The Week Ahead: A New Decade
Well here we are! Just two more days left in this year and decade and now we enter a new one. I don't know about you all but I'm ready for something new and a New Year is as good as anything for a start. Agreed?
Worth Sharing This Week: December 21-27

The Nester shared her minimalist Christmas and I went to view it. It's nice, not too much, not too frou frou. I do admire those who know their aesthetic and stick to it. However it was the quote she put in that post that seemed most appropriate as a phrase to use over the next year.
The Days Behind: Christmas Week
Saturday: The November food costs from Dept of Agriculture posted. I thought you might like to see where your family falls on the government guides. Ours is still below the thrifty plan...and remember this is for food only, does not include those sundry other things we might buy at the grocery.
Coffee Chat: Now and Then
Come in my dears, and have a cup of something warm...Make it what you like. There's cocoa we may make by that lovely recipe I shared in 'Worth Sharing' yesterday, and lovely teas, Peppermint or English Breakfast. There's coffee and you can have creamer or half & half or eggnog in it if you'd like. There are lovely choices to be had for a cool morning and a good bit of chatter.
The Week Behind: December 14 - December 20
Saturday: Sam asked if we'd take the boys for part of the day so he could finish work on the master bedroom project. Initially I said "Yes, tomorrow afternoon..." but in thinking it over, I realized he'd get a lot more work done if I took the boys for the morning and they went home to nap after 1pm, so I texted him early this morning to send the boys over. Josh ran across the field as usual, but Sam brought Isaac over in the truck.
Worth Sharing This Week: December 14-20
We've been watching the newest season of "The Crown" and in episode 9 of season 3, this music blew me clean away. I looked it up the night we were watching the episode and I've listened to it for long stretches each day since. That I listened to it first on a rainy fall evening when heavy showers were pounding the roof didn't hurt a bit.
The Week Ahead: Tis the Season To Be Jolly...
For us, Christmas is pretty much over and done and I'm okay with that...but the day hasn't even arrived yet, and I really want to continue to enjoy this season. I find with each week that has passed since Thanksgiving that I've gotten pretty good at finding little things to enjoy, happy things to do that all bespeak Christmas in one way or another whether it's as simple as lighting the tree and mantle each grey dreary day or dark night or listening to that lovely "O Come O Come Emmanuel" by the Piano Guys.
Coffee Chat: Christmas Present
Come in dears...There's Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies in the cookie jar and coffee or tea. Yesterday I might have offered you something cold to drink but today something hot is definitely in order.
I've normally done a look back at the year behind by this point of the year, at least privately, but this year I find I'm not so keen on doing that. It was a hard year in many ways and it wasn't until the past couple of months that worries abated. Admittedly in the midst of it all, there looked to be no end to it. Now I look back and am astonished at the blessings that came my way at the end of the year. It's enough to be grateful for those things without looking at the difficult passages.
The Week Behind: The Second Week of December
Saturday: Family Day today. I woke early, as in 5am and got up to have coffee and do my Bible study. I knew coming into this weekend that it would keep me moving at a pretty good pace and I wanted to enjoy what I could of the quiet and peace before the mayhem. It was well worth the rising early to have quiet coffee and time to myself. John got up about 7am and we had breakfast. And about 9, I began to finish up the last tasks: setting up the children's table, setting foods to heat on low, setting out serving bowls and spoons, etc.
Worth Sharing: December 7 - 13
I am loving this season of the year when I can find so many lovely things to share! With the chilly winds that blew in for us last Sunday evening, and the heater running all through the day I was reminded that we were just a couple of weeks from winter...and now, at the end of this week, we're just ONE.
"Snow crystals," Ukichiro Nakaya wrote in 1939, "may be called letters sent from heaven."
Christmas in My Home This Year
I love to decorate for Christmas and enjoy creating a new fresh look for each year. This year my initial inspiration was An English Christmas. I'd planned a sort of Dickens Christmas Carol, but as always my initial vision be it holiday or seasonal home décor.
So I started this year with my little sheep, which don't look quite so little upon the tree!
This Week In My Home: Say "Santa!"
It's been a long day as I come to the evening hours of what was Shabat. I worked hard on Friday, woke extra early this morning, and am looking forward to Monday, which will be a quieter day...I think.
