The Week Behind: When Inspiration Strikes


Thursday:  I had done as much ahead as I possibly could for our Thanksgiving dinner, but saved baking of the meal for Thanksgiving morning.  The plan was to pack it all up while hot and right out of the oven, then pack in insulated bags to carry to Mama's.  This worked out very well but did necessitate a change in plans.   Mama doesn't care for just marshmallow topped Sweet Potatoes.  She prefers a recipe with a crunchy topping, but I realized that the crunch topping was going to be soggy by the time we arrived.  Melty marshmallows can handle the moisture just fine.

We ran by Katie's on our way to Mama's and dropped off my lovely milk glass with gold edge egg plate.  Katie had a pecan pie to give us.  Two pies in two days!  Goodness it's starting to feel like a holiday.

We arrived with all the meal nice and hot and ready to serve.   It was eaten and obviously enjoyed and then I packed up leftovers to bring home.   Mama generously shared her Japanese Fruitcake which I also brought home.  I'm glad I decided to forgo making a Pumpkin Pie.

John took a longer way home, which was needed.  The morning had been cloudy and drear but the afternoon was sunny and quite warm.  The trees that still have leaves are turning the loveliest colors and we exclaimed over several that were especially worth noting.  

The way we took home brought back memories of our first days living here.  John and I both worked in the next county but he worked nights and I worked days.  If we were especially blessed, he'd get off on time and I left home on time, we might meet just about ten miles out of town on a back road we both took in hopes that we would meet.   On those mornings when we did meet we'd sit in the two lanes of the seldom used road and have a quick catch up through our car windows.  I'd tell which child had been in trouble or needed additional praise for a job well done, what he might have to eat for lunch from the fridge, any problems with maintenance at home, etc.  He'd usually tell me about his night and after five minutes conversation we'd say "Love you! Bye!" and off we'd go in opposite directions once more.

Those were hard days in our marriage.  John decided during that time to go to Paramedic school and often worked days he might have had off to cover the shifts of those who worked to cover his shifts while he went to school.  We seldom spent any time together but kept telling ourselves it was for just one year, but it was a long year with both of us working.  

I was a little down when we got home.   Poor night's sleep, tensions, long day...Katie called and asked how the day had gone and asked if they might come over.  I said "Sure, we can eat leftovers together," and so they came over and we combined our leftovers from the feasts.  I was surprised that we had enough chicken to not only serve us all supper but also to send home some leftovers with Katie.

But best medicine of all was seeing the baby boy.  He is so near to taking his first step but at the very last moment he always drops to the ground and crawls.  He walks freely about with his little hand just barely resting on the ottomans or tables or a handy knee.  When he comes to a short gap between surfaces he contemplates the distance, removes his hand, lifts his foot and then immediately sits down.  

As dark fell, Katie looked over at me and said "Let's put up the tree, Mama..."   I had meant to do just that but when they called to say they were coming over I'd thought I'd put it off.  I was happy to go ahead and get it up.

Caleb ignored it completely for the first hour and then suddenly it was on his radar and he went over to touch it and pull on the red berries.  When he decided to bite one I had to reinforce the "No..." to "No!" and tap his little hand.  I told John I really just wanted to grab my camera and take a photo of those sweet little fingers touching the berries but instead he ended up crying because we all said "No!" at once.

After they went home, taking some leftovers with them, John and I sat here and admired the lit tree.  It's really quite pretty and I'm glad we decided to go on and purchase it this year.

Friday:  I promised myself I was taking time off...and as I ticked off jobs I meant to do today, I could see John beginning to look concerned.  "Bake bread, unload the dishwasher, make dinner for tonight and make the bed..."  "Don't worry.  I really am going to take the day off!"  And I did.  It was a lovely relaxed day with reading and watching YouTube.  Meals were easy and relaxed.  

I can't even remember meals at this point, except that we had leftover pizza for lunch and candlelight with our supper, since we had supper after Shabbat started.

But as with all days off, inspiration began to bloom towards evening and I found myself deeply into a new writing project...

Saturday:  A true day of no work...But that inspiration that struck last night wouldn't let me rest.  I worked hard all day long on research and writing.  Good thing there was no need to do any other work.

