Thrifty Thursday: And So It Went

Thursday:  I got so caught up in buying a gift for my granddaughter's birthday that I forgot all about ordering a Christmas gift.  I found a great deal on some Magna Tile type blocks on Amazon and ordered two sets.  Now I need to look at the gifts I have and determine who I still need to buy for.  For sure, Bess, and Mama and John.   I think I need something for Katie and Jd.   I think I have all the local grandchildren covered and those that live up north, I generally will have sent directly to them.  So perhaps next month I'll just set money aside to save until November and order all of those at one swoop.  

 I can at least say that I have done well with savings and am well under budget so far. 

I planted two potato slips and one carrot top.  Not sure any of them will generate a darned thing but planting can't hurt.  At least they will become natural compost.

With it being misty outdoors today and supposed to rain for the next few days, I set porch plants on the steps so they'd catch some fresh water.

Ran a full load of dishes last night and John did a full load of wash today.  

Decided to use my easy crockpot dinner I'd planned even though Millie didn't come over today as I'd hoped.  

Friday:  We did two big loads of laundry today.  One was all sheets and clothes and the other was all towels.  We will probably run a mutt load this evening at the end of the day.  Caleb had an accident this morning and wet his shoes as well as his pants.

I baked bread. 

 Reheated a frozen leftover of Pizza Spirals for our lunch, sliced up an apple that had been partly sliced already.  These last apples were huge so even though we each had about 1/4 we had a full serving of apple each.

Busy day doing a lot of deep pre-weekend cleaning to make the house Shabat ready.  

I prepped supper so it will be an easily made meal tonight.   And this week I've stuck with my menu plan almost 100%.  We skipped the omelets for two reasons. #1 Katie suggested a clear out the fridge night on Sunday and #2 I never made it deep into the dairy section at all this past weekend and we are very low on eggs (I think I have one). 

Saturday:  I'm going to stop posting that anything is thrifty on Saturdays, lol.  Seriously, it is our most expensive day of the week overall though I am enjoying these days very much.    We haven't done a thing today that could be considered a savings.  Unless bringing home half our lunch counts.

Eggs, yogurt and fruit on the must have grocery list for this weekend, along with Gramma's Fried Chicken.

Sunday:  Our usual quick and easy Sunday breakfast of Cheese toasts.

Gramma's Fried Chicken, Mac n Cheese (boxed), sliced tomatoes (on hand) and watermelon that was purchased today when we picked up chicken.

While in the grocery to pick up chicken, I scanned my grocery list and my saved list on the phone app for the store.  This helped me to determine what groceries I'd purchase today, in addition to those on my actual shopping list.

I didn't need meat but the quality of the meats at Publix are hard to beat.  So when I find something on sale that is typically on our menu, I'll pick it up.  Today I bought beef hot dogs, 85/15 ground beef, and a package of boneless skinless chicken breasts.  I also got a package of New York Strip Steaks.  That was a splurge even though it was on sale.  

I stuck pretty hard to the outer perimeters of the store today and didn't go down but one aisle.  I'll call that one a pure splurge.  I was looking for the cookies I love so much that were on sale.  Mind you, they had none in stock.  I don't recall them stocking them at this store but once in the past.  I'd have had to visit another store to find them.  Nevertheless, I bought two packages of the Pepperidge Farm cookies.  Pure tee indulgence.

Mostly we bought produce, meats and a very few dairy items (eggs, yogurt).  I have no regrets.  I noted that at present I seem to be in a pattern of shopping about every 10 days and that I'm spending under around $180 each time I go in.  This is a wee bit of stocking up (juice today and meats for the freezer) and a lot of filling in what we've run out of.  I spend roughly $60 on Amazon groceries.  All in all, I'm averaging right at the amount I set for our budget.  Oddly, it's the feeding of the boy child that makes our budget so much higher.  His mama only eats 1 meal a day here most days but Caleb eats three or four or five a day depending on his hunger levels and most times he eats what an adult might.

One of my 'take it easy' things has been a return to k-cups.  Yes, they run around 27c a cup compared to around 4-5c for filling my own but the decreased mess in filling and emptying is worth every penny in time and frustration just now.  I still fill k-cup pods for decaf which is about half the coffee we drink daily.  It's just a balance, a switching off of one thing for another and I'm okay with that for right now. 

