The Week Behind: Getting Ready for March

Saturday:  Easy approach to meals today.  Bagels for Breakfast with fruit (banana for us both) and for lunch, I cleared stuff from the fridge and we ate what we had.  We'll have Stew and Cornbread for our supper tonight.  I'm more and more coming around to cutting back on my cooking time on weekends and making it all as easy as I can.   It's a nice break for me.   Funny thing, when planning for retirement I hadn't realized how very much I appreciated those two days a week that I didn't have to spend in the kitchen and I've missed having that extra bit of time!

Nothing done today except make the bed and load the dishwasher.  It was a GORGEOUS sunny day with cold blustery wind.

When I was making the bed, I looked out the bedroom window and noted the bird feeder was completely empty.  We went outdoors and refilled it.  Then I fed the dogs who decided they didn't need to eat today after all.

A few weeks ago, I decided to subscribe to any blogs that allowed email subscriptions.  I'd been spending all Friday evening and most of the day on Saturday reading through a load of blogs.  Subscribing meant I only read a blog when a new post goes up and since most bloggers post just one day a week I don't get a lot of blogs in my email...but it takes a whole lot less time to read a post as I'm going through my email than it does to save them all for the end of the week.   This allows me plenty of time to do other things on Saturday like read, or work on genealogy (spent hours doing just that today and thoroughly enjoyed it), etc.

Sunday:  We went by Publix to pick up "Gramma's Fried Chicken".   This is something Taylor very much looks forward to and will eat right up, so we were happy to accommodate her.

I kept Caleb while Katie took Taylor back to her Daddy.  He's at a delightful stage now where he loves to sit up and look around and will openly laugh at you.  I just love this stage of infancy!   He ate well, sat up and played with us and napped.  He's such a good baby.

My hands were full with the littlest boy, so we had an easy supper of microwaved chicken pot pies and fruit.  It was delicious and hit the spot.  I buy the premium pot pies in 4 packs when they are buy one get one free at Publix.  They run about $1.05 each which is cheaper than the lowest end pot pies at full price.

Noted a branch of privet that had tiny green leaves upon it...

Monday:  Out to get groceries today.  I figured up the checkbook first and then let that determine where we were in our shopping.  I did well enough, a little over what I'd planned to spend but we were careful to buy only basic foodstuffs with no junk or non-household items tossed into the buggy.   I bought a huge corned beef (almost 6 pounds).  I cut it in half to freeze.  My other meat purchases were two whole chickens at $1.49/pound for an organic chicken.  It's not enough meat for the month, but it will be enough to see us through until we get our larger check for the month.

We stopped and picked up hamburgers at the local restaurant for our lunch.  That meant we could come right home and eat, then put groceries away.

Sat down and totted up our checkbook and got all the finances squared away.

Realized I'd bought little that related to the menu plans for the week...So I'll be writing up a new meal plan as soon as I plan it out. 

Winged it with supper tonight.  I knew I had some Tomato Basil Chicken Sausages in the freezer.  I had zucchini.  Mama shared a bag of salad potatoes (smaller potatoes) with me on Thursday.   I recalled a potato dish I haven't made in some time called Armenian potatoes which is delicious.  So I added zucchini to the recipe and placed the sausage atop and baked it all in the oven.   I will say this took FOREVER to cook.  The potato recipe typically cooks at 325F for 45 minutes and it works fine   Last night it took well over an hour and a half at 400F despite being covered so the potatoes would steam.  I blame this on the fact that the sausage were solidly frozen and kept the dish cold longer.   End result was yummy as could be though.

Tuesday:  Where is the sunshine we were promised for this week?!  Day two of gray rainy skies and it's not drizzling rain it's pure downpour sort of rain, coming along just intermittently enough to make you think it might be about to quit.

I washed a full load of sheets and towels today and dried them in the dryer.

Refreshed my flower arrangements by cleaning the vases, putting in fresh water and trimming the stems.

Carted most of my outdoor plants and the bulb plants outdoors to get soaked by some of the rain, hopefully.  I noted that the bougainvillea has tiny green leaves coming out upon it.  I'm not sure I'll save that fern but the Mandevilla has done well enough.   Two out of three outdoor plants saved isn't too bad an average.