But it's been lovely today. We had family day. Seven grandchildren were here and a compliment of parents came with them. I had far too much food though I thought I was modest in my estimation of what we'd need.
The Week Behind: Keeping House and Keeping Christmas
Saturday: Our Sabbath keeping day was quieter. John had someone cover half his shift and didn't go in until later. Our dinner was simple enough, I heated a frozen homemade Shepherd's pie made up from leftovers of pot roast and potatoes I'd had left from another roast dinner (chicken that time) which I'd mashed to put on the pie. It was so delicious. I made a green salad using the very last of our lettuce for this pay period. Katie came out to pick up a portion of the Thanksgiving leftovers to reheat for their supper and had lunch with us. She brought me a string of lights from the dollar store when she came out which saved me a trip to town.
Thoughts on Capsule Wardrobes andThrift Store shopping for clothes
I have always loved pretty, fashionable clothing. As a child, I was plump and the limits placed on me in my growing years by the clothing manufacturer's was very real indeed. Elastic waist pants with a crotch that went to my knees? Too short tops? All too common. A-line plain dresses...those too were all too common. I recall clearly the few bought things I owned as a child and teen. Fortunately for me, my mom was an excellent seamtress and able to alter patterns to fit me. She also had a love of shopping that took her into the finest department stores where she looked over dresses and pants outfits and blouses and having seen the current fashion trends went over to the fabric store where she purchased patterns with the same lines and fabrics that were as near the store pieces as she could find. And so I had a new wardrobe, twice a year.
Coffee Chat: Pardon my Christmas Cheer
Hello dears,
Do come in! I've coffee and cocoa and hot vanilla milk and iced water and lemonade if you'd rather not pretend the air outdoors isn't heavy and warm and is seasonably chilly and cool instead.
No sweets at the moment. Those are coming later in the week when I make a batch of Mexican Hot Chocolate cookies for the family holiday. I'm thinking hard about making something else as a sweet, too, but not sure what at present . I know in my heart of hearts that in this season too much is always more than we need with a rich meal or treat around nearly every corner in every home but this is a family day and I am one of those who feeds people her love. Always have been.
Winter Capsule Wardrobe
I did enjoy November's capsule wardrobe but found it too limited for my taste overall. I've decided though to try to work with a capsule wardrobe for December, January, February. This time I'm using more pieces although I'll be somewhat limited because some things won't be suitable for everyday. I've incorporated heavier pieces as well as lighter layering pieces.
You'll see I limited myself with colors, sticking to a palette of pretty much grey, white, and teal. I've included cardigans as well. What I am not showing is my heavier wool jackets (heathered grey and bright red) and my winter coat (navy) nor my cotton knit tank tops which I use more in winter than I do in summer. In our climate they are necessary as a layering piece. I have a variety of colors but will lean heavily upon the obvious white/grey/black ones for the most part.
Worth Sharing This Week: November 30 - December 6
Well technically it's the tail end of November and December's head but mostly it shall be December this week, so I'll say "It's December!" with all the joy a child must have when it knows that Christmas is nearer than ever.
I've begun my decorating. I'll likely share in a separate post early next week as my goal is to get it all done this week since we're having Family Holiday this weekend. John is working Christmas Eve, which means he's coming in from a long shift on Christmas Day and while I expect we'll have a small family day it won't be the big long weekend holiday we enjoy. So we're having our children and grandchildren here this weekend.
As early as Thursday night (Thanksgiving) I was finding things I thought would be nice to share this week and I'm excited to get this post sent out.
This Week In My Home: December 1
Hello all,
Now that Thanksgiving is over, it's time to start enjoying December. This year, I was ready to decorate for Christmas earlier than usual...but John, who likes Christmas right well these days unlike the long ago days when he groused and groused, reminded me that Santa always comes at the END of the Thanksgiving parade, not at the front of it, lol.
This Week In My Home: Time to Get Back On Track
I've enjoyed doing the 'Worth Sharing This Week' posts a great deal and likely will continue to send those at the end of each week, but for the beginning of this week I'm ready to get back into routines. I've felt the urging all the last week as I've noted the neglect of the past months has caught up with the house and yard and shed.
