In My Home This Week: Sunshine and Shadows

In my home this week...

It's lovely out this evening but for the first time in days.  It's been cool out there as well.  Nothing unseasonal, mind, but today has been one of those heat in the morning, air conditioner in the afternoon sorts of days.  I was glad to see the sun come out this morning.  Glad to find myself up early with time to pray and have coffee long before John rose.  Glad too, that it was Shabbat.  I love the pace of our Sabbath day.

I was 'reading behind' this afternoon, going back to read of other Mays on the blog and suddenly was bitten by the nostalgia bug, so I went over to Yahoogroups and pulled up the old back issues of Penny Ann Poundwise newsletter.  I think I got back to 2012 and there I stopped.  Looking back at that May, at that year, was painful.  I was just beginning to be aware of some boundaries in my life I was never going to cross over, right in the midst of a frustrating realization that old dreams were dead and gone and never were to be anymore.  I think I spent the next three years crying off and on.  Can I just say that the new season that is upon us, the one that isn't a season of nature but of life, is most welcome?  And looking back, I'm glad for NOW, this place.

My week of rest was nice.  I did stick to my guns and keep things simple and I didn't do a lot of extra stuff.  It was just what I needed.  What lies ahead for us in the next few weeks is unknown, so I'm just going to go ahead with life as normal and make adjustments where necessary.  John has one work day next week and then he'll be off for nearly two weeks.  My home will be base of operation for my youngest son as he begins his new job and for his family as they come to seek a new home of their own.  Everything is 'up in the air'... not my favorite state of affairs. 

Bess will be in later tonight and we'll got to church tomorrow, then she heads back to Florida.  John works on Monday and I'm out with Mama for a portion of that day.  I'm sure John will mow grass and likely get a haircut.  What else?  No clue.  I'll plan and shift them as needed.

...I plan meals:

Pizza, Salad with mandarins, onions and olives

Roasted Turkey Breast, Steamed Broccoli with Cheddar, Baked Potatoes, Salad

out with Mama

Beef Stir Fry with Snow Peas, Brown Rice, Mandarins
(leftover steak to use in this dish)

BBQ Chicken, au gratin Potatoes, Green Beans
(will save the thigh bone to use on our Seder plate Friday night)

Cubed Steak, Cream Corn, Coleslaw

Creamed Turkey over Toast, Green Peas, Salad

...I plan my work:

It's little things that have come to my notice of lately...A ceiling fan that needs to be cleaned, a fridge that looks a bit smudged.  There's an old trick to use to try and refine things.

Clean ceiling fans.

Get out digital camera and take photos of all areas of the house.  This is a great tool to show up the clutter, the slightly tatty looking space, the little things that we are blind to because we've become so accustomed to them.  I'll make a list based on what the photos show.

Stock up my kitchen cabinets.  The pantry is in the guest room closet and it's inconvenient to have to constantly 'fetch' something from that area while there are guests in the room.  I'll move a supply of things into the kitchen cabinets and try to avoid the need to go to the pantry on a daily basis.

I need to remove the last batch of weeds from the ground. I think I'll use newspapers to sort of wrap them up and move them.  Ugh!  I've been itchy enough of late...

I'm going to do my utmost Monday to get what is required to finish the front porch.  That project has gone on far too long!***I got all my errands tended to but no, no shopping and at the moment there doesn't look to be a chance to do it this week nor next.  I think I just need to reconsider what I want vs. what I can make out with.  I can get plants this week for the baskets and pots.  The rest will just be 'make do'.  I want this DONE. 

Pesach starts Friday evening.  I think I'm doing pretty well and have already eliminated most, but will check through out the week for items containing yeast. 

Wash the patio furniture cushions.

Finish book and post review.

...I plan my fun:

We're promised temperatures in the '80's this next week.  We'll see.  Weather this time of year is up and down, lol.  Coffee on the porch would be awfully nice though.

I'm reading three books at present.  I think I'd like to finish them all.*I finished one, have two chapters left in another....

Spend an afternoon adding notes to my genealogy notebook.

RELAX and enjoy the quiet of my home for one more week....


Anonymous said...

When you are taking photographs, remember to open drawers and closets and also photograph appliances, antiques etc. Then make sure you send a copy to someone else that lives elsewhere. None of us want a disaster such as a fire to happen, but none of us would be able to remember all our possessions for insurance purposes. Glad you are getting over your poison ivy! Never had ie, even though I have spent a lot of time outdoors and in the woods, but it sure sounds miserable. Gramma D

Lana said...

Another week of holding down the fort here alone. Your menu sounds so good as I have eaten out way too much but I hate eating alone and find it better to eat alone out than at my own table. Such a wimp. I have a meal planned out with a friend every day this week to help pass the days. I have my over wintered plants to cut back and get going. I have a house to look at on Tuesday for the second time. A friend is coming along to help me be critical. Is it the one? Not sure and cannot do anything until next week when hubby is home. God knows and we trust Him on this.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Sounds like a busy week with all your company. Maybe you can escape to read for awhile. If only we knew what the future'll turn out.
The weeds are coming up fast here ...I need to get with it like you! Have a great week.

Debbie said...

Praying for you to have peace. I don't do well when things are up in the air and beyond my control. I at least like to have a roughly sketched "outline" of what is coming my way or what the plans are. Our weeds are growing faster than we can keep up with at the moment and I can't be around lots of chemicals so we don't spray the weeds here with poison.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you have had a very busy time lately. I'm sorry you got poison ivy. That must make it difficult to get anything done. We have poison oak around here, and my husband is very allergic. Although I've never caught it, I sure don't want to.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again