Questions and Answers and Comments, Oh MY!

I started out April posting my final tally for the first quarter of the year in the "Assigning Value to My Days" post.  I was shocked at how well I'd done and glad too to see it come up to such a nice sum.  It gave me a much needed boost of confidence that I truly do make a difference with what I do in my home.

Rhonda commented on how much she likes her black maxi skirts and I have to share that I finally had weather to wear mine and really enjoyed the comfort of it.  I wore it to church on Sunday and on our trip down to St. Augustine on Monday.  It was comfortable, cool (it was 90F that day) and didn't wrinkle, all great bonuses.  The olive green top I'd purchased to go with it bit the dust early.  John nor I thought to look at the label and it shrank badly in the wash.  I seldom have clothing that shrinks to a smaller size.  It just seems to get shorter and wider which is what the olive shirt did.  I'm trying to determine if I want to try to reuse the fabric and make another shirt or if I just want to scrap it.

Kathy share how she'd used up pineapple in a blueberry cobbler...she said it was an experiment that turned out very tasty.  I have combined oranges and peaches to make a sort of fuzzy navel cobbler and it was mighty good, too.  Never let a limited amount of one fruit or a leftover of another keep you from experimenting.  If you're unsure how something might taste together you can always sample it before you mix it all up together.  That's how I discovered that strawberries and oranges go together rather well, too.

Gramma D shared this hint:  If you take your printer cartridges out and shake them and reinstall you can get a few more uses from them.

Susie at Persimmon Moon Cottage shared how her fridge almost tripped her up when an item slipped into hiding...go read her comment.  All ended well.

On last month's Q,A &C post Joanne Baker reported her hand was out of cast and she was doing well.  Karla said her daughter came through the surgery well.  Lana reported her mom was doing so much better that she offered to come stay with Lana to help while her husband was out of town, lol!  Coriss I am hoping your report from doctor was good and continue to pray for you.  Are you partial weight bearing on that leg yet?  Check in and let us know please.

A Season of Prayer generated a lot of positive comments.  Thank you all.  I would really like to further develop my skill in writing and sharing my thoughts on spiritual matters and your ready response helped me feel I might have something to share in that area as well.

My first My Frugal Week post brought a nice tip from Mabel Hastings.  I'd mentioned I used Styrofoam peanuts in the big blue planter.  Here's her tip:  "Styrofoam peanuts will eventually migrate throughout the soil in your container and it will be almost impossible to remove them. If you must use them, put them in a plastic bag and that way they will not migrate."

In My Home This Week I mentioned copperhead snakes...Angela the warmer it gets the more cautious I am.  Last year I was weeding at my back steps and uncovered a tiny black snake.  He mustn't have been more than 6 inches long and was doubtless a rat snake but still...a snake!  I have never seen a copperhead but I certainly have been cautious when working in that area under those trees.

Tammy I think we have 6 poisonous snakes in our state. Of those six, three are rattlesnakes, the copperhead, coral snakes and water moccasins.   I've only ever seen rattlers once or twice.  Fortunately some of the non-venomous snakes (35 varieties in this state) that are usually found about homes also loathe rattlers and will kill and eat them. 

Susie asked about the illustrations used.  In this particular post, I found the woman sewing on the porch somewhere online.  I wish I could tell you where, but I can't.  I've used that image for years upon years, dating back to my old Penny Ann Poundwise at Xanga days.  The woman at the Hoosier cabinet and the dish washing woman were both ads in  1925- 1930 magazines.   I think they were Better Homes and Gardens ads but I'm not positive it was just that source. I have a few Ladies Home Journal and Woman's Home Companion magazines as well as a McCalls from that time period so it might have been any of them. The woman washing dishes was for Chipso soaps...don't you just love the dishes she's washing? 

Lake Livin' shared her menu for the week on this post and it sounded good!  If any of the rest of you would like to add in your menu or a link to yours, then please feel free to do so.  I for one can use all the added inspiration I can get.

Janell Seriously...We need to meet for coffee or something!

Sarah  I never did pick up that order from Lowes.  However, my son bought me ten bags of mulch last week as an early Mother's Day.   He does know the way to my heart that boy, lol.  There was an incentive extra battery pack included but the manufacturer never shipped extras to the stores.  When I called towards end of month to see if they had come in there were 7 on back order for that store alone.  I cancelled our order when we realized it was sort of hopeless waiting on that incentive to be fulfilled.  As for your prayer for their new home, my son got word yesterday that their offer was accepted on a home in his new work district.  It's not 'close'  but they will be within 3 hours which is  do-able for a day visit.

