shortening. That was her big
indulgence, pure vegetable shortening and  Hershey's Cocoa and Syrup. Her homemade fudge was a family favorite, often requested.   We kids loved a cold glass of milk with Hershey's syrup stirred in to it, not complaining over the fact that it was likely powdered skim milk.

She used only skim or canned milk, never fresh, except when she and  Granddaddy kept a cow. Then she went back to her roots, churning butter and having the added benefit of rich honest to goodness
buttermilk to add to cakes and biscuit dough.

She cooked from scratch. There were no pre-packaged, pre-prepared foods on her table (save the instant potatoes and the inexpensive cookies she bought for her dog in later years). When I was younger Grandmother made everything from scratch. Meals were started from basic ingredients. Convenience food for her was  leftovers!    She made cakes, but generally reserved that for holidays as well.  She used saccharine to sweeten tea and seldom used sugar, harking back to those days when sugar was a precious commodity.

Grandmama never gave up her frugal ways. When she learned to make cakes during WWII with little or no fat and eggs, she continued to make those cakes the rest of her life. They were delicious, frugal
and filling.

She developed specialties. Grandmother had a repertoire of recipes that worked for her. Whether entertaining, or preparing a family meal, she used those recipes over and over. We were assured that
her congealed salad would show up on the holiday table, and that her meatballs and gravy would be served at least once a week without  fail. She did experiment now and then, but tried and true was what helped her stick hard to her budget. 

Grandmama learned her frugality the hard way, but she never gave up her frugal ways. She saved in good times as well as her lean times. Because of her thrift, her home always had an aura of abundance. Thank you, Grandmother.

(C)2003 Terri Cheney

September 12, 2016

Grandmama was my father's mother.  We didn't spend a lot of time with her because of my uncle.  Alcoholism ran in my father's family among the males and my uncle was a particularly violent drunk. He lived at home with his parents between his stays at various county jails. Naturally my parents protected us from him as much as they could.  We essentially spent time with my grandparents only when our uncle was locked up.

My grandfather was a good man, full of humor, and kind.  He and Grandmama married when Grandmama was quite young, about 16, I think. I believe it was at this time Grandaddy began to call her "Woman", which stuck until the end of his life.  It was a rare thing to hear him call her by her given name.   They lived first with his sister and her husband and later with a brother and his wife before moving into a place of their own.  I think of how young she was to be away from home, having moved from South Carolina to Grandaddy's native Georgia.

She and Grandaddy both worked in the early years but later she was a stay at home mom to her three children.  Grandaddy worked hard during those years to provide them with a home and nice furnishings. Grandmama told me once that she loved that whenever Grandaddy came home he always brought some little something for the table, if it was nothing more than a pocket full of pecans he'd picked up or a bottle of soda for the two of them to share.  I think it was his way of insuring she never felt the hard pinch of want again in her life.  And even in the late years of their lives, I know that Grandaddy continued that practice of bringing home something, even if the garden was producing and the freezer was filled.

Grandmama was an exemplary homemaker.  She wasn't a morning person.  An early start to a day for her began about 8:30 or 9a.m.  She enjoyed sitting up late at night, often past midnight.  But she was productive from the moment her feet hit the floor until she went to bed at night.  During the day her home was dusted and mopped and fluffed and polished.  Porches were swept and furniture wiped down.  Meals were prepared and cleaned up behind and the sink bleached white. Laundry was done and hung on the line.  She had the whitest laundry I've ever seen.  And she did this every day.  Every single day.  She didn't skip a day in cleaning.  Her home and yard was always in a state of trim neatness.

During meals she tended to hover, barely sitting on the edge of her seat, always anxious to jump right up if anyone wanted something that didn't happen to be on the table.  I don't know how often we all begged her to sit and eat.  She promptly cleared things away, making short work of it all.

No matter how old a piece of furniture was, Grandmama had either refinished it or polished it until it looked as good as new and if had been new when she acquired it often it still looked brand new and that was true of all her things.  She wasn't wasteful of food or things.  She took good care of them and they lasted her lifetime and beyond.

She generally saved quiet work for the evenings after supper and if there were no sewing or vegetables to process, she enjoyed playing games, especially card games.  Gin Rummy, Go Fish, Old Maid, Authors were many of the card games I recall she played as well as Monopoly and Scrabble.  The radio was more likely to be on than the television though they did have a few favorite programs they watched but mostly the TV was reserved for the local newscasts.