I spent a few minutes this afternoon cleaning out the fridge and sorting out the things in it.  I have created a Gathered Fragments listing for this week's menu plan.  I thought you all might like a return to that little feature since the menu is now a separate post.

I set plants out under the eaves of the porches again in order to water them thoroughly while it was raining.  I try to always make good use of 'free' water.

Monday:  I used Windex yesterday to clean the back porch storm door glass.  I also used it to wipe the frame of the storm door down.  Today, I took the same cloth and Windex and cleaned almost all the appliances in the kitchen.  I missed the microwave.

Here's facts: I don't like Windex anymore for cleaning mirrors or glass over much.  I find it leaves streaks and sometimes film no matter how quickly you try to work with it.  However, it makes a great spray for appliances and so I'll just use it for that.  When this bottle is done, I'll buy something else.   A lot of professional cleaners are recommending something from Lowe's that comes in an aerosol can.  

Found this evening that the coreopsis I'd gathered at the town house last year and brought home to pop into a bucket have grown up tall and lovely and bloomed beautifully.  I'm going to collect seeds from these this year when they are done blooming, and I'll save them to plant in other areas.   Granny often grew coreopsis, and they did rather well at self-sowing in her big flower bed.  I suspect that these are kinfolk to some of hers since they were planted by Mama.

Tried a new recipe tonight.  I made it as written and took note when the woman sharing stated that it made a LOT of food. I divided between two pans and put one into the freezer.  Critique of it following the meal was that John felt he didn't get enough to eat.  Katie thought it needed a crunchy element other topping which was a bit much.  I agreed with her on both accounts and agreed with John, too.  For my part, I think it does need the full amount of meat the recipe calls for (1.5 pounds).  I'd reduced by a half pound and though it only had 1/2 cup of rice, spread over two pans, the truth is, it just wasn't meaty enough to suit me.  All these things have been duly noted.  The next panful will have the addition of the added ingredient Katie suggested and I'll top with less of the crunchy topping.  I'll also make sure to find an added side I can serve with it as well to give the meal more heft.

I'll post the recipe, with amendments, on my recipe blog and will link it here or in the diary post when I get it written up.

I talked over yesterday's purchases with John.  I made up my mind that next time I won't settle for anything but the one cookie I really love instead of choosing others.  I paid $3.50 for 8 oatmeal raisin cookies for goodness' sake!   My sole regret for yesterday's spending.  I could have had a small bunch of flowers for 50c more.

Tuesday:  I cleaned up the laundry area really well today and even delved into the storage baskets on the shelf above the machines.  I found I had a whole bottle of Shout to refill my bottle that Caleb emptied months ago.  I kept telling myself I needed to buy more but no I don't.  In fact, I have plenty more to refill the bottle if we empty it again.

I mentioned Windex yesterday...In cleaning out my trash/cleaning cupboard, I discovered I have a HUGE refill bottle of that, too.  In fact, I'm pretty well stocked on detergents, soaps, cleaning supplies overall.

We ate the last of the leftovers that weren't planned for other meals as our lunch today.  I did opt to use the chicken.  It was just enough for the three of us.  I'll thaw chicken for pot pie.

When my kitchen reno is complete I have an idea of what I want to do on one of the walls.  I found a vintage ad today in an old magazine I was going to donate, so I made a copy of it.  I'll have it framed one day when we're ready to decorate and hang it on the kitchen wall.

Made pancakes for breakfast.  I had enough extra to make us one more meal in the future, so I put those into the freezer to save.

We had enough steak leftover tonight that we can add it to our Cinco De Mayo dinner menu.  It will be nice to have the extra meat that night, since I have only a couple of small pork chops for carnitas.

John's sweet tooth prompted me to dig around in the freezer and use some the last package of last year's frozen peaches to make an easy cobbler.  I made a big pan full so we will hopefully have enough to last us through the week.

Wednesday: I cleaned my kitchen cabinet this morning, the one where I stock a few foodstuffs.  I found a box of pudding that was dated best by 2021.  How did I lose pudding for goodness sake?  I put it in the trash.  Normally I don't mind using something past the best buy date by two years out?  I just didn't feel comfortable with it.

