Christmas Time is Near: Advent Day 25 & 26

Day 25

Isaiah 26:3  You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.

This day's reading began with the story of an incredible climb of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park in June of 2017.  Alex Honnold  free climbed 3,000 feet without any safety ropes or gear.  It was the man with his hands and feet and an absolute fearless attitude.

Did he climb because he was without fear?  No.  He climbed because he trusted his mind to remain calm despite his circumstances.  Now that is peace!

I love the verse used
with this reading  because John and I did a sort of free fall faith move a few years ago.  Tired of being burdened with worries and fears we stood on the side of a mountain where we go to pray and told God from that moment on we'd trust him.  We'd trust him with our children, with our finances, with our dreams, with everything. 

Of course, the first thing that happened was a whole series of things that threatened to overwhelm us with fear.  Our finances sank well below the level we considered comfortable, we struggled with job issues and marriage related issues, our children struggled with heavy things and then we were asked to leave a church where we'd been active.  Talk about free fall!  Each thing that came brought to us this awful fear.  And each time, we'd look at one another and say "But we TRUST YOU, GOD!"  

It's funny how often those words brought us peace.  I mean that.  We'd take a deep breath and feel this peace inside, welling up and flooding out fear.  No it wasn't easy.  Those were just the beginning tests of God's showing us how much we needed to let go and simply trust Him.  

Day 26
John 16:33  I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.  

One of the questions on this day really made me stop and think hard.  It asked "Do you think of peace as powerful?"

Honestly?  I can't say that I have thought of it as power until today's reading.  

Thinking of peace as something powerful, I recalled that in Ephesians Peace is one of the things we are to 'put on' as part of the armor of God. I like the way the NIV reads:  Ephesian 6:25  And being firm footed in the gospel of peace.   We might well misread the scripture in any translation as peace being something we preach but it is NOT.  It is something we put ON, that we actively take up and say "This I mine.  It is part of my armor."  The 'gospel' of peace is that Jesus continually told us that peace was ours, just as he does in John 16:33.   It is HIS words for us that peace is ours.  

Knowing that peace is YOURS and mine  certainly changes our perspectives doesn't it?


Karen in WI said...

I’ve really enjoyed you including your advent contemplation here. I really enjoyed it!

terricheney said...

Thank you so much Karen!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again