Meals:  Cheese Toasts

Sloppy Joes with Chips

Cherry Braised Pot Roast with Mashed Potatoes

Sunday:  I walked through the house yesterday evening after Shabbat was over and looked at the devastation.  I do like these winter time Shabbats as they end early enough in the evening that I can easily do a few jobs like loading dishes and such, but I was not going to tackle all the housework that wanted doing last night.

We were up early, before 6:30 this morning, to get ready for church.  I managed to make the bed before we left home since John cooked breakfast.

After church we went into the grocery.   John had said last night he wanted 'something' for lunch today.  I know too well that I haven't got a grocery budget left.  However, there were boneless skinless chicken thighs on sale and I have no poultry in the freezer at all except carcasses.  I bought two packages and that was all I picked up.  John wandered about looking at this and that and adding a few things to the buggy.  I didn't fuss but let him get what he wanted.  He's never ridiculous in his wants. We came out of the store with a packet of cookies, three yogurt parfaits which he insisted on buying for me, and the chicken thighs, plus two sandwiches for our lunch today.

Well as it happened, the parfaits all expire on Tuesday.  And one sandwich was quite enough for our meal at lunch.   So we've extras for our money sent.   I put six packages of two thighs each into the freezer.  That should help carry us through until I see other sales and have a bit more room in my freezer.

While John watched the second service on livestream, I cleaned up the house.  It didn't take long since most of the stuff that was out of order was Christmas decorations.  After I got general clearing up done, I arranged three vases of fall and winter picks which turned out really pretty.  There's a start on the Christmas decorating at least.

After lunch, I took my computer to my desk and set to work once more on the project I've been working on.  I worked for hours.  Glad I decided to get supper prepped and ready for the oven before I went to work.   I put two more hours in after supper and then I hit a wall and could go no further.  Gee I hope this is just a temporary roadblock!

Meals:  Scrambled Eggs, Toast

Roast Beef Sandwich, Chips

Mac and Cheese, Broccoli, Salad

Monday:  I woke a few times in the night to hear the wind blast the house in great gusts.  It didn't last long but it was enough to warn me that the weather men are quite right in predicting freezing nights for us.

We woke to gray dreary skies and as the morning went on the wind came in earnest.   I was hoping it would blow away the clouds but it did not.  It remained cloudy all morning and we only had a glimpse of sun about sunset when the clouds parted on the horizon.  I had just glanced up and out the window and the light was so lovely and golden on the trees that I exclaimed out loud over it.  

The weather spurred us to drag in plants from the porch.  I have the Poinsettia tucked away in the depths of the kitchen where it is nice and dark.  I'll be sure to move it to a spot with plenty of daylight tomorrow.

The bin of plants were not left outside.  I'm comfortable covering them and leaving them outdoors until it starts freezing, but they are easily taken back outdoors.  If it's cold but not down to freezing, I will pop the lid back on.  The plants can get plenty of daylight through the clear sides of the bin.

We unhooked our water hoses and drained them.  I always find this part rather fun, because it involves blowing in one end and watching water run out the other end, lol.  We put away the connectors and spray attachments in the shed and then rolled the hoses up on an old tire rim John bolted to the side of his shed.   We wrapped faucets and covered them for the winter and we checked to be sure the pump house light works.  

John went out this evening and plugged it in.  He came back in blowing pretty hard.  He said the wind and cold took his breath away.

The morning went well enough.  I did sheets and towels and dried in the dryer since I felt the odds of their drying on the line today was about nil.  While the laundry ran, I cleaned both bathrooms and picked up the rest of the house.  I did all this before we went outdoors.

While outdoors, I figured out the block I'd encountered in my writing project and the moment we were back indoors I went to work.  I took a break to eat the lunch John made and  went right back to work until I forced myself to take another break about 3:30pm.   Funnily enough by that time, John had found something to inspire him and was playing about with that in the music room.  I'd asked him to vacuum earlier in the day and he'd said he would.  However, needing a break, I went to tell him I'd do the vacuuming instead.

