Thursday: Last night when John made breakfast for supper, he used the last eggs, save one. He said to me, "We'll go shopping tomorrow and get more." I noted to myself that I was low on lettuce, Caleb's yogurt was very nearly done, and we were getting low on cheese, fruit and a few other things. It does seem that just about the time I'm thinking it's time to cut back on groceries, I realize we're out of a LOT all at once. And it's never near a fresh pay period, nor while the budget is full. It's just life, isn't it? I realize I'm extremely blessed that I can afford to go to the grocery when I need something instead of having to wait. But I'm also conscious of the fact that once upon a time, I wasn't able to run to the grocery just because we were out of something. There were many a week that went by without a purchase, or we had to borrow from money we'd set aside for an upcoming bill...Oh yes, I remember those days too well!