The weather has been cool, a good bit cooler than I expected.  It's the wind.  The wind is so strong that we have a 7-10 degree difference in the temperature and what it feels like.   I might switch up my menu a little and make soup one night this week.  It would certainly be more welcome than a chilled pasta salad.  

I forgot to take out anything to thaw for supper last night.  I did a thaw and bake chicken.  I'm not sure what I'm doing with it but I'll figure it out as the afternoon moves on.  At least the chicken has thawed and is fully cooked.  I just need to figure out what side dishes we'll eat with it.

Okay apparently the chicken was a RAVE meal.  Go figure! lol.  I'll share that recipe too on my Recipe blog.  

I don't feel I did much of anything today to save money, produce something in my home other than a lot of meltdowns (not all of them were Caleb's).

We do the best we can as we can.

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Lana said...

When my family moved to Florida 54 years ago Publix meat was terrible. Their beef was like chewing a shoe. Mom and my grandparents never bought meat at Publix because of that and so I still have it in my head that Publix meat us subpar. I do still find other sources to have better meat at way cheaper prices but I have a lot of shopping choices here and a Sam's membership.

Anne said...

Years ago, I had a wall in my kitchen done up in vintage kitchen ads from the '40s and '30s.

lejmom said...

Terry, what sorts of things do you get in the way of food on Amazon? I would like to use that service; did so during the pandemic. I have felt that lately, their prices are out of line (too high). Do tell!

I love your approach to food making and shopping and home-caring... all while taking care of a sweet 3-year-old. Your days are full. You do put a lot of thought into everything you do. I admire you.

Have a wonderful day! Jane in Florida

Lana said...

Boy my comment sounded snarky. I did not mean for it to be.

terricheney said...

Lana, Years ago we went to a private butcher shop that did all their own meats and locally grown vegetables in season. We really enjoyed it but it was 50 miles one way to get there. So we'd usually stock up when we went. These days we just can't seem to get there.
I like Aldi meats fine. But the cryopacking does smell different. Kroger is WAY higher than Publix in our area. So I opt to buy best sales everywhere but now and then Publix is the best buy for us.
I still cannot convince John that Sam's would be worth the trip, so I'll just stick to my current rounds of Kroger, the discount grocery (also good meat but you have to watch that added 10% or you'll pay more than Publix), Publix, Aldi and the occasional rare shop at Walmart.

Anne, I just love that era of shopping. The ads I pulled the other day are from 1930's to 1950's. I just have this vision in my head and I know how I hope it will turn out.

LejMom: Sign up to get Hip2Save, KrazyCouponLady, MoneySavingMom newsletters. I scan them for good deals on Amazon. Again, I have that head for prices (and page numbers) so I can remember about what I paid last for something. Often enough it's a combined special of using Subscribe and Save, plus an Amazon coupon (you just click, and it applies).
I think I probably should do a post on this method of shopping online, so look for it in the near future. I didn't think anyone else would be interested but perhaps others would be, too.

Lana said...

Terri, My meat go to is Ingles. They have great sales and wonderful meats. Of course, Sam's is on sale prices every day and their meat is on par with Publix these days.

Lana said...

Also, you do not have to be a member to eat at the snack bar in Sam's. You can't beat a big hot dag and a drink for 1.38! Then you could just take a look around.

Karla said...

Can't wait to see your updated kitchen when it's complete! It's very exciting.

I buy mostly chicken breasts and ground beef, rarely anything else other than the occasional hotdogs or a roast. There are only 2 of us and I have a tiny below the fridge freezer drawer so I don't have a lot of stocking up space. But recently Sprouts had a great sale on organic chicken and grass fed ground beef so I did stock up a bit there. I'll have to check out Sam's and Costco and divide some bigger packages. Keeping the basics is always a good idea and I need to get better at it. Having it handy in the freezer has been helpful when I remember.

terricheney said...

Karla, my memory of Sam's meat counter is that the prices were very good and the meat high quality. But it's been years since I had a membership.

Meal Plan for Second Week of March