Sorted out the toy box.  The boys and Taylor are rather rambunctious with some of the toys (balls and bowling pins and catcher's paddles) so I moved those into a closet and will pull them out when we can get outdoors with them.    I had a small bag of trash.  I was able to fit everything else back in the toy box and close the lid.

As I was dealing with plants I glanced out the living room window.  I saw big fat buds on the sweet gum tree...I told John I suppose it's just as well I had dried clothes in the dryer.   We'll likely be doing that for the next several weeks to come now that the pines and other trees are blooming.

Washed a full load of dishes in the dishwasher.  I never start this machine unless it is genuinely full.  Both racks were indeed packed.

Organized the refrigerator which brought to light leftover sweet potatoes I'd baked.  These were fairly small and didn't appear to be enough for one but I peeled them and cut into wedges, salted them with Season Salt and put them in the oven.  They were nice to have with hot dogs for lunch today.  I made plans for two other leftover portions that will turn them into full meals.

Having gotten a running start on a fresh meal plan I sat down and finished off the menu through Sunday coming.  I put beans to soak, too.  Might as well be prepared.   I expect I'll have enough beans for three meals, the last two being stretched out with beef or rice and cheese.   John really liked bean and cheese burritos and I'll put some in the freezer if I can.

I put away the last of the groceries in the pantry and shopped the pantry while I was back there.

Revamped a pair of earrings.  The shell portion was still lovely in color but the metal disc atop them had discolored badly.  I removed the metal disc and they look like new earrings once more.  So happy as I love this particular pair and wear them often.

After putting my house to rights and doing Algebra, making lunch, etc., I gave up pretending it was going to turn off gorgeous and retreated to play about on the computer for awhile.  I watched the birds at the feeder when the rain broke and watched the rain drip off the trees when it was raining.  I feel as though I've been underwater for a solid month between my ears (which are better at present) and the rain.

Wednesday:  I was having a leisurely cup of coffee this morning when the phone rang and John, after answering it, announced he was going to go work a half shift today.   He'd been downright blue with the heavy skies and rain we'd had all week long but the man walked out of the house with a spring in his step that was good to see.  It also made me do a lot of thinking...

After John left, I got busy and worked about the house.  There was plenty to do to keep me occupied.  I'd planned a morning in the kitchen but I had ill luck.  After making and clearing up two big messes, I decided that it just wasn't the day for it.   Fortunately I had a list of things I might do which  netted me plenty of occupation for the day, lol...That never ending to do list!

I 'shopped at home' and retrieved items from the pantry.  I also made out a short grocery list for the next pay period.  I won't even go to the store myself for that one.  I'll pass the list and cash off to Katie who will be shopping at that time and doesn't mind picking things up for me.  It's a savings to me anyway, as she will only buy what I ask for and so I am not tempted to add extras into my cart.

Cooked a big pot of pinto beans in the crock pot using a recipe I found online.  I'd planned these for our supper tonight and another meal besides.  John wasn't home and wasn't likely to want to eat beans since he also had plans to attend a class tomorrow as well as work another shift...but I used beans to make myself a plate of nachos with avocado, lettuce, tomato and green onion atop them.  It was yummy.  I'll definitely make beans in this way again!

I scanned grocery ads.  I discovered that Publix has those chicken breasts filets on sale again as a buy one get one special.  It's the same price  per pound as the specialty market in Macon and a lot more convenient to me to pick up in the area where I normally shop.

Thursday:  We kept Caleb last night while Katie and her boy friend attempted a date that failed.  So did Caleb's planned sleep at Gramma's.  That little fellow was miserable.  He apparently needs his own house, his own routine, his own bed and his own house noises to settle in.  Nothing we did encouraged him to do more than nap briefly.  Even in his misery he's not a screamer.  He just whimpered and cried only a little.  Poor little fellow was happy to see his Mama and Daddy.

Up early this morning.  More rain...John off to class and then to work a partial shift after.  I announced that if there was even a slight clearing up of the rain, I wanted out of my cage tomorrow!  John asked if he was to go with me.  I said truthfully I'd love his company but if he didn't feel up to it, I'd go by myself, I just needed OUT.

