Book Review: Rooted by Banning Leibscher

Several years ago I had a word of knowledge for a friend.  I told her that God wanted her to be rooted...If only I'd had a full understanding of what that word meant!  Banning Liebscher has certainly increased my understanding of what it means to be rooted and how important the root system of our faith is to our growing and producing fruits of the Spirit.

The author explains why a good strong root system is so necessary to growth of a productive Christian.  He teaches through scripture and his own life examples.   He states that the strong growth relies upon three types of 'soil': intimacy with God, service to others, and community.  He clearly states this in the first chapter of the book. 

The next five chapters deal with conditioning yourself for the initial 'planting', namely trusting God and developing that trust to the point that you can truly have a personal relationship with him.  It means getting out of our own way and allowing God to build the proper environment for our growth.

The second part of the book deals with the three soils mentioned in the first chapter and how vital each of them are to proper growth and strength to begin to bear the fruit of what God has planted within you.

The book is not difficult to understand, nor is it very long, just 12 chapters.  It is comprehensive and well written and well explained.  I'll be reading this one again so that I can dig just a bit deeper than I did in the first reading.  It will find it's place on my shelf of books to read again and again.

This book was supplied for review by Blogging for Books.

1 comment:

Karla said...

I'll have to check this one out!Looks like a good read.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again