He protested.  I knew he'd be upset with me, namely because he does do whatever ask, if in his own good time in a day.  I explained to him that I really didn't want to sit down in front of the computer which is what I would do.  I'd plugged it in to recharge but I knew if I sat down in my chair I'd take it up and go right back to work.  I explained how much I needed the break.  He nodded then and told me to go ahead.  Isn't it funny  to hear a woman beg to be allowed to vacuum her own floor?

I swept our bathroom floor, then vacuumed and then I started supper.  I checked the fridge for leftovers and fragments, then I loaded the dishwasher,   I checked Instagram on my phone and then my computer was charged and I went back to work.  I stopped long enough to shove supper in the oven and worked until supper was cooked.   I washed our few dishes by hand since the dishwasher was still running.  Then I went right back to work and worked until 9pm when my computer battery ran down once more.

I am tired but have so enjoyed this spell of creativity.  I'd meant to decorate for Christmas but I have yet to start.  However, it's been my experience that one bit of creative spirit works right into another.

Meals:  Bacon, Pineapple Banana Bread (will share this recipe this week)

Leftover Mac n Cheese, Vienna Sausages and Orange wedges

Cranberry Barbecued Chicken Thighs, Sweet Potato Casserole, English Peas, Coconut Pie

Tuesday:  Woke ready to tackle the day this morning.  However, I also wanted to drink my full cup of hot coffee before starting it, so John cooked breakfast.  He'd gotten up only a little before me but he was apparently too hungry to wait on me to finish coffee.  I am not one to complain over having breakfast cooked for me, however.

After breakfast, I did quick chores like unloading the dishwasher and washing up after our meal, making the bed and feeding pets.  But with both of us preoccupied with our separate pursuits yesterday, the house had held up well.  I was finished sooner than I'd thought I might be.   

I then tackled the mantle.  John's already told me how much he likes it.  I don't.  It needs warmth and while we're out tomorrow I'm going to see if I can find anything to give it the required oomph.   I'd change out the lights I used but he's mentioned he especially likes those lights so I may well end changing other elements on the mantle.

When I had that as near satisfactory as I could make it today, I cleared up my mess.  It's amazing how much of a mess decorating can make.  Between undoing what is there and unpacking things to put in place it can cause general destruction in more than one room even if you're only working on one element.

Then I grabbed my computer.  Much as I wanted to write this morning, I was still chewing on yesterday's work.   I also needed to start a new page in our check register for the month of December and I needed to bring the checkbook totals up to date.   I am not entirely happy with where we are but considering what all we did in November I guess I have no real hard complaint.  That we held on through the month is something to be remarked upon!

I was finishing up the checkbook when John came in to ask how my work was going...I told him I hadn't started working yet.  I laugh now that I've sat down and written out all I had done already.  As soon as I finished writing checks for the bills due here in the first part of the month, I moved on to gather my items for tonight's soup and put them on the counter.   Then I went to work on my writing.

I remained immersed in my work, struggling along until John came in the kitchen at a bit after 1pm and started making plates.  To be fair to him, there was a ready made deli sandwich left from Sunday that I'd told him would be our lunch today.   I didn't leave him to scavenge a second meal on his own.

After lunch, I did the prep work part of our supper.  Then I went back to work and worked through until 4:30 when my computer battery died.

I could plug my computer in there in the kitchen, but there is a purpose to my not doing so.  I'm forced to get up and move and right now I need those breaks.  I can be a bit obsessive with work of any kind but especially when I'm in the middle of a project.

While my computer recharged, I pared the bowl of apples that John had refused to eat because one had gone soft.   I made a half recipe of an apple cobbler and then I put the rest of the apple slices on to cook as applesauce while the soup came up to boil and then simmered.   I dug around in the freezer and found some apple pieces I'd tossed in after the family weekend.  I poured them out of the small container they were in and put them in a gallon bag with the cores and peels from the apples I'd pared today.

And then supper was ready.   We had a deep sort of conversation, then I cleared up dishes, fed the pets an extra bit of food since it's so very cold again tonight, and put away a quart of soup and a quart of the best smelling applesauce into the fridge.

And here we are at 7pm.  The mantle and tree are lit.  John's left the blinds behind the Christmas tree on.  I've noted he's done that every night since the evening after Thanksgiving.  There's not a soul an see our tree, but I think he likes the idea of someone being able to see those tree lights and who knows but someone might and find some comfort in them. 

