In My Home This Week: Let's Celebrate!

In my home this week...

...we've had a lovely start to summer, if you like the theory that summer 'starts' with Memorial Day weekend.  We drove up today to celebrate Taylor's first birthday.  My Katie had outdone herself in showing her sentimental side.  Taylor's shirt was made from the shirt Katie wore to her baby shower 14 months ago.  Katie made the banner, the fringe about the high chair from the tissue papers she'd saved from baby shower gifts.  Josh was good as gold and spent his time charming the women.  I'll share just a few photos...

....a few of you got the sneak preview without the promised photos...So sorry!  It was late...

It was a lovely afternoon with family and babies, sigh.  And a beautiful day, too.

....I plan meals

Bess and I will be sitting down together to plan meals again this week.  I thought I'd share what we actually prepared and ate last week since it was a slight change from the posted menu as well as the couple of items I know we will definitely be having this week.

Crock Pot General Tso Chicken with Vegetables, Brown Rice, Watermelon
We were going to make one recipe and I ended making another when two stores failed to carry a key ingredient.  This was however, a wonderful meal.  The final 45 minutes is when I put in the vegetables which cooked just enough to be crisp tender.

Easy Italian Beef with Mashed Potatoes, Pan Roast Zucchini, Salad, Rolls
A second new recipe I attempted.  I opted to leave out the zucchini from the dish as called for and served as a separate side.  There were enough leftovers of this to put in the freezer.

Leftovers Night
Oh did we ever have leftovers this week!  It was a great variety.

Burgers and Hot Dogs, Chips, Lettuce/Tomato/Onions
We plan to cook out later this week when my oldest son and his children come to visit.

Chicken Enchiladas, Corn, Salad
Bess made this dish and doubled the recipe.  She froze two pans of them.  We saved for a  company ready meal.

Mexican Pizza, Salad
Our idea this week was to make Mexican pizzas using Chorizo and Monterey Jack Cheese

...I plan my work week:

I've noted of late that several of my pots are leaving behind a grimy black rim on the countertops.  I think it's time to give my pots a really good scrubbing on the bottoms.

Sort out the napkin drawer.

Just generally do the fussy sort of work I haven't done in the past few weeks.  I won't start, nor attempt to finish, any projects this week, not with company coming in but I'll need to be busy enough.

Bess and I will go buy meats at a specialty grocery known for it's good organic meats for our cookout.

Plan meals for the week.

Finish the book I've been reading and post a review.

...I plan my leisure:

Rest, rest and rest.  I'll likely use some of that time to finish the book I've been reading but I'm feeling a bit tired now and I know unless I try to relax I'll not keep up with the incoming family.  His kids always seem to be a bit of a full task and I need all there is in me to keep up.  Resting up ahead of time is key.


Becky L said...

How precious those grandbabies are! Enjoy every minute!

Becky said...

It sounds like you've had a great week and are being wise and resting. The meals sound great😄

Lana said...

Please would you share the Crock Pot General Tso Chicken recipe? We are visiting our oldest son and family this weekend
His inlaws live 3 doors down and generously offered there guest room. They are out of town so we have the entire beautiful house to ourselves! This is the ultimate way to visit family!

Angela said...

Your grandbabies are so sweet! I would love the CP Gereal Tso too- it feels like July here in NW GA today. I need to use my CP more and NOT heat up the kitchen (and the cook).

Sew Blessed Maw [Judy] said...

Happy Birthday to baby girl.. Know you enjoyed the fun time with all the kids.
Have a great week...and rest when the chance comes..

Hope you and family have a wonderful Memorial day.

Anonymous said...

Me to for the recipe! So many are deep fried and would love a crockpot one. I put in crockpot about 3 times and my tablet kept changing it to crackpot! Glad I caught it or you might have been insulted! Gramma D

Tammy said...

I hope the visit from the grands goes well. I'm excited for you to get to spend some time with them. It'll be busy and maybe chaotic, but I hope you enjoy!

Kathy said...

Aww love the pictures! Your grand daughter is precious with the piggy tails in her hair. Love how Katie remade her shirt for Taylor. And kept the tissue papers to make the banner. Josh is a cutie too! Glad you were able to be together for such a special time.
Your menu sounds delicious. I love General Tso chicken so will have to try making it.
Hope you were able to get some rest and have some quiet time each day.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again