Christmas Time Is Near: Advent Day 6

Romans 8:25 - But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

What if we had to wait as long as Abraham did for hope to be realized?   Would you be able to hope even after years of waiting?  Would you give up?

It's a test of character when you answer those questions isn't it?  I've always said I'm very patient.  Give me a long line to stand in, a child who needs attention, endless interruptions and usually I am patient enough.  But when it comes to a prayer I want answered...well not so much!

But hope says that I will wait, however long it takes, for God to answer my plea.  It might mean that what I await, the dream I long for changes shape a few times as He patiently shows me how I must change in order to be ready for that much longed for prayer to be answered.  Maybe He needs to help me to alter my dream so that it's more in keeping with His plan for my life and less in keeping with what I think will make me happy.

It hasn't been a long time but it has been a time of waiting.  A few years ago, in the Spring, Bess called to say they were looking for a home.  She hoped especially for one just one hour away from our home.  I was enthusiastic.  Two days later, Sam called to announce he'd received a job offer...In North Point, Florida.  Not one hour away at all but ten hours away.  I enthused over the phone, but after the call, I lay my head down on the toilet I'd been cleaning when he called and wept.  I wept and said "It's not what I will Lord...I've asked for the best thing for them...But oh this hurts!"

I never told them I was waiting still, hoping, for the day when they would return, just as I hold close my hopes that Katie and perhaps Amie, too, will one day be nearer to me rather than away.

About 18 months ago, Sam received a promotion and was transferred to South Georgia.   He was just three hours away but my heart just wouldn't rest.  My hope remained that one day my children would return to this home place.

This fall Sam received notice of a job offer in a town about 50 miles away.  His work is such that he can work from home most days.  And then he told me that if he could buy the property next door to us, he meant to do so and make it his forever home.   Things fell into place.  The property went up for sale, financing came through and now they are listing their home for sale with a relator this very afternoon.

And my hope, having been fine honed through these few years, has increased.  One day...One day my children shall all be nearby.


Anonymous said...

I can testify to needing patience and waiting. Since my heart problem in September, I get up each morning, say "this is the day" planning on being my old self and then soon find myself sitting in the chair for just a bit and then at the end of the day finding I couldn't begin to do all, i thought i was capable of when i woke up. I am just grateful to wake up! It has changed Christmas but not in a bad way. No hours of shopping and wrapping, just simpler gifts and my daughters doing quite a bit of my shopping, no big batches of cookies and candy, just a couple favorites and no big cleaning jobs, no extra company. Christmas will come and go and it will be a nice memory anyway, and maybeI will have learned some lessons about patience, maybe.
Gramma D

Karla said...

I'm so excited to see what God does on top of what He's already done! His plan is so much greater than we can ever even fathom! We see the trees, He sees the forest!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again