Now I am off back to work on my project...

Meals:  Eggs, Hash browns, Toast

Deli Sandwich, Chips

Beef and Mushroom Tortellini Soup, Apple Cobbler

Wednesday:  The day started out well.   It was beautiful.  There was frost and the sun glittered on the lawn.  We had the propane on to cut down on the heat pump running so much.  It was a perfect morning for a hot cereal.

We'd planned a day out of the house.  I had my list for shopping on the phone.  I scanned the new sales ads of only the stores in the area where we were headed.   I'm so glad I looked because I found a good sale on our laundry detergent.  Good enough that I felt buying several bottles would be a good thing.

We headed to Walmart first.  I had made sure to put my list of  special wants on my phone.  I know some of the items I usually get when I'm in Walmart but these were not typically looked for things.  I didn't find everything on my list.  It seems I never do, but I found enough.

I picked up several items like toothpaste and antacid with the intention of having enough on hand to last us a six months.  I'd like to have a year's supply but six months is a good start.  With the laundry detergent I purchased at the grocery store, I felt I'd had a good day of shopping and had done well with supplies.

We had a lovely lunch out at our favorite out of the way restaurant.  I urged John to use the rest of our gift card which very nearly paid for our meal.   I ordered soup to go with my sandwich and John got a salad.  I'd told him that the sandwich was a generous one but he felt in reading the description that it couldn't be that big.  "We'll order two of them if that's what you want, too."  I assured him he'd be surprised at how big the sandwich would be but told him wo would be fine if he truly felt it couldn't be enough.   We ended bringing an entire sandwich home, lol.

On our way home there was an upset.  I caved to pressure from Mama to do something I'd vowed I wouldn't do and it had unhappy repercussions that marred our day and the day of another.  I came home upset as was John.  

I settled to work on my project once more and worked until suppertime.  We reheated our sandwich and shared that with chips.

Meals:  Oatmeal, Toast

Steak Sandwich, French onion soup for me, Salad for John

Steak Sandwich, Chips

Thursday:  The frost this morning was even heavier than yesterday morning.  It was so thick I honestly thought we might have had snow.   

I mixed up pancake batter which John cooked.  I had not yet had coffee and almost got to drink it hot.  I poured out my first cup of tea which grew cold as I worked and almost didn't finish the next cup I made before it had gotten lukewarm.  I felt hard pressed this morning.  I really do need that time to have coffee.  Frustrating too because I got up early and should have had the time to drink hot drinks.

I washed a load of clothes, did minor housework and set the chicken/turkey frames to cooking and decided to cook the apple peels and cores at the same time.  I turned off the enamel pot of water I had on the back burner to add moisture to the air.  I figured the steam from cooking would be enough, plus I had hung the wet load of clothes to dry on the rod across the laundry area doorway.

I tried hard to work this morning but gave up in frustration and walked over to see Bess and the children.  I held Millie and had Isaac on my lap at the same time, and watched Josh do his school work. He's a very smart child and has really bloomed this school year with a smaller classroom and his spells of homeschooling.   Bess was doing a good job of working with him this morning while I was there.

Isaac was perturbed that I wouldn't come to his room.  This seems to be pretty typical of a three year old.  I remember Josie telling me to "Come PopPop, my room." Josh did the same thing.  Now Isaac is the same.   I stayed less than an hour with them, just long enough to give Bess time to get the children's lunch together uninterrupted.   Then I walked back home to dish up our lunch that I'd left heating in the oven.

Back to work and then Chad called asking if they might come out.  I jumped up to baby proof the living room and did pretty well. This time.  John was amused when Caleb spied his and Millie's stash of baby toys and he laughed all the way across the room as he crawled to them.

I made supper for us all tonight and then they headed home.  It was a decent day.  I didn't get quite as much done on my project as I'd have liked but I put in as much time as I could on it.

Meals:  Pancakes, Turkey Spam (my last can)

Leftover casserole reheated

Italian Pepper Steak, Rice

Friday:  My computer was  unplugged yesterday afternoon when I put it in the living room.   When I went to get it after supper, I realized I would have to work from my chair which makes taking notes and searching Bibles and such a right difficult task.  I decided to not work last night, though I'd planned to push ahead.

