Coffee Chat: Warts and All


Do come in.  I know it's unusual to have a chat on Saturday but I've time and things I'd like to say and so Saturday it shall be.   There's hot cocoa and coffee or tea.  Take your choice and settle in and let's talk.

Be forewarned...It's not an easy one today.

Anyone else struggling with holiday blues?  I am.  I cannot lie about it.  

I had a long and difficult conversation with Amie a bit over a week ago.  Difficult  in that I heard all the many things she's been through in the past months of her silence, all the things her therapist assured her she should share with me.  Things that were hard to hear and that were surely hell to bear.  

I told her how strong she was to endure these things and reassured her that bad things happen over which we have no control, no matter how diligent we think we have been.  We don't and can't control others who might bring in harm, especially those whom we are loving and trusting, and it's no fault of ours that we didn't know.   I told her that she'd need to work hard to find self-forgiveness, but that no one blamed her except herself.   And then I asked if she could forgive me for failing her at times.  She told me how she felt about me.  Not, as I'd feared, that I was a bad mother but that I was a good one who had taught her much.  She told me the  reasons for some of the strife that had gone on which had nothing to do with me...And so we sobbed together.   It was a long and emotional conversation.  It was a good one in some ways but it drained me.  

And then there has been another issue ongoing.  What I want to do is crawl in the bed and snivel for hours.  What I've done is what I must do, as any adult does.  I might feel like a lost child but I am grown up.  I might be heartbroken over how horrid another might be, shocked even at the depth of hatred another might feel,  but life goes on anyway.  Thank you Advent writings for proving that.  One gets on and prospers anyway.  That is faith in action.

A minor thing, a fly buzzing about, has been a constant barrage of annoying negative comments.  Hence why I put on comment moderation.  I can delete them from the blog, but not always from my brain, especially if I'm feeling a bit low anyway.  But it has made me think of why I write as I do.  I'm certainly not going to win any rewards for my work.  I'm not going to make the best seller's lists and I'm not going to be famous. I'm most assuredly not going to be rich.   That buzzing fly has helped me to define to myself why I do what I do here on this blog.  I suppose that it's proof that even things meant to discourage and be negative can have a positive effect.  There is good coming from hurt and hate even if we do not see it at the moment.

But yes, I am battered.  I'm battle weary.  I'm tired.  

Isn't this supposed to be the season of Joy?  Why is the world about me trying so very hard to destroy it?  

Years ago, just before this 11 year battle of a continuing barrage of hard and difficult things, someone came to visit our church.   I had never heard of this woman before and haven't heard of her since.   God spoke it into my spirit that day as we were getting ready to go, as I dragged my feet about going,  "Go...She has a word for you..." So I went and it was a good word.  It wasn't of hard and difficult things but of a spiritual move that would forever change our spiritual lives, and of blessings like we'd never seen them  before.  "God is going to bless your socks off!" she said with great emphasis.

 Please understand me here.   I don't think I am blind to blessings, but do you know how many times since that announcement I've looked up at the sky and cried out "Is THIS blessing?  Does THIS look like blessing to You?"  Because to me it looks a lot different.  To me it looks like heartache and loss and pain too difficult to bear.  To me it looks like disaster and ruin.  To me it doesn't look like what I thought blessing would look like.   I pictured blessings like Job's restoration.   But the truth is blessing thus far has tended to look like Job's trials.  It's been a lot more dust and ashes and a whole lot less glitter and sparkle.   It's been more oozing sores scraped with broken pottery and less spa days.  It's been more "Why don't you curse God and die?" than it's been feasting and multiplication of my flocks. 

To say that I don't understand  what was spoken into my life is truth.  And to say that I struggle to see what God is doing is truth.  To say that it's made me stop and look long and hard into the mirror of my soul and ask what can you do, Terri,  to be better for this, is truth.  But at the root of it all, is a deep and hurtful wail of "WHY?!"  

This week has brought to light that a difficult relationship will never NOT be difficult.  That the only person who can change is the one who most longs to see the situation change and that is me.   Years ago, I heard a statement that has resonated repeatedly in my life.  "Prayer doesn't change things for you...It changes YOU for things."  This week I've recalled that over and over again as I've prayed.  This is fact.  I am changed.  

I realize now that my love is not enough to change someone into a better person.  My love is not the cure-all they need.  My love is never going to be what is required.  My love will only agitate and frustrate and create still more and deeper hatred.   I do not know why.   It seems the kindest thing I can do is to quietly step away and leave this poor soul in peace.   It is also the most difficult choice.  Because co-dependence is as much of an ailment for the one 'helping'  as it is to the addicted,  be the addiction to drugs and alcohol, or anger and rage and extreme negativity.