Worth Sharing This Week: November 23 - 29
Frugal Girl's post "Stop Saying Things Are Easy" really resonated with me this weekend. A great deal of what we must learn to do is difficult, but it does have it's rewards. However, I do believe that many people get very discouraged when they realize that their first attempts are not as easy as it appeared nor does their end result look as perfect as they expected. Truth: It's called a learning curve for good reason!
On the back page of the Country Living December 2019 issue, I found this quote:
"Kindness is like snow--it beautifies everything it covers."
Worth Sharing: November 16 - 22
Merry Go Round thoughts I call them, and there's too often not anything merry about them at all. What do I mean? You know how when you ride the merry go round you watch to see the familiar face in the crowd and then you've gone back around again before you can blink? Well sometimes the most pernicious negative thinking can be the same way. I think I've set these worries aside and there they are again, right before me and it goes on and on and on. I found myself increasingly tense the other day because of thoughts that kept coming back around again and I finally set myself down to write them out in my journal...along with exactly why these thoughts were NOT true ones. Fears they were and worries and what ifs that haven't come to pass. Ugh. I was so glad to get down off that merry go round!
And just to show how foolish those worries can be, I've found at least three of the four were not even fact, just my own fears spinning around and around! Glad I sorted them out at the time through my journal and then discovered the 'real' stories just a couple days later.
Coffee Chat: Lovely Autumn Days
Hello dears! Do come in and have a cup of coffee with me. It's a little cool here in the house but it's a bit nicer outdoors. We can sit on the back porch where the evening sun will warm us slightly and watch the sunset. For cookies today we have old fashioned Nabisco Sugar Wafers.
Worth Sharing November 9-15
It's November when Fall truly makes her presence known here in the South. The town criers, those trees that change early in the season, have come and announced her coming and then disappeared and we wait about, tapping our foot, impatient for autumn's actual arrival. And then one day we notice a tinge coming to the trees across the forest in the river valley...and the next day when we top the hill, there she is dressed in her golden, crimson, magenta, and flame colored glory. Never late, always right on time. My heart swells, and at least inwardly, I cry out a welcome. "There you are! I've missed you. I'm so glad to see you once again!" I throw open the curtains at the windows and try to watch the daily progression on our bit of land, but even so, it changes each time I blink. It's impossible to drink it all in, but I want to be aware as much as is humanly possible, to enjoy and embrace this third season of the year.
A Week of Wardrobe: Capsule Style
Week one of a Capsule Wardrobe is easy enough. I mean, it's just one week of wearing the same pieces over again...I'm curious to see how it goes on from here!
The photos are poor ones and I apologize. I had a hard time getting the camera to focus properly and at the same time to show you the full outfit. The camera often blocked details I wanted you to see. I don't have a proper full length mirror in the house, so am relegated to using the long mirror above the tub (which is a rather stupid place for a mirror if you ask me...).
Worth Sharing November 2 - 8: Boys!
Did any of you receive the Amazon toy catalog? My grandsons were over the moon about it! Isaac's face had a look of pure wonderment. He oohed and ahhed. It was magical for him.
November 2019 Goals
My goals for this month are not big hard goals ...However, after spending October with no goals and the second half of the month with John on vacation I am a bit antsy to DO something and goals are the best way to motivate myself.
First, I want to start with our grocery budget.
I often overspend or add in extras, etc. when I'm in the grocery and so my spending is often above my budget. Sometimes sales are really good, sometimes John wants extras that I haven't bought in a while, but mostly I buy because when it comes to groceries, I'm in the habit of buying. Ouch! That hurts to admit but it's truth. Every two weeks, regular as clock work we go shopping and I spend. And that's all fine and well if I really do need things or I'm concentrating on stocking up an area of my pantry or freezer that has fallen behind, but mostly that is not what I'm doing and I shop anyway. When we're on a retirement income there will be less budget and less wiggle room in my budget. And that means making sure what I spend fits what we have chosen to set as our budget.
Worth Sharing This Week: October 26 - November 1
Thefrugalgirl had an interesting article this past week in which she asked the question: Would you rather be good at saving or good at earning a lot of money? I know what my answer would be and wasn't surprised to find she had a similar opinion. Her reasoning was: If you are good at saving, then even a little can become enough.