What I've Read This Week  Rhonda I was most happy to share your blog.  I still keep your motto on my kitchen bulletin board and am a faithful follower (but very poor about commenting).

Tried and True: Recipes to Share II  Be sure to read the comments.  There are recipes there, as well.  I especially want to try the curry recipe.  I've been making a Tandoori chicken recipe for sometime now that we really enjoy.

Angela The marinated sandwich recipe is easy enough and always a hit wherever I take them.  I start with 1/4 cup butter and 2 tablespoons minced onion, a dash of Worcestershire and 1 teaspoon minced garlic in a small saucepan.  Add 1 tablespoon prepared yellow mustard and heat to boiling.  You can also add 1-2 teaspoons poppy seeds if you'd like. 

Take  a package of dinner sized rolls (King Hawaiian are good ones to choose but not necessary).  Split and fill with ham or turkey or thin cooked burgers and a slice of cheese of your choice.  Drizzle some of the mustard butter over the inside of the roll.  Place in a pan and complete the package. Drizzle any remaining over the tops and bake at 350 until hot and slightly toasty.

I wrap these individually and freeze.  You can microwave to heat and so they are a great snack sandwich for kids after school.  Hope you enjoy!

The Itching Season was my coffee chat for this month.  Pam I do hope you are now all better.  I used to get bronchitis often and it wasn't until I started taking Guafinesin that I finally as able to get rid of it for good.  And yes, that is the make you cough medicine. 

Gramma D  I bought a trellis at Aldi this past week.  I might try to buy one more next week.  I think the rose bud would be pretty with trellises all in a row and these have little metal birds upon them which strikes my fancy.  I might need four to fit the length of the rose bed, but at $10 they are affordable.

Debbie My doctor felt that my body was having an allergic reaction to the medication as well as the poison and that it had simply over done itself.  I'd forgotten all about a hint he'd given me to take mega doses of Vitamin C which produces natural antihistamines.  The prednisone helped and by day three I was barely itchy and hardly had any rash left. 

Angela the nail kit I got was from Sensationail.  I bought it at Target and it cost about $32.  It came with the LED light and both the regular gel polish bases and top coat as well as the transformer solution that changes regular nail polish to an acrylic gel polish.  I love this product, because it will allow me to use up what I have on hand rather than purchase pricey bottles of polish.
I did try your tip about the hot water.  You were right it did help, as did ice packs between showers but nothing helped as much as the prednisone!

In My Home This Week III  Gramma D shared this hint while we have cameras out taking photos of rooms: "When you are taking photographs, remember to open drawers and closets and also photograph appliances, antiques etc. Then make sure you send a copy to someone else that lives elsewhere. None of us want a disaster such as a fire to happen, but none of us would be able to remember all our possessions for insurance purposes. "
You know I never did get my digital camera out and do that task.  I'll have to be sure to do that so I can 'see' what I'm not seeing about the house.

And funnily enough, a lot of things are still up in the air just as they were then but vacation was peaceful and things are falling into place in small ways.  The Florida house is being shown more often now they are with a new realty, the soon to be home has been chosen and so they now begin the buying process.  Sam's been so busy with his district that he's left here most mornings about 5am and has spent only 3 nights here.  His family is coming up to see him this weekend.  The little boy is having a hard time without seeing Daddy. 

The book review on Joan Rivers:  I guess I was feeling nostalgic for the young Joan Rivers and I was hoping to find her in the book by her daughter Melissa.  I would highly recommend that no one read the book and I mean that sincerely. However, having obligated myself to read it and review it, I did just that.  The book is in a pile to be re-homed.

Spring Wardrobe post:  Lana put in a prayer request about a house she was interested in possibly downsizing to.  Please let us know if there are any updates on that Lana.  I've been praying and I'm sure others have as well.

In this post you can get a look at the lovely olive green shirt we ruined.  Picture it about a foot and a half shorter...Yes, it did shrink that much.  I never dreamed it wasn't wash and wear fabric and so I never bothered to look at the label.  Silly woman.

Sarah, It is nice that our earrings and necklaces and hand bags can keep right on being used whether we go up or down on the scale.  My feet have shrunk.  Today I had to purchase a size 7.  I'd been wearing 8.5.  I'll lay odds that I will now have to try on shoes in 7, 7.5 and 8 in order to find my best fit.  Which isn't as odious as it sounds because the range of possibilities will only increase.