John and Katie have been towers of strength.  "You are enough as you are.  You are loved by so many others.  What does one matter?"  

I know why it matters to me.  Because giving up says that I will never be enough.  And it says that there is never going to be a chance to have what was never mine in the first place.  Inside my head, I hear words that have been screamed at me over and over again, that I am selfish, lazy, thoughtless, rude, unforgiving, unrelenting, un-Christian, wrong, self-pitying, immature, whining, cold, stupid, etc.    God help me, I believe them every one.  Those words carry more weight than the positive ones spoken over me by those I know truly love me, who see me, warts and beauty marks alike.

No, I'm sorry it's not a happy chat today.  But it's an honest one.  

So here I am in the middle of Christmas preparations, trying hard to find what will give meaning to the season for me.  It comes back to the Advent series.  It comes back to the reason for this journey.  To get to the heart of God.    To remember that in the season of earth dying, comes life that brings hope. 



Jenny C said...

Hi there,

I read your blog and enjoy it very much. What I like about it is the details and the intricacies of what you do. The quality of your blog is in the detail and you certainly can be proud of that. Charles Dickens, William Faulkner, John Updike, Herman Melville,
Edith Wharton, and the guy that wrote Les Miserable, all wrote with great detail, exactly like you.


Mable said...

I am sorry you are having such a hard time. It is hard to battle the ugly words someone else planted in your brain. My mother used to scream at me, among other things, that I was a cancer on her life. At some point I was able to make the break from her, determined not to let her ruin my adult life as she had my childhood. I hope you let John's words about your value override those old ugly words you used to hear. My husband was instrumental in making up, as it were, for the words that had maimed me.

Glenda said...

Parents can inflict the most damage on children. Even when we are grown and seniors ourselves, their hurtful and hateful words can paralyze our self acceptance. Sometimes, it is necessary to distance ourselves or break completely from a person who is damaging. May Hashem guide you into all truth and help you to see the beautiful person that you truly are, Teri. You are loving, honest, open, loyal and gifted.

Connie said...

Why oh why does one's brain scream the words that hurt and barely whisper the words of love ?

Lana said...

I think that most all of us are in a similar boat with our families. All of our kids get along great but it is the other ones that are a sword in our sides. I finally had to examine my heart and sort out why I feel so anxious and sad this year and it all comes down to not seeing our kids but one for a year. Add having a daughter overseas who is so homesick and not able to come home but knows she and her family are exactly where they are supposed to be right now. And having a Mom who is so lonely and feeble and housebound and not being able to get to her. I get it. It does not feel like Christmas at all this year although I am enjoying the tree. I don't know if it is just me but I think we held so much hope that the last day of this year would be the end and all would be well but now we know it won't be and no one knows when it will be again. It is like a bad dream we cannot wake up from.

Anonymous said...

Great post. Though... I kept waiting for something about warts :-)

Shirley in Washington said...

Dear Terri - I have been thinking about something. We know our battle is not against flesh and blood. I am wondering if the hard times you are going through are the evil ones attempts to shut you up. You share your faith clearly and freely on your blog. He doesn't like that! He doesn't like that you are sharing the Advent series! Just a thought and I am praying for you. Blessings, Shirley

Conni said...

I want to weep with you....your words are so transparent, so raw yet clear. Thank you for sharing what a struggle this relationship has been/is. May His Spirit be a Shield about you as you gain wisdom and insight from the pain. I am praying for you.

Stephanie said...

One of the greatest blessings you can ever give yourself is mental peace. Years ago I had to step away from two very toxic family members and as hard as it was, it was absolutely the best thing I have ever done. I was finally able to stop jumping through all of the ever-moving hoops required to gain their approval and acceptance. I was never going to be "enough" for them. And now I see, that's okay. I'm more than enough for those that truly love me.

Anne said...

I'm so sorry, too.

And I have also spent some long years shaking my fist at God for not fixing a situation that I....DID....NOT....DESERVE.

Littledoonie said...

I think you are very brave to describe your struggles with life and God. Sometimes times it's really helpful to know that I am not alone with my struggles. My family all tested positive for covid last week despite being extremely vigilant about masks, distancing, sanitizing, staying home, etc. Put a real damper on Christmas. I understand your struggles with a difficult close relative. I watched it thru my mother's eyes with her mother. It's toxic not only to the target but to their family. I do believe though that it makes those of us involved, more loving and kind to those who will allow it. I've still yet to see the purpose in my mother's struggles, but she has chosen to be nothing like her mother. You and she are blessed with strength and grace to be wonderful mother's to us. Prayers are with you and have a blessed Christmas.

meme said...