Now John is always saying to me, "You can't earn $100 and spend $101..." and he's soooo right. This year we've experienced a season where we've consistently spent a little more than he's earned most pay periods. This was true mostly because I insisted upon continuing to put money into savings despite having a higher pay out each payday. My reasoning was that once money goes into savings I am so loathe to spend it for any purpose except why it was set aside that I knew it was truly SAVED.
Autumn 2019: A Possible Capsule Wardrobe.
The weather is finally being autumnal here in our area. Next week we've the promise of sweater worthy weather. So I finally settled into figuring out a few outfits for the season. Up till now it's been summer repeats.
I've been watching a number of capsule wardrobes and honestly I'm interested. I just happen to have a good number of clothes on hand that I really like at present, so I won't be culling just yet, but the idea of a 10 piece wardrobe (which isn't a hard and fast number) does appeal to me. The Daily Connoisseur relies on a small wardrobe and I'm impressed with how well it works. It reminds me a great deal of the wardrobes that I see featured in my vintage magazines, where they start with a suit and overcoat and two or three blouses and a pair of slacks. It would be a very economical wardrobe and any fear of boredom with so few pieces isn't really a valid concern as the pieces are incredibly versatile and accessories and sweaters and such are additional pieces to the major players.
Coffee Chat: End of October Autumn Rain
Hello dears. It looks drear and colder than it is outdoors, but never mind. We'll sit inside and look out the windows and you'll be convinced that cup of coffee or tea in hand is the perfect beverage for such an autumn day.
Worth Sharing: October 14 - 25
Have I ever shared my frustrating history with pumpkin pies? No? Well let me start by saying that for two weeks now John has mentioned pumpkin pie. He came very close to buying a pumpkin last week and when I asked him why he said "I want pumpkin pie." "I can make you one and no need to buy a pumpkin." I said. He said "You won't..."
Only because he knows the long and sorry saga of my life with pumpkin pies.
Coffee Chat: Autumn Wanderings
We've finally had some autumn air here and I for one am thrilled. 106F in October? Pfft!
Come in and have some coffee won't you? I'm wandering around in my thoughts today. Join me...
Shall we start with the computer? I'm typing on a lovely new slim line laptop, an Acer Aspire and it's really nice. I am so proud to have it and even happier because it represents a genuine love and caring that amazes me, as you all only know me from that side of the screen and I only know you from this side. I cannot thank you enough, I truly can't.
Thank You!
A big "Thank you!" to each of you who have gifted me over the past few weeks. It made it possible for me to get a new computer. I most certainly could not have managed this new computer myself. It's been a tough few months and I was too well aware that this wasn't a priority for us at present.
I want to thank Dale D., Pam D., Angela B., Tracey McB., Karen G., Margaret G. and Kathy O. for their cards and gifts in the past month. I cannot begin to tell you how blessed and humbled and loved I felt with each comment, card, and gift I've received over the past couple of months.
I promise I'll put up a post this week sometime. It's a busy week but I am eager to blog once more.
RIP Computer
I find irony in the fact that just as I am feeling I might blog a bit, my computer quite suddenly died. I can't even pretend the purchase of a new one is possible, at least not now. Bear with me...
Worth Sharing: October 5 - October 11
I'm adding this up top as I know that you all will willingly join me. Bess' mom had an accident Tuesday night. Please pray for her healing. She is not in ICU, praise God, but has had surgery to repair a badly broken ankle, and has other broken bones. It's going to be a long haul for her and for Bess, too, who is the nearest relative and will need to be there for her mom, etc. So lift Bess in pray as you pray for Jenny, please.
Worth Sharing: September 29-October 4
I'm determined we shall capture autumn some way, if only in the art I share! Our very hot temperatures (high 90's to 100f) continue here but are supposed to decrease to mid-80s over the weekend. 85f does feel like a 'cool down' after 100...but it's hardly autumnal. I am longing for cooler crisp days.
From an October 1943 Elsa Conners column in Woman's Day magazine:
A woman can accomplish almost anything she wants to accomplish if she proceeds with persistence and good humor as well as wisdom.
~Madame Chiang Kai-Shek
From an October 1943 Elsa Conners column in Woman's Day magazine:
A woman can accomplish almost anything she wants to accomplish if she proceeds with persistence and good humor as well as wisdom.
~Madame Chiang Kai-Shek
Hot Cocoa, Anyone?