After a light breakfast, John went off to do his things.  I started a load of wash, as I'd decided that it was a good day to wash and hang my bras to dry.  I tossed in other items that could also be washed on a delicate cycle.   I am beginning to see the need of replacing these bras but I am well pleased with how well they have lasted.  They are all from the Walmart order made early January 2019 and they have held up very well.

I felt surely today was a kitchen day...I had set out eggs and butter to come to room temperature late last night and so I made 2 banana pound cakes using three bananas that were riper than John will eat them.  After I got those in the oven, I started bread in my bread machine.

I also got busy and made a pot of chili with about 2 cups of those pinto beans I'd cooked yesterday.  I have another one cup portion that is in the fridge.  I think that and leftover rice will make a good burrito lunch one day this weekend.  That will allow me to use some flour tortillas we have in the fridge.  If there are any more left, I'll see if I can't make cheese enchiladas next week.

As I chopped vegetables for chili, I chopped extra for the Spaghetti ala Diable dish that we so enjoy.  This made up two casseroles which will serve four easily.   I put one in the fridge for this weekend's meal and one in the freezer.

After the chili had simmered I made up two Tortilla Tower casseroles.  One for the freezer and one for today's meal...I used up corn tortillas that had been sitting unused in the fridge.   I saved the plastic bag they came in.

Just a note here about meat.  The chicken in the casseroles was 2 large tenderloins removed from a package of 2 breast halves last week and refrozen (they were mostly frozen when I removed them).  I think it netted me about 3/4 cup of chicken pieces.  The original recipe calls for just 1/2 cup of cooked chicken and I felt this was near enough that.  I halved the recipe between two 9 inch square pans and will get four hearty servings from both.    I used a 1 pound package of venison to make the chili.  I got two casseroles, one will serve two and one  will serve four.  I could have used less of the venison for this but  I've found this particular recipe really does benefit from that extra bit of meat.  Typically I'd use just 1/2 pound to make chili for us.   Still, for the week, we've used 1 1/2 pounds of meat to make meals for this week and another week.

After the pound cakes cooled, I wrapped one and put right into the freezer.  Pound cake keeps nicely in the freezer if well wrapped.  I store in a zippered bag once the cake is wrapped.

This business has put me in mind of the fact that it might be wise to make a few cakes, pound or layer to wrap and freeze in the Spring for use throughout summer.  Saving the baking time and the added heat will be most welcome in the heat of those summer months.

I washed dishes and more dishes and still more dishes by hand, as well as loading up quite a few in the dishwasher.  I only have one set of pots so I try to wash those by hand unless I'm about to do a load of dishes in the dishwasher.

Occurred to me to ask Sam if he was willing to sell me some more of his ground venison for the same price per pound I'd pay for the lean beef at the specialty market.  He's given  it to me in the past but I know that he's relying on his stores to provide for their own needs.  However, an exchange of cash for product will also be helpful as they can spend it at the grocery.   And might I just note that it's rather fun to buy fresh eggs and good lean natural meat from my own son?  Farm to table right next door...

Sat down and began the process of working up our bills for next pay period.  I am pleased to discover that we should have a little money to spare.   This has been assigned a task as I do believe in telling my money where it is to go...Money should always be assigned a purpose or else it's likely to get frittered away.

In thinking over my meal plan this week I realized I'd forgotten all about that beef stew.  I added about a 1/2 cup of peas to it and spread in a deep pan.  Then I made a pie crust to top the whole thing and covered it and put in the freezer.  Another freezer meal tucked away for a future date and no waste in my kitchen.

Friday:  What a lovely way to wake...Sunshine pouring in the blinds of the bedroom and the sound of wind roaring.   Now that's more like March!   I was shocked when I went to feed the dogs and cat to find that where lakes had stood in the yard yesterday evening, there was just squishy ground.  Mind you walking across the yard soon proves that all the ground is still oozing wet and I expect the lowest areas are sloshy yet, but sun! and wind will do their stuff and help dry things out.