I am weeping along with you as I read your post. I am so sorry Amie is going thru a hard time. My own mother was not "walk in the park" either with the verbal (and physical abuse). What I have finally let go of this year was my only sister -- I spend this year sending messages, more messages, only to be ignored. I have not seen her in years but think of her all the time. I am not like her, not wealthy, dont live a very upper middle class life, I am very much the black sheep of my family for having a baby as a teen mom. (today that baby is 38 and has blessed me with two beautiful grandchildren who are my world). My mother passed this year and I only found out months later due to reading about it on facebook. I had not seen my mother in years either or talked to her -- she believed I was a "cult member" - oh boy - nothing could be further from the truth if you ever met me. Deciding to finally let go and just let them live in peace has been very hard, and I have cried a lot of tears. hopefully we both heal together Teri. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.....

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your blog and am always happy to see a new post. Your writing is a blessing you share with us!

In my life I had a familial relationship that was toxic. I had to step away from that person even though I grieved them as though they were dead. God eventually showed me that my dependence on this relationship was distracting from my dependence on him. I was looking for approval from someone who simply did not have the capability for healthy relationships no matter how much I craved the closeness.

You are enough, you are a talented lady who has many people who enjoy your writing, and you have family that loves you. Do not let this toxic person make you believe the mean things they say,nor give them permission to undermine your faith or confidence.

God knows who you are! He wants you to know it as well.

I will keep you in my prayers!


Donna said...

Terri, I so enjoy your writing. What you have experienced is difficult and hurtful to say the least. You are a good, loving person and do not deserve the toxic things that were said to you. I will add you to my prayer list. I figure a person can't have too many prayers lifted up for her.

Liz from New York said...

I don’t think I can say anything that the others havent said here, but at least you know where things stand. I’d rather know than guess. Another thing ... how on earth can you be getting negative or mean comments? You are not controversial in any way! I literally feel like we are all sitting in a coffee klatch, just exchanging ideas and enjoying the company. I hope you have a lovely gathering with your family. Im with Lana, it just doesn’t feel like Christmas at all. But we trudge on, and do what we must. There are people that need us, we really are the ‘tent poles’ of the family. Best, Liz

Anonymous said...

I agree with Liz in that I probably can't add to all the wisdoms others have left here. I will say, however, that the negative comments are probably trolls who, as I may have mentioned in the past, make it their sad hobby to negate others, consciously or unconsciously. They feed on the unhappiness they try to invoke and definitely are a test of sorts to endure. Personally speaking, I find it almost a fun challenge to try to starve them haha...strongest weapon against them is prayer...they truly must be the most unhappy of individuals. As for negative family dynamics, all I can say is that every family has them or has had them...thus you are not alone in that most of us can relate to some degree or another. Just know that you are loved and appreciated by us as well as John, Katie, et al. We continue to keep you and yours in prayer and so greatly appreciate your writings and honesty. We are all in this journey of life together...even if our lives touch only through these electronic means...our spirits are connecting and that's such a lovely thing. Thank you for providing this place for us all to gather, exchange ideas and connect. You my friend are a blessing.
Much love,

Anonymous said...

P.S. I wanted to say also that I believe Shirley in Washington may have something in her theory. You do so much good here.
Much love,

Anonymous said...

P.P.S. Sorry to be so wordy but I'm compelled to share this one more thing (relating to my PS).

Ephesians 6:10-18
New International Version
The Armor of God
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

Much love,

Anonymous said...

I know I am very late here. I have been away and just came and caught up somewhat. There is nothing I can say better than the other ladies have said. They had beautiful thoughts and comments and suggestions. In someways they spoke to me and they did probably many others along with you. You though, are our center. You brought us all together through your special, wonderful writing talent. Your way of seeing the world anew and with feelings. Your way of telling it as it naturally is. No disguise. I agree that it is unimaginable to me too that anyone could try to hurt you through this writing. You are there trying to decipher life with us all. To share, to help, to bring light to lives and calm to hurts. We learn through you and you learn through us in other ways. The slant is always in Christian love and I appreciate that. I was hoping this person who is so upsetting had calmed and things were getting better. That is not happening I see. You have been trying to turn yourself inside out to placate this person. I am sorry they are still hurting you in so many ways. Haunting your thoughts. I pray you find peace. And soon. Sarah

Kay said...

Dear Girl, it is weeks later (Jan. 26) because I hoard your writings to read in one big glut session as a gift from me to me.
I'm sorry that you had such sorrowful times before Christmas. I am praying now for Amie. I am praying for you and this hard, harsh, horrible relationship. I hope you are able to make this break and let it not harm you anymore. Even though God is always enough, I don't believe He wants you to suffer this way. You don't have to keep trying to be enough. Sometimes you have to just "be."
I wanted to email you but I've lost your email. If you want me to have it, IM me on FB or comment on my blog or maybe you still have MY email.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again