It's late to be sitting about chatting but hopefully there are others among you, like myself, who aren't quite ready for sleep just yet and who would like a little company. Do come in...I can offer you cocoa, something which won't keep you awake all night. Or perhaps some of my special Sleepy Time milk would be in order? A little vanilla and honey added to milk and heated.
Worth Sharing This Week
Did you notice the new description here on the blog? I felt it was time to refocus and redirect. Not foregoing the idea of thriftiness but expanding it to include my real goal. After writing out a half dozen or so new ideas, I was inspired by a line I read this week to write this:
"Practicing wise economy while pursuing beauty, loveliness and grace."
Dear Souls...October Goals and Things
I'm not 'back' yet...but I am, if you know what I mean.
Your heartfelt words touched me deeply. I am greatly appreciative of your kindness and your encouragement and your prayers most of all.
I had not realized how tired I had gotten in these weeks past. I sometimes forget that emotional exhaustion exacts a deeper toll than hard work does. It seemed that so many things were being tossed at me and they lit like screeching monkeys upon my back. It is equally telling that the monkeys themselves were also the hold-up in each situation I was expected to attend to, but there you are. Monkeys are not known for their reliability nor their acceptance of responsibility either. However, last week three major things were accomplished and a fourth task was at least started. Three monkeys off my back entirely and one calmed down, seems like progress...My to do list is barely shorter but it's shorter by those things.
Iced Tea Chat: Dancing In the Dark
Hello dears! Come in and let's share a glass of iced tea. I'd love to say we'd have coffee but it's hot, nearly 100F today and though John says coffee is cooling, I like something with ice in it. One day perhaps I'll figure out how to make Iced Coffee that tastes good. Until then I like a tall glass of iced tea on a hot afternoon. I take mine unsweetened and like it just fine, provided it's a good brand of tea. Like coffee, not all teas are created equal and so I seek out a brand that really tastes good to me. Come to think of it, there's fewer calories in my iced tea, so maybe I'd better stick with it and leave off the iced coffee except as a treat.
Diary of a Week: First Week of September
Saturday: How about another of my favorite autumn themed songs? September In The Rain We've just had a few brief showers and though September isn't here until tomorrow, it seemed fitting somehow. I know you all enjoy the occasional shared vintage music. It's appropriate to the expected weather for today and tomorrow...
I didn't just grow up listening to 'Stairway to Heaven' and 'Dream On' and other such rock and roll songs as a teenager. I was the unusual kind of teen girl. I played piano (more or less) and learned songs such as the one I linked above and other hits from the 1920's to 1940's eras. So I already had a love of the old standards and that was enhanced by watching Lawrence Welk every Saturday evening as well, which was a nice mix of contemporary and standards.
Goals for September
A new page is turned upon the calendar and here it is September...Hard to believe that 8 full months of this year have gone by already and a new season nearly upon us, as well.
I shall share quickly all about August and how that month went, though I had no hard and fast plans to accomplish any one thing:
August Diary: A Grande Finale for Summer
late Thursday: Remind me, next time I am complaining that things are a bit tight financially to go back and read over posts for September 2015. If ever there were a testimony for God's provision in a life, this most certainly was the month to read as a testimonial!
Over and over again we found new ways to improve upon what we had, save a little, pay off a plethora of medical bills that came due, and even partially pay back a small loan we'd taken out to pay off a bigger bill, plus meet our every need and help out a desperate child with a big financial burden (which was promptly repaid in October, by the way). Wow oh wow! Did my heart a whole lotta good to read about how we lived through that summer. And prompted me to be ever more vigilant with my Gratitude lists for how we're seeing provision in this summer as well. Praise God!
August Diary: Lemon Meringue Pie Days
Saturday: So many times this past week I just wanted to toss up my hands and run away and hide. Too many decisions to make, hard ones. Too much negativity to deal with, as well. It seemed I was being tossed a pile of lemons at every step. But you know what to do with lemons don't you? All sorts of good stuff! Lemon curd, lemon marmalade, Lemonade, Lemon meringue pies! Make those sour things sweet and enjoy the tart bite that sugar can't quite cover. Take in all that good Vitamin C. Discard the pith but save that good zest to add flavor to apple pies (have you tried lemon zest in an apple pie filling? Do!) or a cake, or even a chicken dish. Slice the lemons up into wedges and freeze for future needs (thank you, Lana for that awesome suggestion). Whatever you do, when life is getting difficult, do your best to find what good you can harvest from it.