John and I made plans for today.   I made a hearty oatmeal, the usual butterscotch sort with an egg and milk, but I tossed in 1/4 cup hemp seeds (added protein and fiber) and a handful of blueberries which were frozen and burst with a warm fluidity that was amazing.

I was happy I'd worked so hard yesterday to do so much towards our weekend.  It meant that today was truly a free day for us both, save a full load of clothes that had to be washed and was hung to dry before we left.

We drove to Warner Robins and spent our time in an Antique Mall where I happily passed an hour and a half.  I found treasure...and my husband found treasure, too!   I bought four blue and clear Bavarian glass tumblers that will be GORGEOUS with my new plates.  There's only four but gracious we only need one each most days.   I also found a omnibus type book of Anne of the Island and two other books, Chronicles of Avonlea and Further Chronicles of Avonlea.   I also bought a Wexford butter dish simply because I've been using a Wexford sugar bowl and creamer on a tray in my bathroom to hold cotton swabs and coconut oil respectively.  The butter dish will hold my bar of facial soap which I find lasts far longer than those liquid cleansers.  One day I'll find a pretty silver tray to hold it all.  Just wait...

John found a milk glass top hat, which is something his mom had when he was growing up and then he found a new Big Ben by Westclox manual wind up alarm clock.  It's ticking away right now...Oh glory!   I've so missed my old Big Ben which fell and damaged something in its interiors that can't be fixed.  I'm pleased as peaches to have this clock!

We followed up our antique plunder with dinner at a small Greek restaurant that simply wowed us with the flavor profiles...All for under $10 each.  I reminded John we'd paid $14 for those burgers and single order of fries earlier this week and I reckoned for my money I'd much rather eat at the Greek restaurant now and then.   I had Swarma chicken which came with a tahini sauce, a lovely Greek Salad, and toasted Pita, as well as a Pilaf Rice.   John ordered a Greek Cheese Steak sandwich.   This was shaved steak with a topping of Tzaziki Sauce and Feta cheese on a Hoagie bun.  We each tasted the other's food and my gracious!  It was all delicious.

So we had a perfectly lovely few hours from home today.  As we took a slightly longer more rural drive around to the roadway home, I noted two or three other restaurants that seemed interesting.  I suggested we might try them in the future, though I do not by any means want to eat out all the time.  Typically we seem to run about once every two weeks and it's only because we've been at home so very much of late that we've eaten out twice this week.  So glad that it was sunny so we could get out of the house and a good reminder to me that there are plenty of things we can explore even close by.

By the way, we used our main account to cover our purchases at the antiques mall but dinner was from our own pocket, as a balance to that spending.

What did you do to save this week?  What did you do for fun?  Come share with us!


Shirley in Washington said...

Hi Terri - So glad you got some sunshine in your week! Your trip to the antique mall sounds so fun. We are near the epicenter of the Covid-19 outbreak in Washington State. Downtown Seattle looks like a ghost town! Many businesses are having workers work from home, several school districts are closed, events and church services cancelled. I usually have a healthy pantry supply and have added a few more things just in case. I am not too concerned for my husband and myself yet. But my 97 year old Mom lives in a care facility and her health is fragile so she is my main concern during this Covid-19 outbreak. Blessings to you and your family! Shirley in Washington

Angela said...

Good morning Terri,

And is it pretty here today! Woo hoo!

I am curious what Bavarian glass is. I googled it and couldn't find out.

I feel your pain about the privet. Such a pain! Could happily strangle whoever brought that here!

terricheney said...

Angela, I'll get a picture of mine tomorrow and post it this week but if you look up Bavarian crystal glass in Cobalt you'll see some pretty examples. My glasses were marked as being crystal and they are thin enough to be crystal but they are tumblers.

Shirley, I'll keep you and your mom in my prayers.

Liz from new hork said...

So jealous of your Greek feast!! I love Greek food, but I may be biased because my grandfather came from Athens lol! Enjoying your posts as usual. Regards, Liz

terricheney said...

Liz, How interesting! You'd like this place. It's authentic, and family run as you'd expect a good Greek restaurant to be.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again