For all that Grandmama was a powerhouse of industry she was able to relax.   She deeply enjoyed visitors.  With Grandaddy's large family of brothers and sisters and their spouses and children, plus her own large family of brother's and sisters, she seldom lacked for visitors of some sort.  She also enjoyed neighbors and just about anyone who stopped by.  There was always coffee or a cold drink and a 'bite to eat' to go with it. 

A pastor familiar with her in her later years told how he'd stopped by one day while she was working in the garden (which was perfectly weeded, by the way).  She invited him indoors, fixed him a glass of iced tea and asked to be excused for a moment.  He said when she returned a brief few moments later she'd changed her shirt, washed her face and hands, combed her hair and touched up her lipstick.  She then sat down with him and talked until he was ready to take his leave.  At that point she returned to the garden to finish the work she'd been doing.

She loved flowers but most of her flowers were in pots on the porch.  She had lovely things, old fashioned flowers like touch me nots and Jacob's coat, and something she called silver bells that were actually purple and grew from a little pinecone looking seed, and many others all given as pass-along plants.  I think the only purchased plant she ever had was the annual Christmas poinsettia that my aunt gave her each year.

For all that I felt I never really knew her, I knew deep within that she loved us dearly.  She only had us three as grandchildren, never any more.  In her eyes we were the brightest, funniest children ever to populate the earth.  One of my earliest memories of her is of her visiting and feeding me Hershey kisses (she also called those silver bells all my life).  Another early memory is of standing in her back yard and smelling the fresh sharp scent of strawberry vines she'd planted in a raised flower bed in her yard.  Later she planted that same bed full of black eyed Susan, a flower I love to this day.

It's been several years since she died.  She'd been mowing the lawn on a hot day and felt 'a little unwell.'  She lay down upon her bed with a cool cloth on her forehead and died.  It was so like her to be about the business of her home even at her age. 

I might not have been as close to her as to Granny but she certainly was an influence upon my life in many good ways.


Sally said...

Precious post...loved this! And I fondly recall my Kentucky grandmother making potato candy:)

Lana said...

I loved this post!

Our low country SC DIL calls her grandmother Grandmamma, too. (And her grandfather is Gilly Pop. :) ) I wonder if she grew up in one of the mill villages near here. I have heard so many stories of those mill village days from our youngest DIL parents who grew up in Jackson Mill here in Spartanburg County. It was a hard life but they had such community that we do not have today and they looked out for one another.

I think any woman would take offense at being called 'Woman' now adays. :) My grandfather called my 4'10" tall grandmother Little Mommy all her life.

My Mom used to make that peanut butter pinwheel candy a long time ago. You can still taste it, right? I can.

Wendi said...

I love this! It sure brought back memories of my grandmother. Everyone called her Mom. She also grew up during the depression and it certainly impacted her whole life. I remember that the leftovers were put in the frig with a plate on top of the bowl. This was to save from washing the serving dish. It was brought out, heated up and set back on the table until the dish was empty. She also had a huge pantry. As a kid I didn't understand how they would ever eat all of that food! It was the greatest thing as a kid to go to the pantry and pick out something for lunch. They had canned items that my mom never bought. As an adult I understand why they keep the pantry jammed packed. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

Kathy said...

What a wonderful tribute! Sounds like she was a great influence on you, and I'm glad that you have some happy memories. I'm sorry that your uncle's alcoholism kept you from spending more time with your grandparents though.

Sew Blessed Maw [Judy] said...

Terri, what a wonderful heart felt post. So happy that you had the influence of these 2 wonderful ladies..
My mom [who is now 85] was always the working/frugal housewife. As was my Grandmother [her mom]. When growing up, I didn't notice the hard work and the sacrifices they gave us.. But now.. the memories/the life lessons/the frugal ways are so appreciated. I pray that I could be half the ladies they were.
My mom now is in a wheelchair and has dementia.She worked until her mind and body couldnt go any more..
The potato candy sounds good.. Never heard of it.
Have a blessed week.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful article about your dear grandmother. My mother was also born in 1918 and died September 11th 2002. A pretty woman with so much talent. A seamstress who could make clothing without a pattern, a pianist, a talented painter, a wonderful cook and baker. She could balance a check book in her head. my father called her Sweet Face and worshiped the ground she walked on.

The point of this rambling post is to say that we all need these strong women as examples of how to conduct our lives. I lit a candle for my DM this past week and now realize that the candle maybe contained a prayer for all those grandmas and mothers and aunts and sisters who set the bar.

Best wishes from Best Bun.