My Favorite Budget Beef Cuts
image from Pinterest
Last week I mentioned I'd cooked a roast and used leftovers as sandwich meat and roast beef hash. Susanmarie asked what cuts of beef I bought and which I considered 'budget' cuts. Years ago, I was able to keep our price per pound costs to below $2 but these days, one is lucky to keep them at about $5 a pound even for ground beef!
First let's look at this chart for beef cuts. It's important to know where each is located because it's also a key in how the meat should be cooked. Keeping beef costs low is as much a matter of knowing how to cook various cuts as it is of what you can expect to buy in different seasons.
Last week I mentioned I'd cooked a roast and used leftovers as sandwich meat and roast beef hash. Susanmarie asked what cuts of beef I bought and which I considered 'budget' cuts. Years ago, I was able to keep our price per pound costs to below $2 but these days, one is lucky to keep them at about $5 a pound even for ground beef!
First let's look at this chart for beef cuts. It's important to know where each is located because it's also a key in how the meat should be cooked. Keeping beef costs low is as much a matter of knowing how to cook various cuts as it is of what you can expect to buy in different seasons.
August Diary: Promises I'm Making Myself
Saturday: It's late in Shabat, just two hours more to have the full extent of the day of rest. Today began early. I stepped out on the porch to feed the pets and looked at the sun rising and sang "Shema". That I remember the Hebrew after all these years away from synagogue, that these words come easily still at the sight of daybreak, astounds me:
Shema, Israel, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai echad.
Hear O Israel, the Lord is our G-d, the Lord is One...
It was a hurry up sort of morning, but the wonder of God was there on the front porch this morning. I felt reverent as I went about the rest of my morning preparations.
A Quick Visit
Hello all...I'll not offer up coffee nor tea at this hour, because I suspect we'd all like a good night's sleep, but I will offer up a quick visit. I've had my head just crammed full of thinking and I know I won't have time to chat at all over the weekend about to happen, so a neighborly visit now seems just the thing.
Diary of the Week: Mr. President
Late Friday: Don't hiss or boo...I'm not going political on you. I was just chuckling to myself recalling an incident with Josh today. He loves to sit in my desk chair which will spin about and can be rolled to and fro. He was spinning about today and told Bess, "I'm going to be President when I grow up." "Well son, that's an admirable and lofty ambition, but really think about this... It's a very hard job and lots of people who will tell you what to do. You won't get to order as many folks about as you might think." Josh frowned for a moment and then he smiled, "I fink I'll do it...and this is the President's chair!" We all smiled. After all it's a wonderful world we live in and it's every child's idea at one time or another that they might be leader one day. A little later Bess walked into the kitchen and said "Josh would you..." "Uhm Mom? You can call me, 'Mr. President'..." I've no idea what Bess was going to ask him to do. She just turned and walked back into the living room with a funny look on her face.
Iced Tea Chat: Summertime Blues
Come in, come in. Lemon and lime and there's mint, too for adding to a tall tinkling glass of iced tea. You'll appreciate this cold drink today! It's hot on the porch and the gnats are fighting mad at everyone so we'll just sit here in the kitchen and enjoy the air conditioning, ok?
Weekly Diary: Family All the Time
Sunday: Yesterday was not the day any of us planned it to be. Sam, who has been working on home renovations several weekends now, had decided that this weekend he'd take a break...John and I were looking forward to a very quiet and restful Shabat. At 8:30 a.m. that changed for each of us. A dark spot on the floor of the pantry in Sam's house proved to be a pretty decent sized water pipe leak...'Just come sit with the boys while I'm under the house, please?" he asked. I'd not even had time to finish my first cup of coffee. I'd gotten up and tossed our dinner in the crock pot and had just settled with said cup of coffee. So I put on clothes, left my bed unmade and gulped down the coffee. A few minutes later he came back indoors..."I have to go to Lowe's..." "I'll just take the boys home with me then," I said.
Goals for August : None
I have worked hard this year and have done most all I could to accomplish my goals each month. Last month I slowed down a little but accomplished nearly everything on my goal list for July that I could and even some of those I hadn't gotten around to in June. For August, I'm not making any goals.
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