Kip  I write down combinations, too and of course, I have my blog photos, but I could also print out pages of photos and put in my homekeeping binder as a reminder. 

Karla  I love that quilt!  I am pretty sure it was a Cracker Barrel Country Store purchase.  I've used chambray blue and green and peach with that quilt through the years and like my outfits, a little change creates a whole new look.  And you know I've had it for years and years now so I'm not sure if it's still available.

In Adjusting and Readjusting  Lana you mention adopting a small dog...did the adoption go thru?  Has she proven to be a good match for you and your home? 

Debbie  I suppose I didn't explain myself very well.  It was indeed Shabat but Shabat also ushered in Passover which brings in the Feast of Unleavened Bread right with it that last seven days...hence we were yeast free for Passover.  I do not extend that to any other leavening but yeast, so we do still eat things that might have baking soda or baking powder in them.  Yeast is also used (I believe it's Brewer's Yeast) as a seasoning in many savory food items like Onion Soup mix and Mac and Cheese and some rice mixes, so I have learned pretty much which items we typically buy will need to exit the house. 
Right now I'm thinking of making the leftover Matzah crackers into a version of 'sweet 'n saltines' which is quite good, too.  My son has hinted he'd like more of my matzah crumb magic cookie bars but that has way too many sugars for me and I want a sweet treat myself.

Rhonda  Thank you for expressing your thoughts on my writing faith based pieces here on the blog.  I too am weary of the can'ts and shouldn'ts that keep being crammed upon us.  I enjoy when someone shares their well thought out posts as well. 
The LED flashlights are inexpensive and John surmises it's a switch that goes bad in them for some reason.  They are handy little flashlights to keep in a car console pocket or a purse rather than the big heavy ones. 

Kathy  There is a tradition of serving a leg of lamb for Seder but the Old Testament says that if you can't eat a leg of lamb in it's entirety on Passover that you're to throw it out.  I don't know why that rule but obviously with it being just John and I we are not about to buy a leg of lamb and then toss it.  A Jewish friend shared with me that you could substitute a roasted chicken thigh bone.  I believe that thigh bone is acceptable because it was Jacobs hip (which connects to the thigh bone, remember? smiles) that was displaced during his wrestling match with the Lord.  I think that is the significance of using a roasted thigh rather than a leg of lamb.  If I discover differently I will certainly correct myself here so you'll know.  And next year, during Passover, I will share our Seder plate and about the elements upon it.

Sarah I do agree that fajitas are 'sort of like stir fry'.  I am amused at how foods cross nationalities and become something else.  I love Chinese potstickers (especially the chicken ones) which are not even a distant cousin to ravioli or pierogi...And you are quite right.  We have formed a community of sorts here which I love and am deeply grateful for.   I've always found being a stay at home wife a lonely sort of occupation much as I love it. 

Years ago, here in Taylor County, there was a Homemakers Club.  I'd have loved to join in but most all of the members have died...Yes they were all older women and none of the young ones seem to have been interested.  What a treasure trove of help and tips we all missed!

A Spring Frame of Mind  Grammy Goodwill  I don't do anything especially fancy to my cubed steak but I do something that is a little different.  I season the steaks with salt, pepper, and allspice.  It really deepens and enriches that good beef flavor.  Then I just dust well with flour and fry in olive oil over medium heat.  You could, if you prefer more flavor, use Montreal steak seasoning.

Out and About  Lana  How clever to reuse the plants from the front flower beds as potting plants.  I have a number of pots myself and I'm finding them easier and easier to manage but I've cut way back on how many must be overwintered indoors. 

There are a few dark places that apparently are scars from the rash going deep into the skin but I am healed.  And the dosage of medicine worked well enough that after having the same dog paw me this past week I broke out in a few spots but no hard allergic reaction at all. 

We used flour tortillas and Grands biscuits this past week.  I don't care for canned biscuits, not even Grands, but they are wonderful for making frozen filled biscuits.  They don't crumble the way a homemade biscuit will after freezing.  My favorite cinnamon roll recipe is actually a rich biscuit dough which I prefer over yeast dough.

Planning for the Unknown  Vicki  My mom charged me rent years ago and while it was hardly rent it took a huge chunk from my poor little pay check, lol...It was indeed a valuable lesson.  So when our kids went to work they paid rent (the same amount I paid when I was a teen). 

