Tried and True: Recipes to Share for May


I'm a little late getting around to this, this month but better late than never right?  We've had two great months of offerings of favorite recipes.  You can find them here and here

Rules are the same as usual.  You can post link/links or recipes to the comments.  I'll save and delete from the comments as they come in.  I'll give 1 week to get your recipes linked up and then repost here. 

Here are two recipes I've found this past week.

Did this taste like a chocolate chip cookie?  No, not really but it was good and it was sweet and it was single serve all of which were bonuses in my book.  I'm going to try more of the mug recipes and try using sugar substitutes in them.  This was a good starter recipe for me.

Oregon cottage shared this recipe in 2012.  I've been making it at least that long and it's always a huge treat.

Quick & Easy Lava Cakes - An Oregon Cottage

I've tried other recipes but this is the one I go back to over and over again because it's almost no fail.  The only time I ever had a problem was when I failed to take them out when the timer went off.  Even one minute more is enough to set the middle, so stay in the kitchen and be ready to remove these from the oven the moment the timer goes off!

I look forward to seeing what you'll share this month!

1 comment:

Karla said...

By the way - if I've shared this one before, just delete it. LOL I cannot remember and I have post-vacation brain.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again