Kathy in Illinois said...

What a wonderful tribute to your grandmother, Terri! She sounds like a lovely lady and you are lucky to have had her. I"m sure she would be proud of you today.
God bless, Kathy in Illinois

Chari said...

I too didn't know my father's mother. My Grandparents were divorced which was unheard of at the time. She was a working woman who ate out all the time. My. On would force me to go over there a few times a year for an afternoon visit. I was the only Grandchild on that side so no one to play with, no tv, & she never had food in the house. Nothing. She passed when I was 13. My Mom's parents opposite end of spectrum had 31 Grandkids, cooked all day long from scratch everyday & also went through the depression with 7 kids. She said if thus depression ever gets over with we will always set a good table. They had a garden, she canned, & even killed her own chickens, cleaned & fried them up. As a kid it never occurred to me the chicken she cleaned was the one we ate. She sewed quilts with the Church ladies on the big frames. I got the love of quilting from her. I spent almost everyday with them at their place in the country. My Dad worked 2 jobs, never home & we went there especially in summer. Grandma had a change of life baby so my Mom's little brother is only 13 months older than me. We had so much fun as kids. We were poor as Church mice & never knew it.

Anonymous said...

Oh Terri, what a beautiful tribute to your Granny. My grandmothers would probably be surprised at how much they added and influenced my whole life. I can't say i ever fully knew them in a personal way. Maybe because we were kids and they adults. Back then you didn't just burst in and ask personal questions. We were around and heard things and spoke but did not jump in to adult conversations. Even so their presence and standing in the family was felt. You knew how important they were to us all. To their husbands as well. They were both different and I really don't know how many times we were together. Usually we were at one set of grandparents places or the other or one of them at our house. They might not have formally taught us but we learned so much by observation and the little life lessons they did present to us. I wish so much I could have told them how much they meant to me. My grandfathers were very special too. Both sets held the old morals and sense of community and pride in country etc. Strong work ethic and faith. All 4 no stranger to doing without. The things they had in their head yet to teach us!! My husband's grandmother was like that too. I loved her so. My sisters have shared so many stories with each other about different times we each had with them. Things learned and thoughts shared. One old and the other just starting out in life. My own father was born in 1911 so you can guess how long ago my memories were of my grandparents. Thankfully everyone in my family lived a long life so we got to be with them,.. but you never get all the time you wish with those you love. I will mention too my own parents followed life's patterns pretty much like my grandparents did. Rather Victorian.
You never know what your children {or you} will remember for ever. You can take your kids..or go..on a big special trip and never remember it. Yet that day sitting on the back porch with one of them stays with you forever. What will our children remember of us? They too will no doubt tell stories of us one day. I can hardly believe that the things I will pass down will be as great as they gave me. They were truly memorable. Each departing a bit of themselves to shape our lives and there fore our children's for their lifetime. We could never thank them enough could we. They would just meekly say they were being themselves...nothing else. Yes they were. Thank your Lord for making them as they were. Thank you Terri for such sharing this again with us all. Sarah

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

Such beautiful memories of your Grandmother. I am sure you have sent all of your readers, including me, on trips down Memory Lane thinking of their Grandparents today.

Debby in KS said...

Just a wonderful read and I could picture my G'ma as I read it. She was born in 1916. I lived with my grandparents for several years and my best memories are there. Their home held an almost magical quality. Immaculate, peaceful, cozy, safe, and so beautiful inside and out. They truly had a gift. Even after all the years that have passed, when I dream of them, it's always in their kitchen.

Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

My mom always made potato candy. I keep thinking i need to make it for my grands sometime, Peel and boil a small potato until it is well done. Drain and while still warm mash until it is almost watery with no lumps. Add confectioners sugar (white powdery very fine sugar, looks almost like flour) until the candy is stiff. Knead until all mixed, almost like doing bread dough. When it is firm enough roll out on waxed paper. Put waxed paper on top also. Roll thin, spread with peanut butter. Roll up, keep in covered container. Slice into thin slices. I suppose today you could also use other spreads like Nutella. This was a Christmas treat along with pulled taffy, old fashioned fudge and several other homemade candies. Wonderful memory! Gramma D

Meginks said...

Thank you for sharing your Grandmama with us. I was enthralled with your tale, since I only remember one of my grandmothers, and she was quite elderly by the time I have memories of her. In my recollection she did not care for children or noise! I hope my grands remember me with warmth and love.

Karla said...

She sounds like a remarkable woman.

March 26: It Was Time