...I laughed to myself as I surveyed my to do list for this month, having started planning to add in fall decorating thanks to Katie's photos the other day and then we added an upcoming task that involves a lot of work. I've got a whole lot of packing up and moving stuff to do so my September goals list might well become mostly October's Goals list. We are going to be doing some work in the main living areas of the house this month, or at least so we've planned. We are waiting on a quote which will be done this week, but I'm pretty sure we're going to move ahead this month with the work. We will definitely pay the men to move the big heavy and bulky pieces of furniture but all the books and decorative items are on me, myself and I.
It shall be quite the task and I mean to go ahead and start it this week. I figure if it all goes kaplooey and we can't do the work, then I'll just have cleared surfaces for a fresh start for myself. It's impetus to get some things moved that I'd meant to move anyway like that dresser from the living room to the guest bedroom, happily already moved into place. I'm filled with both excitement and dread to be honest with you, a mixture of negative mixed in with the positive. That's the way life generally works, isn't it?
My mind boggles; it does. It's like having a baby. I remember how excited I was each time to find I was pregnant, but somewhere towards the end with the birthing ahead, dread just sort of settled down heavy upon my chest as much as I wanted that baby out. That's exactly how I feel now as I survey the hundreds of books, the innumerable little things set here and there, the furnishings that all must be moved out and into somewhere and how on earth will that happen?
Again: OY.
So I'll start out myself with the idea of placing things in the shed, boxing things up and removing them so that we can have space in the other rooms to move the furniture. Which makes me wonder, as I sit here surveying the work of just three rooms of furniture, just why I do envy those I know who've packed up and moved. Gracious goodness! I feel a little overwhelmed and cannot even imagine the task of moving lock, stock, barrel all at one time...It certainly does make one stop and think about what they claim they're wishing for, doesn't it?
On to the plans for this week ahead.
On to the plans for this week ahead.
...I plan my work:
Yes, I changed up the order on you, didn't I? Next week I'll likely change up a few more things on you...just warning you! Well this week I'm making this change because work looms large on my mind at the moment what with all the shifting about that must go on. So why not put it first? We have an appointment mid-week for the quote process and I suspect it will be another week before the work is started. The flooring product we'll be using doesn't require any time to sit or cure. That's the bonus of it.
Start clearing the living/dining/entry of accessories, pictures that might well get bumped on the walls, books, records and loads of little things. Place as many items in shed as I can until it's all done.
If weather is improved and I have time: finish sanding and painting the dining room chairs.
And that is all I'm including on this week's list. With the regular routine of meals and chores, I feel it shall be quite enough if I can accomplish the clearing. Getting the dining chairs completed would be bonus of bonuses.
...I plan meals:

Mongolian Chicken, Rice, Oriental Vegetable Stir Fry, Ambrosia
Leftovers: Beef Enchiladas, Green Salad, Banana Pudding
on my own
Chicken with Lemon Barbecue Sauce, Butter Beans, Sliced Tomatoes, Coleslaw, Cheddar Biscuits
Spaghetti With Meat Balls, Green Salad, Cheesy Garlic Bread
Roast Chicken, Creamed Corn, Black Eyed Peas, Tossed Salad, Corn Muffins
on my own
...I plan my leisure:
Fashion two new to me wreaths for the entry doors from my assortment of autumn stuff.
Play around with a few ideas I have about possible décor options for fall when I do put things back into place in the living areas. At least I'll have a working idea of what works and what I don't particularly like. And then I'll move all that fall stuff back to the shed, though that isn't leisure exactly.
Sort through the magazines Mama sent home with me last week.
And because it felt so good this past week, a 30-45 minute beauty morning. I think I'll need that bit of pampering.
