Advent Day 12: Setting the Stage


From 63 B.C. the Romans ruled Judah.

Herod the Great, a descendant of Esau was placed in power.  The priesthood was politically motivated and priests were no longer of the line of Aaron.

Because of the political affiliations of the priests there grew to be two factions, the Pharisees and the Sadducees.

The Sadducees favored the liberal attitude and practices of the Greeks.  They held to only the Torah as regards religion but did not think God should have any part in governing the nation.

The Pharisees were conservative zealots who, with scribes, developed religious laws to the point where the concern and care of the people were meaningless.   

No longer was there one Temple in the nation but many synagogues built all over the country.  They were not just places of worship but centers of social activities, as well.

Religious and civil matters among the Jews were governed by the Sanhedrin, a body of men consisting of one priest and 70 men, both Pharisee and Sadducee, who passed judgement on the accused brought before them.  More often than not the punishments administered were 39 lashes at full force, an especially cruel and deadly punishment.

song:  Psalm 13 How Long O Lord - Brian Doerksen

And this was the world God chose to bless...

Malachi 3:1-See, I am going to send my messenger, and he will clear the way before Me.  The the Lord you seek will suddenly come to His temple, the messenger of the covenant you desire---see, He is coming" says the Lord of Hosts.

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