Joanne Baker  I don't know why the boys but not the girls returning.  Amie had to move suddenly from an apartment and then lived in her car for a week or so with a couple of nights at Salvation Army before her manager offered her room and board.  We begged her to come home and set out again on her own but she refused.  Katie moved in with Samuel when her first marriage broke up, at his insistence, but we told her she had a landing spot here at home, too.  The boys seem to be far less reluctant to 'start over' at Mom and Dad's.  My own parents took all three of us (my two brothers and myself) back in at some point for a few months.  It's a terribly stressful thing for all involved. 

I think you are very brave to take on raising a granddaughter.  I do realize that we do what we must, but that's no reason to discount the fact that it takes courage to make that kind of change in your lives.  I'll be praying for you in this.

Julie Baker I think more and more of us are seeing a necessity to have children return home for one reason or another.  I was very grateful to my parents for allowing me and my children to move in between leaving physical rehab and then getting back to work.  It was, however, the longest three months of my life, lol.

Gramma D  Yes, he does cook but only on weekends.  Bess has honed her cooking skills in the past three years as she cooks during the week.  They do their own shopping for meals, too, which seems odd to me but then I've only been the only cook in the house.   Katie cooked when she lived here but she often utilized what was on hand rather than purchasing something different.

Well dears that is a wrap up of April's posts.  Thank you all for commenting and asking questions and as always thank you for reading.


Anonymous said...

Terri I don't think you caught that I asked what it was you added to the Splenda when you baked to help the consistency. You mentioned something but I looked and looked but cannot find that post. ..I only have a minute so will not write more now... Sarah

terricheney said...

Sarah I replied in the comments where you posted the question last time. I'll reply here on this post. When baking with Splenda I find it is best to add yogurt or sour cream to offset the dryness. Usually a couple of big tablespoons does the trick.

Anonymous said...

Oh I am sorry Terri. I thought I had gone back to check if you commented to my comment but if I did somehow I missed your comment. I wrote the Splenda addition down in my recipe file so I will not loose it again :) Thank you. Hubby is wanting something 'sweet' and I have been checking out recipes using things we already have on hand.
I love the Questions and Answers column. I always go back and reread at least one of your posts as it sparks a new interest in something hearing comments about it!. Also I keep the notebook I have I keep hint and thoughts of yours that are dear to me close when I read the answers and comments to catch more ideas! lol.
Oh wouldn't it have been so wonderful to be around other experienced homemakers! I wonder how many are now in rest homes that would still be willing and love to share? Or some may be at our church services and we never thought about them as sisters of the home so-to-speak . I imagine some of the older ladies would love to share and that would be an encouragement to some knowing they could pass along their knowledge. And that someone cared. You would of course be talking to them and sharing new things with them to brighten their day too. Also they need friends because as we age our friends die off. It must get lonesome loosing those you shared a lifetime of memories with. See I didn't think of this till you commented on it in this post! :-)
It is not the general information or the news I would miss if the internet went down so much as this type of sharing with other women. Again I will say too that I am grateful you do share your faith. When I am out and about and see people bow and pray before meals or hear a tableful talk about a service or an event at their church etc etc. it is so encouraging to me. It is a real blessing. You feel less alone. You never know who you are blessing by talking out in public. I am the only Christian in my family besides my sisters. I can see when people ask for prayer they too might ask because they have few others to ask to pray for them. I think some people take it for granted many others are standing up for them but that is not always the case. I do so enjoy all the ladies who share here. Sarah

Grammy Goodwill said...

Thanks for the answer to my steak question. It will be awhile before I try again, but I'll let you know if I have more success.

Lana said...

I look forward to this post all month!

Update on house and dog--Hubby was not as thrilled with the house as I was. He felt it just had too much property and trees to maintain which is what we now have. It had and many difficult areas to mow and the landscaping is horribly overgrown and needs to be torn out and redone. When we make this move it needs to be to where we can stay for 15-20 years or as long as we can be on our own. So many nice properties come with so much land here and our terrain tends to be rolling as we are in the foothills of the Blue Ridge. God knows where so we are taking our time. Meanwhile we are continuing to renovate here in preparation for selling this one. Half bath up next.

The little dog did not work out. The head of the rescue was not an easy person to work with and hubby said to just let it go. We continue to look for our little dog.

Unknown said...

I always look forward to this post as well! Thank you so much for your prayers... they are needed and welcomed! My granddaughter seems to be adjusting; we've only had one melt-down and have her started on weekly counseling sessions. It's an adjustment for my husband and I as well...our retirement traveling plans will have to wait a few more years. It is interesting to see how things have changed since my boys were young!

Sew Blessed Maw [Judy] said...

I really enjoy the question/answers post.. thank you .

Journal of My Week: Winter Again