Terri, it sounds like I'm in a similar situation with clearing stuff out. My late aunt told me this would happen. Some years back, we were planning to be with my aunt and uncle on Christmas. She called me early the day before and croaked out that they were sick. So, I made a big pot of vegetable soup,some French bread, and a pumpkin pie. DH went down to the market and picked up some OJ and one of those table top Christmas trees. We drove the goodies to their house, which was about 90 minutes away. My goodness, you'd have thought we brought them a treasure chest full of money. My aunt later told me that it was her favorite gift ever, exactly what they needed. Then she told me this, which was the point of my whole comment lol..."You'll find that it's fun to buy and collect things until you reach about 50. Then one day you'll look around and wonder how and why you need so much stuff. And then you start cleaning it out. With determination. It'll be a huge relief to you when most of it is gone.". I remember thinking it didn't seem like something I'd feel. Well, it hit me at 53 and I've spent the past several months on a mission. And the more that goes, the better I feel!
I forgot that she said she'd rather be gifted a meal than any item. So, I complied. Always a food gift with some puzzle books they used and tossed. No dusting needed!
All the work is worth it in the end but it is crazy tiring and unsettling in the middle of the mess. We still do not have everything put back from the new flooring in our house. When we started we still thought we were moving so we actually packed a lot of boxes which then had to be unpacked. In the middke of it all we had our bedroom packed and piled with stuff with only enough room to get in and out to sleep. So.....we ran away to Florida and left the mess for another day. :) The flooring installers we had were very good at shuffling everything because that is what they do! I did find it a good time to get rid of more stuff and clutter. We won't be home from Florida until Wednesday night and then I will pull meals from the freezer to finish out the week.
I have to admit I forgot about the grand kids this Easter as well..... and I had one with me all week! No coloring eggs, no Easter baskets.
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Debbie in KS, no one has ever said to me what your Aunt said to you, but I know it to be true! I'm 58 today and have asked for memories. I hope for time with family and a nice lunch out. Nothing more. Best wishes from Rose (UK)
Happy Birthday, Sparkiedoll!
Our only child, a son, moved out last Thursday to a town 35 minutes away--the day before Hurricane Hermine hit our area. We were without power for just shy of 2 day -38 hours to be exactl. Once the power was restored I have been deep cleaning and purging like a mad woman--mainly to stay busy so I don't get so sad. It's a GOOD thing he's doing--he's getting married in just over 3 weeks to a wonderful Christian girl. They both work in the town he moved to and they have both been commuting to them jobs for 15 months waiting on it to get close enough to the wedding for him to move down. He has kidded me over the last year that we shouldn't have anything left to donate or toss out since I started slowly getting rid of stuff about a year ago--boy was he wrong! Lol I have been ruthless worth my purging these last few days. I will continue to do it thru the end of the year as the seasons and holidays come. I can better sort holiday decorations as I out them out in house. I am 48 and my darling husband is 50 and I can honesty say that I am finding out the truth in "less is more". I would rather make "memories" than have more stuff to dust and move around and then still end up donating or refitting.
I have made a "to purchase/replace" list that I will carry with me to the thrift stores as I simplify and replace the things I don't like or need in our home with things that I do. No stress or financial burden, just a conitinued work in progress. By the way, I LOVE reading your blog!
Oh, me too, me too!! I'm 60 and less is definitely more, and yet even with the big clear out I did recently, I wonder where it all came from because I still have plenty. I'm still clearing out here and there.
We redid our kitchen 2 years ago and what a mess that was for 3 weeks. Fortunately for us, our contractor lived with us and was on the job first thing after breakfast and he stayed with it until the evening hours. A friend's kitchen took 6 months because her contractor didn't stay with the job. Talk about OY! Grin
I used to decorate a lot for holidays and didn't understand why my mother didn't want to. Ahhhh now I understand! Smile. I've become my mother, well, except I still love my Christmas tree. Most of my holiday decorations have found new homes and even with the Christmas tree I keep the decorating to a minimum but I do love the ambiance of the lights.
Hope it all goes quickly for you and you love the finished product. Pam
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