Advent Day 13: Zacharias


Zacharias was a priest of Abijah's division.  His wife Elizabeth was from the line of Aaron.  They were devout people, righteous in God's sight, living without blame according to all the commands of and requirements of the Lord.  But they had no child.

God had commanded his people to go forth and multiply.   Children were seen not only as a blessing but as a fulfillment of their duty to follow the will of God.  To be childless was seen in this culture as a curse, as an open result to a hidden sin.

Genesis 9:7And you, be you fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein 

When it came time for Zacharias to perform his duties in the temple it happened that he was chosen, according to custom, to enter the sanctuary and burn the incense.  At the hour of incense the people would pray outside the sanctuary.  An angel of the Lord appeared to him...Zacharias was startled and overcome with fear.

Luke 1:13...Do not be afraid, Zacharias, because your prayers have been heard.  Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son and you will name him John.

Zacharias asked "How can this be?"

And the angel told him, "I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and I was sent to speak to you and tell you this good news.  Now listen!  You will become silent and unable to speak until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their proper time."

Does anyone else think maybe Gabriel overreacted?    Do angels have bad days?  To strike a man with silence because he's stunned with the news you've shared seems sort of harsh doesn't it? 

The people outside were waiting for Zacharias.  He had been overlong in the sanctuary.  When he did come out, he could not speak.  He made signs to them but remained speechless.   Had he been able to speak how could he have told them what he'd just seen?  Or what the angel had spoken to him?

Some pastors surmise that Zacharias had sinned in questioning God, but had not Sarai laughed and then lied to the Lord who came to announce that she would conceive a child?   Had Job himself not cried out in despair, all the while trusting God?  Hadn't Jeremiah asked how God could have him treated so when he'd done only what God commanded him to do?  Man had heard no prophet speak, had not heard from God in 400 years.   Would God have been angry with a man who likely had no experience of God beyond ritual prayer and service?

Zacharias  couldn't tell anyone what he'd seen nor what he'd heard.  Yet he continued in his duties as priest until his term was completed.  Then he went home to his wife Elizabeth.    

Elizabeth conceived a child.

Imagine their great joy.  Imagine the wonder of knowing God had heard their prayers.   Imagine the knowledge that God was REAL.   Imagine the shivery fear mixed with joy that must have gone along with this knowledge. 

As this Advent time has unfolded I've experienced so much.  As I age, it's been a time of questioning if I had anything left to give God or any ministry.   I've dealt with blow after blow this month already and more ill wishes than you'd think could come in a week's time.  Yet, this song gives me hope, just as Zacharias and Elizabeth must have also been filled with hope...

song:  God's Not Done With You Tauren Wells

1 comment:

jnkbake said...

Teri, I have been following your blog for years; but I don't comment much. At 62 I find myself drawing nearer to God and I am enjoying your advent posts so much! This is a part of your ministry; sharing your life with so many others and encouraging them. Thank you so much for all of this.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again