Weekend Reading: Fall Fun

Breakfast is one of my favorite meals.  I like to go out for breakfast best of all meals.  I thought this slide show interesting on what other countries eat for breakfast.

I don't know why I feel compelled to build up my ready prepared foods in the freezer.  I know it's convenient to have a few casseroles tucked away.  This slide show had some ideas.

Since I seem to be all about slide shows this week (and food!) how about desserts you can make in your slow cooker?

I like these fantasy retirement locations...I love to watch International House Hunters, too.  I have this dream of being foot loose and fancy free and live abroad in Europe.  Then I think of my grandchildren and children and settle myself right in my own home, an arm chair traveler at best.  Still, of these particular choices, Valencia seems like a great place!

I had a two track mind this week: travel or food.  John and I have mentioned more than once the idea of a cruise or bus trip up the New England coast in fall.  Sounds lovely doesn't it?  Here are a few other suggestions for October travel.

Back to food again, this chocolate cookie recipe came up the other day as I was reading old posts.  I

Have a wonderful first of October weekend!


Sparkiedoll said...

I love breakfast. Love it. I could eat any of the slide show breakfasts quite happily but can't believe they didn't show the 'Full English'. Bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushroom, sausage and all the other yummy bits. I love to travel and will only stay somewhere that does a 'full English' for breakfast. I couldn't eat it every day though. Valencia is a lovely place. I went for a few days by myself (cheap flight from the UK) just to eat a proper paella! Best wishes, Rose.

Karla said...

Breakfast has and always will be my favorite meal too!! The first thing I do when looking at an upcoming trip is find cheap diners to eat breakfast in!

In a couple of weeks (1st week of November), we are going to San Diego. My husband's work is paying for him to go to a conference and I'm tagging along for a cheap solo vacation while he learns. I've got a couple of places within walking distance of the hotel picked out and they are supposed to be really tasty for not much money. Can't wait!

One of the strangest breakfast traditions from other countries to me is the whole "baked beans" thing in England. I love beans, but I'd not get used to that.

March 26: It Was Time