I found as I sat there that I was quite tired.  I did read from various websites to try and get a grasp of the next Advent post I meant to write but in the end, I pushed it all away and headed off to bed early.

I'd meant to catch up with my YouTube channels in bed, but found the Kindle had been left on and had locked me out.  It took quite a few minutes to figure out how to get it unlocked and when that was done, I discovered the boys had changed the position of the screen and it took more minutes to figure out how to redo that.  In the end, I had just gotten the Kindle set up to my liking but found it also needed to be charged.  I plugged it in, started a video and John came to bed.  Since the charger I was using was on his side of the bed, I gave up.   When simple things like watching a YouTube video become major work it's time to take a hint and go to bed already!

I woke early this morning, about 6:30 and I truly felt ready to rise at that hour, but John was sleeping so soundly I hated to move and disturb him.  So I stayed abed and went back to sleep.  When he woke up, I just rolled over once and slept on.  

When I got up, I started breakfast right after I'd showered.  No slow sipping of hot coffee this morning.  While breakfast was simmering away for  a few minutes, I folded that load of clothes I'd hung to dry yesterday morning.

After breakfast I did minor housework.   Thank goodness the house has held up well this week!   I'm afraid it would look more than neglected had I not spent a few minutes upon it each day. 

And then I planned out lunch.  I still have no real idea what's for supper but I'll figure that out shortly...Gracious!  It's nearly 12pm so I guess I better decide now...Hold on!    Never mind....I have two easy enough options I could do and both are fairly simple.   No need to thaw something fresh.

We are at that stage of the month where I'm doing my best to hang on until we get our check for the month in before going to the store.  So we are out of basics such as potatoes, milk, and lettuce.  Eggs and cheese are running rather low.  I could go to the store but know that we will be in the area on Sunday picking up Gramma's Fried Chicken and then on Wednesday we can go do our monthly haul.  We are not so without food I won't manage until Wednesday but it's always a test to see if I can make my brain work with just what I have instead of feeling I simply must go spend.   

After I'd washed the breakfast dishes I made Apple Jelly from the cores, peels and slices I'd frozen after the family party two weeks ago.  I have 7 pint jars and  2 smaller 8 ounce jars of jelly sitting on the counter cooling.   That's a pretty good 'harvest' from my kitchen to get a supply of jelly and broth and chicken bits and pieces to use for two or three meals, all from what might have gone into compost.   To be sure the broth is truly free, but the jelly's cost was minimal for the volume I got.  I saved money making the jelly for sure.  I figured up the goods used and it averages to 49c a jar.  I am not counting the cost of the fruit, which was all basically waste items nor the jars which I may reuse over and over again.  This is a savings of over 50c per jar of the cheapest jars of jelly available.

I have bread in my bread machine baking as I type this out.  It should be out any time now.  I'm going to walk outdoors for a bit and then I'll settle to work on my project once more.  I hope that today will see it nearly complete if not finished.  

In my spare moments I've allowed myself I've done a good bit of thinking and think I have an idea of what I mean to work on in the coming year.  I'll share those thoughts at a later date but before the end of the year.  And I will share how I plan out our budget for the year.  It's fairly simple and hasn't changed much these last few years.

I hope you all had a wonderful week.  I apologize for not replying on comments this month to all of you.  I've been so busy.  But I've taken note of the new grandbabies that arrived safely and the well wishes for Thanksgiving and the thoughts on the first posts that have gone up for the Advent series.  Thank you all for taking time to read and comment.  

Now do share how your week has gone...

Meals:  Grits Bowls with Sausage and Cheese, Toast

Leftover Beef Tortellini Soup

Probably Black Beans and Rice, Mexican Cornbread, Pineapple Salad

1 comment:

Liz from New York said...

I totally understand the frustration of trying to decorate, especially tearing one holiday down while putting up another. Thankfully my daughter loves to do it, so I leave it up to her. My house is a disaster right now. Did you ever get to make your fruitcake? Best, liz

Journal of My Week: Winter Again